Changeset 224 for doc/html/chmat_8h.html

01/05/09 19:59:06 (16 years ago)


1 modified


  • doc/html/chmat_8h.html

    r219 r224  
    3939<p><center><img src="chmat_8h__dep__incl.png" border="0" usemap="#work/git/mixpp/bdm/math/chmat.hdep_map" alt=""></center> 
    4040<map name="work/git/mixpp/bdm/math/chmat.hdep_map"> 
    41 <area shape="rect" href="libKF_8h.html" title="Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions." alt="" coords="547,84,776,111"><area shape="rect" href="sim__var_8cpp.html" title="Models for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM." alt="" coords="845,161,1083,188"><area shape="rect" href="ekf__templ_8h.html" title="Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions." alt="" coords="112,161,376,188"><area shape="rect" href="ekf__obj_8h.html" title="Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions." alt="" coords="400,161,821,188"><area shape="rect" href="k1_8cpp.html" title="Models for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM." alt="" coords="5,239,221,265"><area shape="rect" href="pmsm__mix_8cpp.html" title="Models for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM." alt="" coords="245,239,504,265"></map> 
     41<area shape="rect" href="libKF_8h.html" title="Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions." alt="" coords="1287,84,1516,111"><area shape="rect" href="sim__var_8cpp.html" title="Simulation of disturbances in PMSM model, EKF runs with simulated covariances." alt="" coords="2245,161,2483,188"><area shape="rect" href="ekf__templ_8h.html" title="Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions." alt="" coords="112,161,376,188"><area shape="rect" href="mpf__test_8cpp.html" title="TR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation." alt="" coords="400,161,645,188"><area shape="rect" href="mpf__u__delta_8cpp.html" title="TR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation." alt="" coords="669,161,936,188"><area shape="rect" href="mpf__u__weight_8cpp.html" title="Voltage U is multiplied by an unknown weight w which is estimated by MPF." alt="" coords="960,161,1237,188"><area shape="rect" href="pmsm__unkQpf_8cpp.html" title="A test for Kalman with unknown Q." alt="" coords="1261,161,1541,188"><area shape="rect" href="sim_8cpp.html" title="Simulation of disturbances in PMSM model, PWM and integration disturbances are distinguished..." alt="" coords="1565,161,1776,188"><area shape="rect" href="ekf__obj_8h.html" title="Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions." alt="" coords="1800,161,2221,188"><area shape="rect" href="k1_8cpp.html" title="Models for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM." alt="" coords="5,239,221,265"><area shape="rect" href="pmsm__mix_8cpp.html" title="Models for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM." alt="" coords="245,239,504,265"></map> 
    5656----------------------------------- BDM++ - C++ library for Bayesian Decision Making under Uncertainty<p> 
    5757Using IT++ for numerical operations ----------------------------------- </div> 
    58 <hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Thu Dec 4 14:42:15 2008 for mixpp by&nbsp; 
     58<hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Mon Jan 5 19:29:11 2009 for mixpp by&nbsp; 
    5959<a href=""> 
    6060<img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border="0"></a> 1.5.6 </small></address>