#include #include "../mat_checks.h" using namespace bdm; //These lines are needed for use of cout and endl using std::cout; using std::endl; TEST ( kalman_stress ) { // Kalman filter mat A, B, C, D, R, Q, P0; vec mu0; mat Mu0;; // input from Matlab it_file fin ( "kalman_stress.it" ); mat Dt; int Ndat; bool xxx = fin.seek ( "d" ); if ( !xxx ) { bdm_error ( "kalman_stress.it not found" ); } fin >> Dt; fin.seek ( "A" ); fin >> A; fin.seek ( "B" ); fin >> B; fin.seek ( "C" ); fin >> C; fin.seek ( "D" ); fin >> D; fin.seek ( "R" ); fin >> R; fin.seek ( "Q" ); fin >> Q; fin.seek ( "P0" ); fin >> P0; fin.seek ( "mu0" ); fin >> Mu0; mu0 = Mu0.get_col ( 0 ); Ndat = Dt.cols(); int dimx = A.rows(); // Prepare for Kalman filters in BDM: RV rx ( "{x }", vec_1 ( A.cols() ) ); RV ru ( "{u }", vec_1 ( B.cols() ) ); RV ry ( "{y }", vec_1 ( C.rows() ) ); // // LDMAT // Kalman KF(rx,ry,ru); // KF.set_parameters(A,B,C,D,ldmat(R),ldmat(Q)); // KF.set_est(mu0,ldmat(P0) ); // epdf& KFep = KF.posterior(); // mat Xt(2,Ndat); // Xt.set_col( 0,KFep.mean() ); //Chol KalmanCh KF; KF.set_parameters ( A, B, C, D, chmat ( Q ), chmat ( R ) ); KF.set_statistics ( mu0, chmat ( P0 ) ); //prediction! KF.set_evalll(false); KF.validate(); const epdf& KFep = KF.posterior(); mat Xt ( dimx, Ndat ); Xt.set_col ( 0, KFep.mean() ); // FULL KalmanFull KF2; KF2.set_parameters( A, B, C, D, Q, R); KF2.set_statistics( mu0, P0 ); KF2.set_evalll(false); KF2.validate(); mat Xt2 ( dimx, Ndat ); Xt2.set_col ( 0, mu0 ); // EKF shared_ptr fxu = new bilinfn ( A, B ); shared_ptr hxu = new bilinfn ( C, D ); EKFCh KFE; KFE.set_parameters ( fxu, hxu, Q, R ); KFE.set_statistics ( mu0, chmat ( P0 ) ); KFE.set_evalll(false); KFE.validate(); const epdf& KFEep = KFE.posterior(); mat XtE ( dimx, Ndat ); XtE.set_col ( 0, KFEep.mean() ); //test performance of each filter Real_Timer tt; vec exec_times ( 3 ); // KF, KF2, KFE vec dt; tt.tic(); for ( int t = 1; t < Ndat; t++ ) { dt = Dt.get_col(t); KF.bayes ( dt.get(0,C.rows()-1), dt.get(C.rows(), dt.length()-1) ); Xt.set_col ( t, KFep.mean() ); } exec_times ( 0 ) = tt.toc(); tt.tic(); for ( int t = 1; t < Ndat; t++ ) { dt = Dt.get_col(t); KF2.bayes ( dt.get(0,C.rows()-1), dt.get(C.rows(), dt.length()-1) ); Xt2.set_col ( t, KF2.posterior().mean() ); } exec_times ( 1 ) = tt.toc(); tt.tic(); for ( int t = 1; t < Ndat; t++ ) { dt = Dt.get_col(t); KFE.bayes ( dt.get(0,C.rows()-1), dt.get(C.rows(), dt.length()-1) ); XtE.set_col ( t, KFEep.mean() ); } exec_times ( 2 ) = tt.toc(); it_file fou ( "kalman_stress_res.it" ); fou << Name ( "xth" ) << Xt; fou << Name ( "xth2" ) << Xt2; fou << Name ( "xthE" ) << XtE; fou << Name ( "exec_times" ) << exec_times; }