Changeset 271 for doc/html/classbdm_1_1MemDS.html
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r270 r271 6 6 </head><body> 7 7 <!-- Generated by Doxygen 1.5.6 --> 8 <script type="text/javascript"> 9 <!-- 10 function changeDisplayState (e){ 11 var[^[0-9]/g,''); 12 var button=this.firstChild; 13 var sectionDiv=document.getElementById('dynsection'+num); 14 if ('none'||''){ 15'block'; 16 button.src='open.gif'; 17 }else{ 18'none'; 19 button.src='closed.gif'; 20 } 21 } 22 function initDynSections(){ 23 var divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div'); 24 var sectionCounter=1; 25 for(var i=0;i<divs.length-1;i++){ 26 if(divs[i].className=='dynheader'&&divs[i+1].className=='dynsection'){ 27 var header=divs[i]; 28 var section=divs[i+1]; 29 var button=header.firstChild; 30 if (button!='IMG'){ 31 divs[i].insertBefore(document.createTextNode(' '),divs[i].firstChild); 32 button=document.createElement('img'); 33 divs[i].insertBefore(button,divs[i].firstChild); 34 } 35'pointer'; 36 header.onclick=changeDisplayState; 37'dynheader'+sectionCounter; 38 button.src='closed.gif'; 39'dynsection'+sectionCounter; 40'none'; 41'14px'; 42 sectionCounter++; 43 } 44 } 45 } 46 window.onload = initDynSections; 47 --> 48 </script> 8 49 <div class="navigation" id="top"> 9 50 <div class="tabs"> 10 51 <ul> 11 <li><a href=" index.html"><span>Main Page</span></a></li>52 <li><a href="main.html"><span>Main Page</span></a></li> 12 53 <li><a href="pages.html"><span>Related Pages</span></a></li> 13 54 <li><a href="modules.html"><span>Modules</span></a></li> 14 <li><a href="namespaces.html"><span>Namespaces</span></a></li>15 55 <li class="current"><a href="classes.html"><span>Classes</span></a></li> 16 56 <li><a href="files.html"><span>Files</span></a></li> … … 25 65 </ul> 26 66 </div> 27 <div class="navpath">< a class="el" href="namespacebdm.html">bdm</a>::<a class="el" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html">MemDS</a>67 <div class="navpath"><b>bdm</b>::<a class="el" href="classbdm_1_1MemDS.html">MemDS</a> 28 68 </div> 29 69 </div> … … 34 74 Inheritance diagram for bdm::MemDS:</div> 35 75 <div class="dynsection"> 36 <p><center><img src="classbdm_1_1MemDS__inherit__graph.png" border="0" usemap="#bdm_1_1MemDS__inherit__map" alt="Inheritance graph"></center> 37 <map name="bdm_1_1MemDS__inherit__map"> 38 <area shape="rect" href="classbdm_1_1DS.html" title="Abstract class for discrete-time sources of data." alt="" coords="23,84,100,111"><area shape="rect" href="classbdm_1_1bdmroot.html" title="Root class of BDM objects." alt="" coords="5,7,117,33"></map> 39 <center><font size="2">[<a href="graph_legend.html">legend</a>]</font></center></div> 76 77 <p><center><img src="classbdm_1_1MemDS.png" usemap="#bdm::MemDS_map" border="0" alt=""></center> 78 <map name="bdm::MemDS_map"> 79 <area href="classbdm_1_1DS.html" alt="bdm::DS" shape="rect" coords="0,56,86,80"> 80 <area href="classbdm_1_1bdmroot.html" alt="bdm::bdmroot" shape="rect" coords="0,0,86,24"> 81 </map> 82 </div> 40 83 41 84 <p> … … 43 86 Memory storage of off-line data column-wise. 44 87 <p> 45 The data are stored in an internal matrix <code>Data</code> . Each column of Data corresponds to one discrete time observation <img class="formulaInl" alt="$t$" src="form_38.png">. Access to this matrix is via ind exes <code>rowid</code> and <code>delays</code>.<p>88 The data are stored in an internal matrix <code>Data</code> . Each column of Data corresponds to one discrete time observation <img class="formulaInl" alt="$t$" src="form_38.png">. Access to this matrix is via indices <code>rowid</code> and <code>delays</code>.<p> 46 89 The data can be loaded from a file. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> 47 90 <tr><td></td></tr> … … 55 98 56 99 <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Returns data records at indeces. <br></td></tr> 57 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name=" 5f72b555e0e4a61de1440c457cf57007"></a><!-- doxytag: member="bdm::MemDS::linkrvs" ref="5f72b555e0e4a61de1440c457cf57007" args="(RV &drv, RV &urv)" -->58 void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b> linkrvs</b> (<a class="el" href="classbdm_1_1RV.html">RV</a> &drv, <a class="el" href="classbdm_1_1RV.html">RV</a> &urv)</td></tr>100 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="e6428f2778254e8304fb5a799b7f815a"></a><!-- doxytag: member="bdm::MemDS::set_rvs" ref="e6428f2778254e8304fb5a799b7f815a" args="(RV &drv, RV &urv)" --> 101 void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>set_rvs</b> (<a class="el" href="classbdm_1_1RV.html">RV</a> &drv, <a class="el" href="classbdm_1_1RV.html">RV</a> &urv)</td></tr> 59 102 60 103 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="9a7f17598fe2b458707ba932865beef5"></a><!-- doxytag: member="bdm::MemDS::write" ref="9a7f17598fe2b458707ba932865beef5" args="(vec &ut)" --> … … 62 105 63 106 <tr><td class="mdescLeft"> </td><td class="mdescRight">Accepts action variable and schedule it for application. <br></td></tr> 64 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name=" d9af4563d430d8a3f15aa03581e52ef0"></a><!-- doxytag: member="bdm::MemDS::write" ref="d9af4563d430d8a3f15aa03581e52ef0" args="(vec &ut, ivec &indexes)" -->65 void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>write</b> (vec &ut, ivec &ind exes)</td></tr>107 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="4349a043d00fd82c8d5f5c39673787e5"></a><!-- doxytag: member="bdm::MemDS::write" ref="4349a043d00fd82c8d5f5c39673787e5" args="(vec &ut, ivec &indices)" --> 108 void </td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>write</b> (vec &ut, ivec &indices)</td></tr> 66 109 67 110 <tr><td class="memItemLeft" nowrap align="right" valign="top"><a class="anchor" name="21916feb3e5ff960855c09b06a0d279b"></a><!-- doxytag: member="bdm::MemDS::step" ref="21916feb3e5ff960855c09b06a0d279b" args="()" --> … … 119 162 <li><a class="el" href="libDS_8h-source.html">libDS.h</a><li>libDS.cpp</ul> 120 163 </div> 121 <hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Wed Feb 11 23:34:052009 for mixpp by 164 <hr size="1"><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Sun Feb 15 23:09:49 2009 for mixpp by 122 165 <a href=""> 123 166 <img src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen" align="middle" border="0"></a> 1.5.6 </small></address>