04/23/09 21:12:23 (15 years ago)


1 modified


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    r312 r323  
    2222<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1KalmanCh.html" title="Kalman filter in square root form." alt="" coords="567,335,681,361"> 
    2323<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter in Square root." alt="" coords="768,335,864,361"> 
    24 <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__chQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown Q." alt="" coords="933,208,1061,235"> 
    25 <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__cond.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown parameters in IM." alt="" coords="932,259,1063,285"> 
    26 <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__dQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown diagonal Q." alt="" coords="937,309,1057,336"> 
    27 <area shape="rect" href="$classEKF__unQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q." alt="" coords="959,360,1036,387"> 
    28 <area shape="rect" href="$classEKFCh__cond.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q." alt="" coords="948,411,1047,437"> 
    29 <area shape="rect" href="$classEKFCh__du__kQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q and delta u." alt="" coords="944,461,1051,488"> 
     24<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__chQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown Q." alt="" coords="933,183,1061,209"> 
     25<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__cond.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown parameters in IM." alt="" coords="932,233,1063,260"> 
     26<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKFCh__dQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown diagonal Q." alt="" coords="937,284,1057,311"> 
     27<area shape="rect" href="$classEKF__unQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q." alt="" coords="959,335,1036,361"> 
     28<area shape="rect" href="$classEKFCh__cond.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q." alt="" coords="948,385,1047,412"> 
     29<area shape="rect" href="$classEKFCh__du__kQ.html" title="Extended Kalman filter with unknown Q and delta u." alt="" coords="944,436,1051,463"> 
     30<area shape="rect" href="$classpmsmCRB.html" title="This class behaves like BM but it is evaluating EKF." alt="" coords="956,487,1039,513"> 
    3031<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1EKF.html" title="Extended Kalman Filter." alt="" coords="557,385,691,412"> 
    3132<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1KFcondQR.html" title="Kalman Filter with conditional diagonal matrices R and Q." alt="" coords="565,436,683,463"> 
    5657<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1diffbifn.html" title="Class representing a differentiable function of two variables ." alt="" coords="372,1399,463,1425"> 
    5758<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1linfn.html" title="Class representing function ." alt="" coords="379,1449,456,1476"> 
    58 <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1bilinfn.html" title="Class representing function ." alt="" coords="580,1297,668,1324"> 
    59 <area shape="rect" href="$classIMpmsm.html" title="State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to ." alt="" coords="588,1348,660,1375"> 
    60 <area shape="rect" href="$classIMpmsm2o.html" title="State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to ." alt="" coords="581,1399,667,1425"> 
    61 <area shape="rect" href="$classOMpmsm.html" title="Observation model for PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to ." alt="" coords="585,1449,663,1476"> 
    62 <area shape="rect" href="$classIMpmsmStat.html" title="State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to , equation..." alt="" coords="768,1348,864,1375"> 
     59<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1bilinfn.html" title="Class representing function ." alt="" coords="580,1272,668,1299"> 
     60<area shape="rect" href="$classIMk1.html" title="Model stredni hodnoty vyvoje stavu pro k1." alt="" coords="599,1323,649,1349"> 
     61<area shape="rect" href="$classIMpmsm.html" title="State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to ." alt="" coords="588,1373,660,1400"> 
     62<area shape="rect" href="$classOMk1.html" title="model stredni hodnoty pozorovani pro k1" alt="" coords="596,1424,652,1451"> 
     63<area shape="rect" href="$classOMpmsm.html" title="Observation model for PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to ." alt="" coords="585,1475,663,1501"> 
     64<area shape="rect" href="$classIMpmsm2o.html" title="State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to ." alt="" coords="773,1348,859,1375"> 
     65<area shape="rect" href="$classIMpmsmStat.html" title="State evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to , equation..." alt="" coords="768,1399,864,1425"> 
    6366<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1memlog.html" title="Logging into matrices in data format in memory." alt="" coords="368,1500,467,1527"> 
    64 <area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1dirfilelog.html" title="Logging into dirfile with buffer in memory." alt="" coords="573,1500,675,1527"> 
     67<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1dirfilelog.html" title="Logging into dirfile with buffer in memory." alt="" coords="573,1525,675,1552"> 
    6568<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mEF.html" title="Exponential family model." alt="" coords="376,1095,459,1121"> 
    6669<area shape="rect" href="$classbdm_1_1mepdf.html" title="Unconditional mpdf, allows using epdf in the role of mpdf." alt="" coords="372,1145,463,1172">