#ifndef PMSM_H #define PMSM_H #include /*! \defgroup PMSM @{ */ using namespace bdm; //TODO hardcoded RVs!!! RV rx ( "{ia ib om th }"); RV ru ( "{ua ub }"); RV ry ( "{oia oib }"); // class uipmsm : public uibase{ // double Rs, Ls, dt, Ypm, kp, p, J, Mz; // }; //! State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to \f$x\f$ class IMpmsm : public diffbifn { protected: double Rs, Ls, dt, Ypm, kp, p, J, Mz; public: IMpmsm() :diffbifn ( ) {dimy=4; dimx = 4; dimu=2;}; //! Set mechanical and electrical variables void set_parameters ( double Rs0, double Ls0, double dt0, double Ypm0, double kp0, double p0, double J0, double Mz0 ) {Rs=Rs0; Ls=Ls0; dt=dt0; Ypm=Ypm0; kp=kp0; p=p0; J=J0; Mz=Mz0;} vec eval ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0 ) { // last state const double &iam = x0 ( 0 ); const double &ibm = x0 ( 1 ); const double &omm = x0 ( 2 ); const double &thm = x0 ( 3 ); const double &uam = u0 ( 0 ); const double &ubm = u0 ( 1 ); vec xk( 4 ); //ia xk ( 0 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ) * iam + Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * sin ( thm ) + uam*dt/Ls; //ib xk ( 1 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ) * ibm - Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * cos ( thm ) + ubm*dt/Ls; //om xk ( 2 ) = omm + kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( ibm * cos ( thm )-iam * sin ( thm ) ) - p/J*dt*Mz; //th xk ( 3 ) = thm + omm*dt; // <0..2pi> if ( xk ( 3 ) >pi ) xk ( 3 )-=2*pi; if ( xk ( 3 ) <-pi ) xk ( 3 ) +=2*pi; return xk; } void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) { const double &iam = x0 ( 0 ); const double &ibm = x0 ( 1 ); const double &omm = x0 ( 2 ); const double &thm = x0 ( 3 ); // d ia A ( 0,0 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ); A ( 0,1 ) = 0.0; A ( 0,2 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt* sin ( thm ); A ( 0,3 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * ( cos ( thm ) ); // d ib A ( 1,0 ) = 0.0 ; A ( 1,1 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ); A ( 1,2 ) = -Ypm/Ls*dt* cos ( thm ); A ( 1,3 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * ( sin ( thm ) ); // d om A ( 2,0 ) = kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( - sin ( thm ) ); A ( 2,1 ) = kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( cos ( thm ) ); A ( 2,2 ) = 1.0; A ( 2,3 ) = kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( -ibm * sin ( thm )-iam * cos ( thm ) ); // d th A ( 3,0 ) = 0.0; A ( 3,1 ) = 0.0; A ( 3,2 ) = dt; A ( 3,3 ) = 1.0; } void dfdu_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) {it_error ( "not needed" );}; }; //! State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to \f$x\f$ class IMpmsm2o : public diffbifn { protected: double Rs, Ls, dt, Ypm, kp, p, J, Mz; //! store first derivatives for the use in second derivatives double dia, dib, dom, dth; //! d2t = dt^2/2, cth = cos(th), sth=sin(th) double d2t, cth, sth; double iam, ibm, omm, thm, uam, ubm; public: IMpmsm2o() :diffbifn () {dimy=4;dimx=4;dimu=2;}; //! Set mechanical and electrical variables void set_parameters ( double Rs0, double Ls0, double dt0, double Ypm0, double kp0, double p0, double J0, double Mz0 ) {Rs=Rs0; Ls=Ls0; dt=dt0; Ypm=Ypm0; kp=kp0; p=p0; J=J0; Mz=Mz0; d2t=dt*dt/2;} vec eval ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0 ) { // last state iam = x0 ( 0 ); ibm = x0 ( 1 ); omm = x0 ( 2 ); thm = x0 ( 3 ); uam = u0 ( 0 ); ubm = u0 ( 1 ); cth = cos(thm); sth = sin(thm); dia = (- Rs/Ls*iam + Ypm/Ls*omm * sth + uam/Ls); dib = (- Rs/Ls*ibm - Ypm/Ls*omm * cth + ubm/Ls); dom = kp*p*p * Ypm/J *( ibm * cth-iam * sth ) - p/J*Mz; dth = omm; vec xk=zeros ( 4 ); xk ( 0 ) = iam + dt*dia;// +d2t*d2ia; xk ( 1 ) = ibm + dt*dib;// +d2t*d2ib; xk ( 2 ) = omm +dt*dom;// +d2t*d2om; xk ( 3 ) = thm + dt*dth;// +d2t*d2th; // <0..2pi> if ( xk ( 3 ) >pi ) xk ( 3 )-=2*pi; if ( xk ( 3 ) <-pi ) xk ( 3 ) +=2*pi; return xk; } //! eval 2nd order Taylor expansion, MUST be used only as a follow