34 | | <p><center><img src="classmEF__inherit__graph.png" border="0" usemap="#mEF__inherit__map" alt="Inheritance graph"></center> |
35 | | <map name="mEF__inherit__map"> |
36 | | <area shape="rect" href="classmgamma.html" title="Gamma random walk." alt="" coords="16,156,91,180"><area shape="rect" href="classmlnorm.html" title="Normal distributed linear function with linear function of mean value;." alt="" coords="115,156,232,180"><area shape="rect" href="classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies." alt="" coords="88,6,139,30"><area shape="rect" href="classmgamma__fix.html" title="Gamma random walk around a fixed point." alt="" coords="5,230,101,254"></map> |
| 34 | <p><center><img src="classmmix__inherit__graph.png" border="0" usemap="#mmix__inherit__map" alt="Inheritance graph"></center> |
| 35 | <map name="mmix__inherit__map"> |
| 36 | <area shape="rect" href="classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies." alt="" coords="7,7,60,33"></map> |
41 | | <p><center><img src="classmEF__coll__graph.png" border="0" usemap="#mEF__coll__map" alt="Collaboration graph"></center> |
42 | | <map name="mEF__coll__map"> |
43 | | <area shape="rect" href="classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies." alt="" coords="5,185,56,209"><area shape="rect" href="classRV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables." alt="" coords="17,6,55,30"><area shape="rect" href="classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="51,96,96,120"></map> |
| 41 | <p><center><img src="classmmix__coll__graph.png" border="0" usemap="#mmix__coll__map" alt="Collaboration graph"></center> |
| 42 | <map name="mmix__coll__map"> |
| 43 | <area shape="rect" href="classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies." alt="" coords="5,204,59,231"><area shape="rect" href="classRV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables." alt="" coords="36,7,73,33"><area shape="rect" href="classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="71,105,119,132"><area shape="rect" href="classemix.html" title="Mixture of epdfs." alt="" coords="83,204,133,231"></map> |
50 | | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="8bf51fe8654d7b83c8c8afeb19409d4f"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mEF::mEF" ref="8bf51fe8654d7b83c8c8afeb19409d4f" args="(const RV &rv0, const RV &rvc0)" --> |
51 | | </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmEF.html#8bf51fe8654d7b83c8c8afeb19409d4f">mEF</a> (const <a class="el" href="classRV.html">RV</a> &rv0, const <a class="el" href="classRV.html">RV</a> &rvc0)</td></tr> |
| 50 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="6769a962f1f4d0ecc5b903b5f7d26ad3"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::mmix" ref="6769a962f1f4d0ecc5b903b5f7d26ad3" args="(RV &rv, RV &rvc)" --> |
| 51 | </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmmix.html#6769a962f1f4d0ecc5b903b5f7d26ad3">mmix</a> (<a class="el" href="classRV.html">RV</a> &<a class="el" href="classmpdf.html#f6687c07ff07d47812dd565368ca59eb">rv</a>, <a class="el" href="classRV.html">RV</a> &<a class="el" href="classmpdf.html#acb7dda792b3cd5576f39fa3129abbab">rvc</a>)</td></tr> |
| 54 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="e7681490a5c5b2d0a43f4e5842e10a9d"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::set_parameters" ref="e7681490a5c5b2d0a43f4e5842e10a9d" args="(const vec &w, const Array< mpdf * > &Coms)" --> |
| 55 | void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmmix.html#e7681490a5c5b2d0a43f4e5842e10a9d">set_parameters</a> (const vec &w, const Array< <a class="el" href="classmpdf.html">mpdf</a> * > &<a class="el" href="classmmix.html#460632c7a0afd41b7840902181a7d85f">Coms</a>)</td></tr> |
| 56 | |
| 57 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Set weights <code>w</code> and components <code>R</code>. <br></td></tr> |
| 58 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="1a66629ec5c2b6f4740606cf737f0193"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::condition" ref="1a66629ec5c2b6f4740606cf737f0193" args="(const vec &cond)" --> |
| 59 | void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmmix.html#1a66629ec5c2b6f4740606cf737f0193">condition</a> (const vec &cond)</td></tr> |
| 60 | |
| 61 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Update <code>ep</code> so that it represents this <a class="el" href="classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies.">mpdf</a> conditioned on <code>rvc</code> = cond. <br></td></tr> |
57 | | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="0f95a0cc6ab40611f46804682446ed83"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mEF::condition" ref="0f95a0cc6ab40611f46804682446ed83" args="(const vec &cond)" --> |
58 | | virtual void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmpdf.html#0f95a0cc6ab40611f46804682446ed83">condition</a> (const vec &cond)</td></tr> |
59 | | |
60 | | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Update <code>ep</code> so that it represents this <a class="el" href="classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies.">mpdf</a> conditioned on <code>rvc</code> = cond. <br></td></tr> |
