#include "stat/exp_family.h" #include "stat/mixtures.h" using namespace bdm; //These lines are needed for use of cout and endl using std::cout; using std::endl; double normcoef ( const epdf* ep,const vec &xb, const vec &yb, int Ngr=100 ) { mat PPdf ( Ngr+1,Ngr+1 ); vec rgr ( 2 ); int i=0,j=0; double xstep= ( xb ( 1 )-xb ( 0 ) ) /Ngr; double ystep= ( yb ( 1 )-yb ( 0 ) ) /Ngr; for ( double x=xb ( 0 );x<=xb ( 1 );x+= xstep,i++ ) { rgr ( 0 ) =x;j=0; for ( double y=yb ( 0 );y<=yb ( 1 );y+=ystep,j++ ) { rgr ( 1 ) =y; PPdf ( i,j ) =exp ( ep->evallog ( rgr ) ); } } return sumsum ( PPdf ) *xstep*ystep; } int main() { RNG_randomize(); cout << "Testing enorm(2,2)"< E; E.set_rv(concat(x,y)); E.set_parameters ( mu,R ); cout << "enorm mean value:" << E.mean() <mean() < A ( 2 ); A ( 0 ) = Cn; A ( 1 ) = &mMg; mprod mEp ( A ); Smp=mEp.samplecond ( vec ( 0 ),1000 ); Emu = sum ( Smp,2 ) /N; Er = ( Smp*Smp.transpose() ) /N - outer_product ( Emu,Emu ); cout << "composite mean: " <