Changeset 693 for library/doc

11/02/09 17:27:29 (15 years ago)

mpdf renamed to pdf in the whole library

3 modified


  • library/doc/tutorial/01userguide.dox

    r664 r693  
    162162     - bdm::CsvFileDS 
    163163     - bdm::ITppFileDS 
    164  - bdm::MpdfDS 
     164 - bdm::PdfDS 
    165165 - bdm::stateDS 
    243243fu.R     = 0.2; 
    245 DS.class = 'MpdfDS'; 
    246 DS.mpdf.class  = 'mprod'; 
    247 DS.mpdf.mpdfs  = {fy, epdf2mpdf(fu)}; 
     245DS.class = 'pdfDS'; 
     246DS.pdf.class  = 'mprod'; 
     247DS.pdf.pdfs  = {fy, epdf2mpdf(fu)}; 
    252252 - naming convention 'mlnorm\<ldmat\>' relates to the concept of templates in C++. For those unfamiliar with this concept, it is basicaly a way how to share code for different flavours of the same object. Note that mlnorm exist in three versions: mlnorm\<ldmat\>, mlnorm<chmat>, mlnorm<fsqmat>. Those classes act identically the only difference is that the internal data are stored either in LD decomposition, choleski decomposition or full matrices, respectively.  
    253253 - the same concept is used for enorm, where enorm<chmat> and enorm<fsqmat> are also possible. In this particular use, these objects are equivalent. In specific situation, e.g. Kalman filter implemented on Choleski decomposition (bdm::KalmanCh), only enorm<chmat> is approprate. 
    254  - class 'mprod' represents the chain rule of probability. Attribute \c mpdfs of its configuration structure is a list of conditional densities. Conditional density \f$ f(a|b)\f$ is represented by class \c mpdf and its offsprings. Class \c RV is used to describe both variables before conditioning (field \c rv ) and after conditioning sign (field \c rvc). 
    255  - due to simplicity of implementation, mprod accept only conditional densities in the field \c mpdfs. Hence, the pdf \f$ f(u_t)\f$ must be converted to conditional density with empty conditioning, \f$ f(u_t| \{\})\f$. This is achieved by calling function epdf2mpdf which is only a trivial wrapper creating class bdm::mepdf. 
     254 - class 'mprod' represents the chain rule of probability. Attribute \c pdfs of its configuration structure is a list of conditional densities. Conditional density \f$ f(a|b)\f$ is represented by class \c pdf and its offsprings. Class \c RV is used to describe both variables before conditioning (field \c rv ) and after conditioning sign (field \c rvc). 
     255 - due to simplicity of implementation, mprod accept only conditional densities in the field \c pdfs. Hence, the pdf \f$ f(u_t)\f$ must be converted to conditional density with empty conditioning, \f$ f(u_t| \{\})\f$. This is achieved by calling function epdf2mpdf which is only a trivial wrapper creating class bdm::mepdf. 
    260260\subsection ug_ini Initializing simulation 
    262 When zeros are not appropriate initial conditions, the correct conditions can be set using additional commands (see bdm::MpdfDS.from_setting() ): 
     262When zeros are not appropriate initial conditions, the correct conditions can be set using additional commands (see bdm::pdfDS.from_setting() ): 
    264264DS.init_rv = RV({'y','y','y'}, [1,1,1], [-1,-2,-3]); 
    281281Data=[M.y; M.u]; 
    282282drv = RVjoin({y,u}); 
    283 save mpdfds_results Data drv 
     283save pdfds_results Data drv 
    285285Such data can be later provided e.g. by MemDS 
  • library/doc/tutorial/02userguide2.dox

    r659 r693  
    106106\section ug2_bm_composition Composition of estimators 
    108 Similarly to mpdfs which could be composed via \c mprod, the Bayesian models can be composed. However, justification of this step is less clear than in the case of epdfs. 
     108Similarly to pdfs which could be composed via \c mprod, the Bayesian models can be composed. However, justification of this step is less clear than in the case of epdfs. 
    110110One possible theoretical base of composition is the Marginalized particle filter, which splits the prior and the posterior in two parts: 
  • library/doc/tutorial/unit_testing.dox

    r613 r693  
    119119Testsuite has explicit support for testing classes derived from 
    120 bdm::epdf and bdm::mpdf: bdm::epdf_harness and 
    121 bdm::mpdf_harness. These classes run a list of tests on objects 
     120bdm::epdf and bdm::pdf: bdm::epdf_harness and 
     121bdm::pdf_harness. These classes run a list of tests on objects 
    122122created from the specified configuration file (normally called 
    123123&lt;classname&gt;.cfg) and check them against expected values also