up AFTER eval()!! vec eval2o(const vec &du){ double dua = du ( 0 )/dt; double dub = du ( 1 )/dt; vec xth2o(4); xth2o(0) = (- Rs/Ls*dia + Ypm/Ls*(dom * sth + omm*cth) + dua/Ls); xth2o(1) = (- Rs/Ls*dib - Ypm/Ls*(dom * cth - omm*sth) + dub/Ls); xth2o(2) = kp*p*p * Ypm/J *( dib * cth-ibm*sth - (dia * sth + iam *cth)); xth2o(3) = dom; return xth2o; } void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) { iam = x0 ( 0 ); ibm = x0 ( 1 ); omm = x0 ( 2 ); thm = x0 ( 3 ); // d ia A ( 0,0 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ); A ( 0,1 ) = 0.0; A ( 0,2 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt* sin ( thm ); A ( 0,3 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * ( cos ( thm ) ); // d ib A ( 1,0 ) = 0.0 ; A ( 1,1 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ); A ( 1,2 ) = -Ypm/Ls*dt* cos ( thm ); A ( 1,3 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * ( sin ( thm ) ); // d om A ( 2,0 ) = kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( - sin ( thm ) ); A ( 2,1 ) = kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( cos ( thm ) ); A ( 2,2 ) = 1.0; A ( 2,3 ) = kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( -ibm * sin ( thm )-iam * cos ( thm ) ); // d th A ( 3,0 ) = 0.0; A ( 3,1 ) = 0.0; A ( 3,2 ) = dt; A ( 3,3 ) = 1.0; } void dfdu_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) {it_error ( "not needed" );}; }; //! State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to \f$x\f$, equation for \f$\omega\f$ is omitted.$ class IMpmsmStat : public IMpmsm { public: IMpmsmStat() :IMpmsm() {}; //! Set mechanical and electrical variables void set_parameters ( double Rs0, double Ls0, double dt0, double Ypm0, double kp0, double p0, double J0, double Mz0 ) {Rs=Rs0; Ls=Ls0; dt=dt0; Ypm=Ypm0; kp=kp0; p=p0; J=J0; Mz=Mz0;} vec eval ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0 ) { // last state double iam = x0 ( 0 ); double ibm = x0 ( 1 ); double omm = x0 ( 2 ); double thm = x0 ( 3 ); double uam = u0 ( 0 ); double ubm = u0 ( 1 ); vec xk=zeros ( 4 ); //ia xk ( 0 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ) * iam + Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * sin ( thm ) + uam*dt/Ls; //ib xk ( 1 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ) * ibm - Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * cos ( thm ) + ubm*dt/Ls; //om xk ( 2 ) = omm;// + kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( ibm * cos ( thm )-iam * sin ( thm ) ) - p/J*dt*Mz; //th xk ( 3 ) = rem(thm + omm*dt,2*pi); // <0..2pi> return xk; } void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) { // double iam = x0 ( 0 ); // double ibm = x0 ( 1 ); double omm = x0 ( 2 ); double thm = x0 ( 3 ); // d ia A ( 0,0 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ); A ( 0,1 ) = 0.0; A ( 0,2 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt* sin ( thm ); A ( 0,3 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * ( cos ( thm ) ); // d ib A ( 1,0 ) = 0.0 ; A ( 1,1 ) = ( 1.0- Rs/Ls*dt ); A ( 1,2 ) = -Ypm/Ls*dt* cos ( thm ); A ( 1,3 ) = Ypm/Ls*dt*omm * ( sin ( thm ) ); // d om A ( 2,0 ) = 0.0;//kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( - sin ( thm ) ); A ( 2,1 ) = 0.0;//kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( cos ( thm ) ); A ( 2,2 ) = 1.0; A ( 2,3 ) = 0.0;//kp*p*p * Ypm/J*dt* ( -ibm * sin ( thm )-iam * cos ( thm ) ); // d th A ( 3,0 ) = 0.0; A ( 3,1 ) = 0.0; A ( 3,2 ) = dt; A ( 3,3 ) = 1.0; } void dfdu_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) {it_error ( "not needed" );}; }; //! Observation model for PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to \f$x\f$ class OMpmsm: public diffbifn { public: OMpmsm() :diffbifn () {dimy=2;dimx=4;dimu=2;}; vec eval ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0 ) { vec y ( 2 ); y ( 0 ) = x0 ( 0 ); y ( 1 ) = x0 ( 1 ); return y; } void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) { A.clear(); A ( 0,0 ) = 1.0; A ( 1,1 ) = 1.0; } }; /*!@}*/ #endif //PMSM_H