04/30/08 15:20:07 (16 years ago)

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1 modified


  • doc/html/

    r79 r91  
    1 <area shape="rect" href="$classKalman.html" title="Kalman\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="295,641,441,668"> 
    2 <area shape="rect" href="$classBM.html" title="Bayesian Model of the world, i.e. all uncertainty is modeled by probabilities." alt="" coords="396,231,439,257"> 
    3 <area shape="rect" href="$classKalman.html" title="Kalman filter with covariance matrices in square root form." alt="" coords="268,377,396,404"> 
    4 <area shape="rect" href="$classRV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables." alt="" coords="399,7,436,33"> 
    5 <area shape="rect" title="rvu\nrvy" alt="" coords="429,31,437,39"> 
    6 <area shape="rect" title="rvu\nrvy" alt="" coords="389,637,397,645"> 
    7 <area shape="rect" title="rv" alt="" coords="413,31,421,39"> 
    8 <area shape="rect" title="rv" alt="" coords="413,227,421,235"> 
    9 <area shape="rect" href="$classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="125,119,176,145"> 
    10 <area shape="rect" title="rv" alt="" coords="395,23,403,31"> 
    11 <area shape="rect" title="rv" alt="" coords="172,115,180,123"> 
    12 <area shape="rect" title="rvu\nrvy" alt="" coords="409,31,417,39"> 
    13 <area shape="rect" title="rvu\nrvy" alt="" coords="331,373,339,381"> 
    14 <area shape="rect" href="$classdiffbifn.html" title="Class representing a differentiable function of two variables $f(x,u)$." alt="" coords="521,119,588,145"> 
    15 <area shape="rect" title="rvu\nrvx" alt="" coords="433,23,441,31"> 
    16 <area shape="rect" title="rvu\nrvx" alt="" coords="543,115,551,123"> 
    17 <area shape="rect" href="$classfsqmat.html" title="Fake sqmat. This class maps sqmat operations to operations on full matrix." alt="" coords="177,377,244,404"> 
    18 <area shape="rect" title="_P\nQ\nR\n_Ry" alt="" coords="215,401,223,409"> 
    19 <area shape="rect" title="_P\nQ\nR\n_Ry" alt="" coords="353,637,361,645"> 
    20 <area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="enorm\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="41,509,180,536"> 
    21 <area shape="rect" title="R" alt="" coords="203,401,211,409"> 
    22 <area shape="rect" title="R" alt="" coords="128,505,136,513"> 
    23 <area shape="rect" href="$classsqmat.html" title="Virtual class for representation of double symmetric matrices in square&#45;root form..." alt="" coords="193,231,255,257"> 
    24 <area shape="rect" title="est\nfy" alt="" coords="117,533,125,541"> 
    25 <area shape="rect" title="est\nfy" alt="" coords="291,643,299,651"> 
    26 <area shape="rect" href="$classeEF.html" title="General conjugate exponential family posterior density." alt="" coords="52,231,97,257"> 
    27 <area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix." alt="" coords="33,377,153,404"> 
    28 <area shape="rect" title="\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="91,401,99,409"> 
    29 <area shape="rect" title="\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="105,505,113,513"> 
    30 <area shape="rect" title="R" alt="" coords="136,255,144,263"> 
    31 <area shape="rect" title="R" alt="" coords="95,373,103,381"> 
    32 <area shape="rect" title="_P\nQ\nR\n_Ry" alt="" coords="160,255,168,263"> 
    33 <area shape="rect" title="_P\nQ\nR\n_Ry" alt="" coords="311,373,319,381"> 
    34 <area shape="rect" title="\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="328,401,336,409"> 
    35 <area shape="rect" title="\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="359,637,367,645"> 
    36 <area shape="rect" title="pfxu\nphxu" alt="" coords="548,143,556,151"> 
    37 <area shape="rect" title="pfxu\nphxu" alt="" coords="497,717,505,725"> 
    38 <area shape="rect" href="$classfnc.html" title="Class representing function $f(x)$ of variable $x$ represented by rv." alt="" coords="549,7,589,33"> 
     1<area shape="rect" href="$classKalman.html" title="Kalman\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="283,583,411,607"> 
     2<area shape="rect" href="$classBM.html" title="Bayesian Model of the world, i.e. all uncertainty is modeled by probabilities." alt="" coords="371,215,411,239"> 
     3<area shape="rect" href="$classKalman.html" title="Kalman filter with covariance matrices in square root form." alt="" coords="249,346,367,370"> 
     4<area shape="rect" href="$classRV.html" title="Class representing variables, most often random variables." alt="" coords="372,7,409,31"> 
     5<area shape="rect" href="$classepdf.html" title="Probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density." alt="" coords="121,111,167,135"> 
     6<area shape="rect" href="$classdiffbifn.html" title="Class representing a differentiable function of two variables ." alt="" coords="492,111,551,135"> 
     7<area shape="rect" href="$classfsqmat.html" title="Fake sqmat. This class maps sqmat operations to operations on full matrix." alt="" coords="164,346,225,370"> 
     8<area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="enorm\&lt; fsqmat \&gt;" alt="" coords="43,464,163,488"> 
     9<area shape="rect" href="$classsqmat.html" title="Virtual class for representation of double symmetric matrices in square&#45;root form..." alt="" coords="177,215,233,239"> 
     10<area shape="rect" href="$classeEF.html" title="General conjugate exponential family posterior density." alt="" coords="33,215,79,239"> 
     11<area shape="rect" href="$classenorm.html" title="Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix." alt="" coords="31,346,140,370"> 
     12<area shape="rect" href="$classfnc.html" title="Class representing function  of variable  represented by rv." alt="" coords="516,7,556,31">