bdmtoolbox: mexMultiNomBM Class Reference

mexMultiNomBM Class Reference

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

function validate (in obj)
 check consistency of the object and fill defaults
function dimensions (in obj)
 dimensionality of the class: dims = [size_of_posterior size_of_data size_of_condition]
function bayes (in obj, in yd, in cond)
 Performs Bayesian update of the internal posterior using data dt and condition cond.
void from_setting (const Setting &S)
void validate ()
void bayes (const vec &dt, const vec &cond)
epdfpredictor (const vec &cond) const
const epdfposterior () const
function posterior (in obj)
 Posterior pdf.
function epredictor (in obj, in cond)
 Computes predictor of the observed data in the next step.
function get_rv (in obj)
function get_rvc (in obj)
function get_rvy (in obj)
function logevidence (in obj)
 Evidence of the last data,

\[f(y_t|y_0\ldots y_t-1, cond_0\ldots cond_t\]


Public Attributes

 posterior density - offspring of mexEpdf!
 description of internal variables of parameters
 description of internal variables of data in condition
 description of internal variables of observed data
 log of evidence (marginal likelihood) potentially computed by the

Protected Attributes

mxArray * data
mexEpdf est

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • mexMultiNomBM.m

Generated on Fri Aug 27 16:55:20 2010 for bdmtoolbox by  doxygen 1.6.0