#include #include #include #include //#include using namespace itpp; //These lines are needed for use of cout and endl using std::cout; using std::endl; /*! The purpose of this experiment is to test merging fragmental pdfs between two participants sharing the same parameter, a. However, this parameter has a different role in each model. Lets assume that: u -> |a,r| -> y -> |a,r| -> z */ int main() { // Setup model RV y ( "{y }" ); RV u ( "{u }" ); RV z ( "{z }" ); RV a ("{a }"); RV b ("{b }"); RV ab = a; ab.add(b); RV c ("{c }"); RV ac = a; ac.add(c); RV r ("{r }"); double at = 1.5; double bt = 0.5; double ct = -0.5; double rt = 0.30; // Full system vec thy =vec_2 ( at,bt ); //Simulated system - zero for constant term vec thz =vec_2 ( at,ct ); //Simulated system - zero for constant term vec Thy = concat ( thy, vec_1(rt) ); //Full parameter vec Thz = concat ( thz, vec_1(rt) ); //Full parameter //ARX constructor mat V0 = 0.001*eye ( 3 ); V0 ( 0,0 ) = 1; // ARX P1 ( concat ( ab,r ), V0, -1 ); ARX P2 ( concat ( ac,r ), V0, -1 ); //Test estimation int ndat = 100; int t; // Logging dirfilelog L ( "exp/merg_2a",3 ); int Li_Data = L.add ( RV ( "{U Y Z }" ), "" ); // int Li_LL = L.add ( RV ( "{P1 P2 M1 M2 }" ), "LL" ); int Li_P1m = L.add ( concat ( ab,r ), "P1m" ); int Li_P2m = L.add ( concat ( ac,r ), "P2m" ); int Li_Mm = L.add ( concat ( ab,concat(r,c) ), "Mm" ); L.init(); vec Ut ( ndat ); vec Yt ( ndat ); vec Zt ( ndat ); vec yt ( 1 ); //Proposal enorm g0 ( ab ); g0.set_parameters ( "1 1 ",mat ( "1 0; 0 1" ) ); egamma g1 ( r ); g1.set_parameters ( "2 ", "2" ); enorm g2 ( c ); g2.set_parameters ( "1 ",mat ( "1" ) ); Array A ( 3 ); A ( 0 ) = &g0; A ( 1 ) =&g1; A(2) = &g2; eprod G0 ( A ); vec rgru(2); vec rgry(2); Yt(0) = 0.1; Ut(0) = 0.0; for ( t=1; t A ( 2 ); A ( 0 ) =&eG1;A ( 1 ) =&eG2; merger M ( A ); M.set_parameters ( 10, 100,3 ); //M._Mix().set_method(QB); //M2.set_parameters ( 100.0, 1000,3 ); //M2._Mix().set_method(QB); M.merge ( &G0 ); //Likelihood yt ( 0 ) = Yt ( t ); //Logger L.logit(Li_Data, vec_3(Ut(t), Yt(t), Zt(t))); L.logit(Li_P1m, P1._e()->mean()); L.logit(Li_P2m, P2._e()->mean()); L.logit(Li_Mm, M.mean()); L.step ( ); } L.finalize( ); L.itsave ( "merg_2a.it" ); cout << endl; }