#include "userinfo.h" class Engine { public: string producer; double consumption; Engine( string producer, double consumption ) : producer( producer ), consumption( consumption ) { } }; //! User info for strings class EngineUI : public UserInfo { public: StringAttribute producer; DoubleAttribute consumption; EngineUI() : UserInfo( "engine", "type of engine" ), producer( "producer"), consumption( "consumption") { producer.Attach( attributes ); consumption.Attach( attributes ); } Engine* build() { return new Engine( producer.value, consumption.value ); } }; class Car { public: string color; int year; Engine engine; Car( string color, int year, Engine engine) : color( color ), year( year ), engine( engine ) { } }; //! User info for strings class CarUI : public UserInfo { public: EngineUI engine; StringAttribute color; IntAttribute year; CarUI() : UserInfo("car", "type of a car"), color( "color"), year( "year" ) { engine.Attach( elements ); color.Attach( attributes ); year.Attach( attributes ); } Car* build() { Engine* pEng = engine.build(); return new Car(color.value, year.value,*pEng); } }; int main() { CarUI car; car.Save( "car.xml" ); /* car.Load( "car.xml" ); Car *pDefaultCar = car.build(); cout << "our car has " << pDefaultCar->color << " color"; delete pDefaultCar; // */ getchar(); return 0; }