09/13/09 23:15:31 (15 years ago)

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  • library/doc/html/classbdm_1_1CsvFileDS.html

    r614 r616  
    7474<p>CSV file data storage The constructor creates <code>Data</code> matrix from the records in a CSV file <code>fname</code>. The orientation can be of two types: 1. <code>BY_COL</code> which is default - the data are stored in columns; one column per time <img class="formulaInl" alt="$t$" src="form_22.png"/>, one row per data item. 2. <code>BY_ROW</code> if the data are stored the classical CSV style. Then each column stores the values for data item, for ex. <img class="formulaInl" alt="$[y_{t} y_{t-1} ...]$" src="form_23.png"/>, one row for each discrete time instant.   
    7575<a href="#_details">More...</a></p> 
     76<hr/><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> 
     77<p>CSV file data storage The constructor creates <code>Data</code> matrix from the records in a CSV file <code>fname</code>. The orientation can be of two types: 1. <code>BY_COL</code> which is default - the data are stored in columns; one column per time <img class="formulaInl" alt="$t$" src="form_22.png"/>, one row per data item. 2. <code>BY_ROW</code> if the data are stored the classical CSV style. Then each column stores the values for data item, for ex. <img class="formulaInl" alt="$[y_{t} y_{t-1} ...]$" src="form_23.png"/>, one row for each discrete time instant. </p> 
    7779<p><code>#include &lt;<a class="el" href="datasources_8h_source.html">datasources.h</a>&gt;</code></p> 
    170172int&nbsp;</td><td class="memItemRight" valign="bottom"><b>L_ut</b></td></tr> 
    172 <hr/><a name="_details"></a><h2>Detailed Description</h2> 
    173 <p>CSV file data storage The constructor creates <code>Data</code> matrix from the records in a CSV file <code>fname</code>. The orientation can be of two types: 1. <code>BY_COL</code> which is default - the data are stored in columns; one column per time <img class="formulaInl" alt="$t$" src="form_22.png"/>, one row per data item. 2. <code>BY_ROW</code> if the data are stored the classical CSV style. Then each column stores the values for data item, for ex. <img class="formulaInl" alt="$[y_{t} y_{t-1} ...]$" src="form_23.png"/>, one row for each discrete time instant. </p> 
    174174<hr/><h2>Member Function Documentation</h2> 
    175175<a class="anchor" id="afaebfe6d7a2a43421be05d8cf7d7ae45"></a><!-- doxytag: member="bdm::CsvFileDS::from_setting" ref="afaebfe6d7a2a43421be05d8cf7d7ae45" args="(const Setting &amp;set)" --> 
    221 <hr size="1"/><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Sun Sep 13 22:40:42 2009 for mixpp by&nbsp; 
     221<hr size="1"/><address style="text-align: right;"><small>Generated on Sun Sep 13 23:08:56 2009 for mixpp by&nbsp; 
    222222<a href=""> 
    223223<img class="footer" src="doxygen.png" alt="doxygen"/></a> 1.6.1 </small></address>