61 | | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="80b738ece5bd4f8c4edaee4b38906f91"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mEF::evalcond" ref="80b738ece5bd4f8c4edaee4b38906f91" args="(const vec &dt, const vec &cond)" --> |
| 65 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top">virtual mat </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmpdf.html#6bf806badfdac606c847e458e8fce18c">samplecond</a> (vec &cond, vec &ll, int N)</td></tr> |
| 66 | |
| 67 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Returns N samples from the density conditioned on <code>cond</code>, <img class="formulaInl" alt="$x \sim epdf(rv|cond)$" src="form_10.png">. <a href="#6bf806badfdac606c847e458e8fce18c"></a><br></td></tr> |
| 68 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="80b738ece5bd4f8c4edaee4b38906f91"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::evalcond" ref="80b738ece5bd4f8c4edaee4b38906f91" args="(const vec &dt, const vec &cond)" --> |
74 | | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="f6687c07ff07d47812dd565368ca59eb"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mEF::rv" ref="f6687c07ff07d47812dd565368ca59eb" args="" --> |
| 81 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="460632c7a0afd41b7840902181a7d85f"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::Coms" ref="460632c7a0afd41b7840902181a7d85f" args="" --> |
| 82 | Array< <a class="el" href="classmpdf.html">mpdf</a> * > </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmmix.html#460632c7a0afd41b7840902181a7d85f">Coms</a></td></tr> |
| 83 | |
| 84 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Component (epdfs). <br></td></tr> |
| 85 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="507a5e6df53e6e9a6a330f1271cf0914"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::Epdf" ref="507a5e6df53e6e9a6a330f1271cf0914" args="" --> |
| 86 | <a class="el" href="classemix.html">emix</a> </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><a class="el" href="classmmix.html#507a5e6df53e6e9a6a330f1271cf0914">Epdf</a></td></tr> |
| 87 | |
| 88 | <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Internal <a class="el" href="classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density.">epdf</a>. <br></td></tr> |
| 89 | <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="f6687c07ff07d47812dd565368ca59eb"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::rv" ref="f6687c07ff07d47812dd565368ca59eb" args="" --> |
| 146 | |
| 147 | </div> |
| 148 | </div><p> |
| 149 | <a class="anchor" name="6bf806badfdac606c847e458e8fce18c"></a><!-- doxytag: member="mmix::samplecond" ref="6bf806badfdac606c847e458e8fce18c" args="(vec &cond, vec &ll, int N)" --> |
| 150 | <div class="memitem"> |
| 151 | <div class="memproto"> |
| 152 | <table class="memname"> |
| 153 | <tr> |
| 154 | <td class="memname">virtual mat mpdf::samplecond </td> |
| 155 | <td>(</td> |
| 156 | <td class="paramtype">vec & </td> |
| 157 | <td class="paramname"> <em>cond</em>, </td> |
| 158 | </tr> |
| 159 | <tr> |
| 160 | <td class="paramkey"></td> |
| 161 | <td></td> |
| 162 | <td class="paramtype">vec & </td> |
| 163 | <td class="paramname"> <em>ll</em>, </td> |
| 164 | </tr> |
| 165 | <tr> |
| 166 | <td class="paramkey"></td> |
| 167 | <td></td> |
| 168 | <td class="paramtype">int </td> |
| 169 | <td class="paramname"> <em>N</em></td><td> </td> |
| 170 | </tr> |
| 171 | <tr> |
| 172 | <td></td> |
| 173 | <td>)</td> |
| 174 | <td></td><td></td><td><code> [inline, virtual, inherited]</code></td> |
| 175 | </tr> |
| 176 | </table> |
| 177 | </div> |
| 178 | <div class="memdoc"> |
| 179 | |
| 180 | <p> |
| 181 | Returns N samples from the density conditioned on <code>cond</code>, <img class="formulaInl" alt="$x \sim epdf(rv|cond)$" src="form_10.png">. |
| 182 | <p> |
| 183 | <dl compact><dt><b>Parameters:</b></dt><dd> |
| 184 | <table border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0"> |
| 185 | <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>cond</em> </td><td>is numeric value of <code>rv</code> </td></tr> |
| 186 | <tr><td valign="top"></td><td valign="top"><em>ll</em> </td><td>is a return value of log-likelihood of the sample. </td></tr> |
| 187 | </table> |
| 188 | </dl> |
| 189 | |
| 190 | <p>Reimplemented in <a class="el" href="classmlnorm.html#215fb88cc8b95d64cdefd6849abdd1e8">mlnorm< sq_T ></a>, and <a class="el" href="classmgamma.html#e9d52749793f40aad85b70c6db4435ae">mgamma</a>.</p> |
| 191 | |
| 192 | <p>References <a class="el" href="libBM_8h-source.html#l00180">mpdf::condition()</a>, <a class="el" href="libBM_8h-source.html#l00057">RV::count()</a>, <a class="el" href="libBM_8h-source.html#l00163">mpdf::ep</a>, <a class="el" href="classepdf.html#6aef3eca74899692503769c18add1a4c">epdf::evalpdflog()</a>, <a class="el" href="libBM_8h-source.html#l00159">mpdf::rv</a>, and <a class="el" href="classepdf.html#8019654e494bf5e458f6fb947e11b262">epdf::sample()</a>.</p> |