09/18/09 00:17:38 (15 years ago)

doc + updated tutorial

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  • library/doc/tutorial/01userguide.dox

    r630 r632  
    2 \page user_guide Howto Use BDM - System, Data, Simulation 
     2\page user_guide BDM Use - System, Data, Simulation 
    44This section serves as introdustion to the scenario of data simulation. Since it is the simpliest of all scenarios defined in \ref user_guide0 it also serves as introduction to configuration of an experiment (see \ref ui_page) and basic decision making objects (bdm::RV and bdm::DS). 
    110110Mathematical interpretation of RV is straightforward. Consider pdf \f$ f(a)\f$, then \f$ a \f$ is the part represented by RV. Explicit naming of random variables may seem unnecessary for many operations with pdf, e.g. for generation of a uniform sample from <0,1> it is not necessary to specify any random variable. For this reason, RV are often optional information to specify. However, the considered scenanrio \c simulator is build in a way that requires RV to be given. 
     112In software, \c RV has three compulsory properties: 
     113 - <b>name</b>, unique identifier, two RV with the same name are considered to be identical 
     114 - <b>size</b>, size of the random variable, if not given it is assumed to be 1, 
     115 - <b>time</b>, more exactly time shift from \f$ t \f$, defaults to 0. 
     116 For example, scalar \f$ x_{t-2} \f$ is encoded as (name='x',sizes=1,time=-2). 
     117 Each RV stores array of these elements, hence RV with: 
     118 \code 
     119 names={'a', 'b'}; 
     120 sizes=[ 2 , 3]; 
     121 times=[-1, 1]; 
     122 \endcode  
     123 denotes 5-dimensional vector \f$ [a_{t-1}', b_{t+1}] \f$. 
     125\subsection ug_rv_alg Algebra on RVs 
     126Algebra on RVs (adding, searching in, subtraction, intersection, etc.) is implemented, see bdm::RV. 
     128For convenience in Matlab, the following operations are defined: 
     129 - RV(names,sizes,times) creates configuration structure for RV, 
     130 - RVjoin(rvs) joins configuration structures for array of RVs rvs=[rv1,rv2,...], 
     131 - RVtimes(rvs,times) assign times to corresponding rvs. 
     133See examples in bdmtoolbox/tutorial/userguide 
     135\subsection ug_rv_connect 
    112137The \c simulator scenario connects the DataSource to second basic class of BDM, bdm:logger. The logger is a class that take care of storing results -- in this case, results of simulation. 
    113138The connection between these blocks is done automatically. The logger stores results of simulations under the names specified in drv.   
    114139Readers familiar with Simulink environment may look at the RV as being unique identifiers of inputs and outputs of simulation blocks. The inputs are connected automatically with the outputs with matching RV. This view is however, very incomplete, RV have more roles than this. 
    116142\section loggers Loggers for flexible handling of results