/*! * \file * \brief Binary class definition * \author Tony Ottosson * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * IT++ - C++ library of mathematical, signal processing, speech processing, * and communications classes and functions * * Copyright (C) 1995-2007 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef BINARY_H #define BINARY_H #include namespace itpp { /*! \brief Binary arithmetic (boolean) class \author Tony Ottosson This class creates a binary aritmetic class, following the ordinary rules for binary (GF(2)) fields. Examples: \code bin a; // Creation of variable bin a = 0; // Creating a variable and assigning it value 0 bin b = 1; // Creating a variable and assigning it value 1 bin c = a + b; // XOR operation c = !a; // NOT c = a * b; // AND c = a / b; // OR \endcode */ class bin { public: //! Default constructor bin(): b(0) {} //! Set the binary object equal to \c value. Either "0" or "1". bin(const int &value): b(static_cast(value)) { it_assert_debug((value == 0) || (value == 1), "bin::bin(): value must be 0 or 1"); } //! Copy constructor bin(const bin &inbin): b(inbin.b) {} //! Assign a value void operator=(const int &value) { it_assert_debug((value == 0) || (value == 1), "bin::operator=(): value must be 0 or 1"); b = static_cast(value); } //! Assign a value void operator=(const bin &inbin) { b = inbin.b; } //! OR void operator/=(const bin &inbin) { b |= inbin.b; } //! OR void operator|=(const bin &inbin) { b |= inbin.b; } //! OR bin operator/(const bin &inbin) const { return bin(b | inbin.b); } //! OR bin operator|(const bin &inbin) const { return bin(b | inbin.b); } //! XOR void operator+=(const bin &inbin) { b ^= inbin.b; } //! XOR void operator^=(const bin &inbin) { b ^= inbin.b; } //! XOR bin operator+(const bin &inbin) const { return bin(b ^ inbin.b); } //! XOR bin operator^(const bin &inbin) const { return bin(b ^ inbin.b); } //! XOR void operator-=(const bin &inbin) { b ^= inbin.b; } //! XOR bin operator-(const bin &inbin) const { return bin(b ^ inbin.b); } //! Dummy definition to be able to use vec bin operator-() const { return bin(b); } //! AND void operator*=(const bin &inbin) { b &= inbin.b; } //! AND void operator&=(const bin &inbin) { b &= inbin.b; } //! AND bin operator*(const bin &inbin) const { return bin(b & inbin.b); } //! AND bin operator&(const bin &inbin) const { return bin(b & inbin.b); } //! NOT bin operator!(void) const { return bin(b^1); } //! NOT bin operator~(void) const { return bin(b^1); } //! Check if equal bool operator==(const bin &inbin) const { return b == inbin.b; } //! Check if equal bool operator==(const int &i) const { return b == i; } //! Check if not equal bool operator!=(const bin &inbin) const { return b != inbin.b; } //! Check if not equal bool operator!=(const int &i) const { return b != i; } //! Less than (interpret the binary values {0,1} as integers) bool operator<(const bin &inbin) const { return b < inbin.b; } //! Less than equal (interpret the binary values {0,1} as integers) bool operator<=(const bin &inbin) const { return b <= inbin.b; } //! Greater than (interpret the binary values {0,1} as integers) bool operator>(const bin &inbin) const { return b > inbin.b; } //! Greater than equal (interpret the binary values {0,1} as integers) bool operator>=(const bin &inbin) const { return b >= inbin.b; } //! Convert \c bin to \c short operator short() const { return static_cast(b); } //! Convert \c bin to \c int operator int() const { return static_cast(b); } //! Convert \c bin to \c bool operator bool() const { return b != 0; } //! Convert \c bin to \c float operator float() const { return static_cast(b); } //! Convert \c bin to \c double operator double() const { return static_cast(b); } //! Output the binary value of the object char value() const { return b; } private: char b; }; /*! \relatesalso bin \brief Output stream of bin */ std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &output, const bin &inbin); /*! \relatesalso bin \brief Input stream of bin */ std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &input, bin &outbin); /*! \relatesalso bin \brief absolute value of bin */ inline bin abs(const bin &inbin) { return inbin; } } // namespace itpp namespace std { // added 11/2005, EGL /*! \relatesalso itpp::bin \brief absolute value of bin */ inline int abs(const itpp::bin &inbin) { return inbin; } } // namespace std #endif // #ifndef BINARY_H