#include #include using namespace itpp; //These lines are needed for use of cout and endl using std::cout; using std::endl; int main() { // Setup model : ARX for 1D Gaussian //Test constructor mat V0 = 0.00001*eye(2); V0(0,0)= 0.1; // RV thr("{th r }"); ARX Ar(thr, V0, -1.0); mat mu(1,1); mat R(1,1); Ar._e()->mean_mat(mu,R); cout << "Prior moments: mu="<< mu << ", R=" << R <evalcond_m(X,vec_1(1.0)); vec ll_x = Ar.logpred_m(X2); cout << "normalize : " << xstep*sum(Ap_x) << endl; cout << "normalize : " << xstep*sum(exp(ll_x)) << endl; it_file it("arx_elem_test.it"); it << Name("Ap_x") << Ap_x; it << Name("ll_x") << ll_x; }