1 | %close all |
2 | itload('../../mpf_u_delta.it') |
3 | figure(1); |
4 | for i =1:4 |
5 | subplot(4,1,i) |
6 | hold off |
7 | plot(xth(:,i)') |
8 | end |
9 | |
10 | figure(2) |
11 | for i=1:4 |
12 | subplot(4,1,i) |
13 | hold off |
14 | plot(xth(:,i)') |
15 | hold on; |
16 | plot(xthE(:,i)','r') |
17 | plot(xthM(:,i+3)','g') |
18 | % plot(xthV(i,:)','m'); |
19 | grid on |
20 | end |
21 | |
22 | figure(7); plot(abs(xthM(:,3))); |
23 | |
24 | figure(3) |
25 | tm=[1:9000]*125e-6; |
26 | subplot(2,1,1) |
27 | hold off |
28 | plot(tm,xthM(:,1),':') |
29 | hold on |
30 | plot(tm,xthM(:,2),'-') |
31 | set(gca,'XLim',[0,1.2]); |
32 | set(gca,'YLim',[-5,5]); |
33 | set(gca,'XTick',[]); |
34 | ylabel(['Estimated \Delta u [V]']); |
35 | legend('\Delta u_{\alpha s}', '\Delta u_{\beta s}') |
36 | |
37 | subplot(2,1,2) |
38 | hold off |
39 | plot(tm,-Dt(:,3)+Dt(:,5),':') |
40 | hold on |
41 | plot(tm,-Dt(:,4)+Dt(:,6),'-') |
42 | set(gca,'XLim',[0,1.2]); |
43 | set(gca,'YLim',[-5,5]); |
44 | legend('\Delta u_{\alpha s}', '\Delta u_{\beta s}') |
45 | ylabel(['Simulated \Delta u [V]']); |
46 | xlabel(['time [s]']); |
47 | % plot(Qtr(:,i)','--') |
48 | |
49 | |
50 | figure(4) |
51 | subplot(2,1,1) |
52 | hold off |
53 | di =xthE(:,1+2)'-xth(:,1+2)'; |
54 | plot(tm,di,'--') |
55 | MSE_E=di*di'/9000 |
56 | |
57 | hold on; |
58 | di = xthM(:,3+3)'-xth(:,1+2)'; |
59 | plot(tm,di,'-') |
60 | MSE_M=di*di'/9000 |
61 | plot(tm, zeros(1,9000),':') |
62 | set(gca,'XLim',[0,1.2]); |
63 | title ('Estimate deviation') |
64 | ylabel('Rotor speed \omega') |
65 | legend('EKF', 'EKF with estimated voltage drops') |
66 | |
67 | subplot(2,1,2) |
68 | hold off |
69 | di = xthE(:,2+2)'-xth(:,2+2)'; |
70 | i2=find(di>1.5*pi); |
71 | di(i2)=di(i2)-2*pi; |
72 | i2=find(di<-1.5*pi); |
73 | di(i2)=di(i2)+2*pi; |
74 | plot(tm,di,'--') |
75 | MSE_E=di*di'/9000 |
76 | |
77 | hold on; |
78 | di =xthMTh' - xth(:,2+2)'; |
79 | i2=find(di>1.5*pi); |
80 | di(i2)=di(i2)-2*pi; |
81 | i2=find(di<-1.5*pi); |
82 | di(i2)=di(i2)+2*pi; |
83 | plot(tm,di,'-') |
84 | MSE_M=di*di'/9000 |
85 | plot(tm,zeros(size(tm)),':') |
86 | title ('Estimate deviation') |
87 | ylabel('Rotor position \vartheta') |
88 | set(gca,'XLim',[0,1.2]); |
89 | %set(gca,'YLim',[-0.5 0.5]) |
90 | legend('EKF', 'EKF with estimated voltage drops') |
91 | |
92 | % figure(3) |
93 | % ndat = size(ll,2); |
94 | % hold off |
95 | % plot(llgrid,ll(:,floor(ndat/3)),':'); |
96 | % hold on |
97 | % plot(llgrid,ll(:,floor(2*ndat/3)),'--'); |
98 | % plot(llgrid,ll(:,ndat)); |