1 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classcompositepdf.html" title="Abstract composition of pdfs, a base for specific classes." alt="" coords="7,284,113,311"> |
2 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmerger.html" title="Function for general combination of pdfs." alt="" coords="164,259,231,285"> |
3 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmprod.html" title="Chain rule decomposition of epdf." alt="" coords="165,309,229,336"> |
4 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="36,132,84,159"> |
5 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classeEF.html" title="General conjugate exponential family posterior density." alt="" coords="176,208,219,235"> |
6 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classeEmp.html" title="Weighted empirical density." alt="" coords="168,5,227,32"> |
7 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classemix.html" title="Mixture of epdfs." alt="" coords="172,56,223,83"> |
8 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classeprod.html" title="Product of independent epdfs. For dependent pdfs, use mprod." alt="" coords="168,107,227,133"> |
9 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classeuni.html" title="Uniform distributed density on a rectangular support." alt="" coords="173,157,221,184"> |
10 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classeDirich.html" title="Dirichlet posterior density." alt="" coords="317,157,381,184"> |
11 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classegamma.html" title="Gamma posterior density." alt="" coords="309,208,389,235"> |
12 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classegiw.html" title="Gauss-inverse-Wishart density stored in LD form." alt="" coords="325,259,373,285"> |
13 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix." alt="" coords="288,309,411,336"> |
14 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="enorm\< chmat \>" alt="" coords="283,360,416,387"> |
15 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="enorm\< fsqmat \>" alt="" coords="280,56,419,83"> |
16 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="enorm\< ldmat \>" alt="" coords="284,107,415,133"> |
17 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmpdf.html" title="Conditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies." alt="" coords="33,385,87,412"> |
18 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmEF.html" title="Exponential family model." alt="" coords="173,411,221,437"> |
19 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmepdf.html" title="Unconditional mpdf, allows using epdf in the role of mpdf." alt="" coords="167,461,228,488"> |
20 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmmix.html" title="Mixture of mpdfs with constant weights, all mpdfs are of equal type." alt="" coords="169,360,225,387"> |
21 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmgamma.html" title="Gamma random walk." alt="" coords="308,461,391,488"> |
22 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmlnorm.html" title="Normal distributed linear function with linear function of mean value;." alt="" coords="284,411,415,437"> |
23 | | <area shape="rect" href="$classmgamma__fix.html" title="Gamma random walk around a fixed point." alt="" coords="468,461,572,488"> |
| 1 | <area shape="rect" href="$classlogger.html" title="Class for storing results (and semi-results) of an experiment." alt="" coords="5,5,67,32"> |
| 2 | <area shape="rect" href="$classmemlog.html" title="Logging into matrices in data format in memory." alt="" coords="115,5,189,32"> |
| 3 | <area shape="rect" href="$classdirfilelog.html" title="Logging into dirfile with buffer in memory." alt="" coords="237,5,312,32"> |