Changeset 319 for doc/html/install.html

04/23/09 14:05:32 (16 years ago)

velke preskupeni adresare, zalozeny a naplneny adresare \applications a \system, u mne vse chodi tak jak ma, co na linuxu?

1 modified


  • doc/html/install.html

    r312 r319  
    8787Make sure you have cmake installed.<p> 
    8888Expert users are advised to download and compile their ITPP version following a guide on : <a href=""></a><p> 
    89 For convenience of the beginners, DLLS of the ACML and lib+include files for ITPP and ACML are provided at: <a href=""></a> If you want to use them copy the content of the zip file to win32\ directory and make sure to set your PATH environment variable: <div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"> Path = %PATH%; &lt;bdm_dir&gt;\win32\dll 
     89For convenience of the beginners, DLLS of the ACML and lib+include files for ITPP and ACML are provided at: <a href=""></a> If you want to use them copy the content of the zip file to win32\ directory and make sure to set your PATH environment variable: <div class="fragment"><pre class="fragment"> Path = %PATH%; &lt;bdm_dir&gt;\system\win32\dll 
    9090</pre></div> Otherwise you will not be able to run any programs.<p> 
    9191Compilation of BDM:<p> 
    92 When everything is set-up, make a copy of win32/run_cmake.bat, edit it to reflect your environment (i.e. change paths to cmake and your C++ target environment) and run it.<p> 
     92When everything is set-up, make a copy of system/win32/run_cmake.bat, edit it to reflect your environment (i.e. change paths to cmake and your C++ target environment) and run it.<p> 
    9393It should generate build files for your compiler in the main BDM directory<h2><a class="anchor" name="mac"> 
    9494Mac OS X</a></h2>