mixpp: Class List

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
bdm::diracDirac delta function distribution
bdm::eBetaProduct of Beta distributions
bdm::eDirichDirichlet posterior density
bdm::eEFAbstract class of general conjugate exponential family posterior density
bdm::eEmpWeighted empirical density
bdm::egammaGamma posterior density
bdm::egiwGauss-inverse-Wishart density stored in LD form
bdm::egridPiecewise constant pdf on rectangular support
bdm::egw_ls< sq_T >Gauss-Wishart with recursion on moments Using precision as parameter following notation of [Karny Andrysek 2009], precision
bdm::eigammaInverse-Gamma posterior density
bdm::eiWishartChInverse Wishart on Choleski decomposition
bdm::elognormLog-Normal probability density - it allows only diagonal covariances!
bdm::emixMixture of epdfs
bdm::emix_baseBase class (interface) for mixtures
bdm::enorm< sq_T >Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix
bdm::epdfAbstract class representing probability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density
bdm::eprodProduct of independent epdfs. For dependent pdfs, use bdm::mprod
bdm::MarginalizedParticleBase::eprod_2Internal class for custom posterior - product of empirical and exact part
bdm::eprod_baseBase class (interface) for bdm::eprod
bdm::ProdBMBase::eprod_bmInternal class
bdm::eprod_internalInternal class similar to eprod - factors are external pointers. To be used internally!
bdm::MixEF::eprod_mixPosterior on component parameters
bdm::estudent< sq_T >
bdm::euniUniform distributed density on a rectangular support
bdm::eWishartChInverse Wishart density defined on Choleski decomposition

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