BDM Use - Installation
BDM is written as a multiplatform library, which was tested on Linux, Windows and Mac OSX. However, installation on each platform is specific.BDM comes in two basic versions:
- binary with precompiled executables and matlab mex files that can be configured by external text files
- source code that can be compiled into any required form.
Binaries for BDMtoolbox
Binaries for the matlab BDMtoolbox are available only for windows (win32) platform, compiled against matlab 7.1 for compatibility.Installation:
- svn checkout into your local directory of your choice (this will be denoted <toolbox_dir>)
- or download a prepared zip file from and extract it to any directory (will be denoted <toolbox_dir>)
- open matlab and type: for downloaded win32 version of the toolbox. When compiling from sources, the mex files may be located in Debug of Release directories. Check where the latest compiled files are and add apropriate path. E.g. for Windown and Mac:
>> addpath <toolbox_dir>/mex; >> addpath <toolbox_dir>/mexw32 >> addpath <toolbox_dir>/mex_classes
For linux, the default build dir is <toolbox_dir>/mex, hence only me and mex_classes need to be in the path.>> addpath <toolbox_dir>/mex; >> addpath <toolbox_dir>/mex/Debug; >> addpath <toolbox_dir>/mex_classes
- the toolbox is ready to be used, test it e.g. by:
>> cd tutorial/userguide; >> pdfds_example
- if no error is given, the toolbox is installed correctly
- proceed to tutorial at to learn how to use it
Source code
is available from svn repository: using guest/guest as login/password.For download use an appropriate SVN client
Download the source files to any directory of your choise, this directoory will be refered to as <bdm_dir>.
You need to have the following tools available on your system:- working C++ compiler, e.g. gcc on Linux, or Visual Studio on windows
- CMake, a cross-platform build system,
- working Lapack and BLAS libraries
All prerequisities are available as binary packages for most distribution. E.g. for debian-based distributions, useapt-get install g++ cmake liblapack libblas-dev
Compile the BDM library and its applications using
$ cd <bdm_dir>/library/ $ cmake . $ make
The following approach was tested on the Microsoft Visual Studio 9.Make sure you have cmake installed.
We are including latest stable code from IT++ which requires a implementation of BLAS and LAPACK routines. The most convenient library is ACML which can be downloaded from AMD.
For convenience of the beginners, DLLS of the ACML and lib+include files for ITPP and ACML are provided at: If you want to use them copy the content of the zip file to <bdm_dir>/library/system/win32/ directory and make sure to set your PATH environment variable:
Path = %PATH%; <bdm_dir>\library\system\win32\dll
Be sure to set system variable globally, i.e., through the dialog box "System Properties", tab "Advanced" and button "Environment Variables". Otherwise you will not be able to run any programs.
Compilation of BDM:
- When everything is set-up, make a copy of library\system\win32\run_cmake.bat, edit it to reflect your environment (i.e. change paths to cmake and your C++ target environment) and run it.
- Alternatively, you can run CMake GUI and specify address to your <bdm_dir>
- It should generate build files for your compiler in the main BDM directory
For more comfortable work with Subversion, we recommend to install also AnkhSVN - a Visual Studio plug-in that perfectly integrates Subversion into the GUI, see
Mac OS X
All prerequisities for Mac OS X are avaliable, make sure you have them installed.Right now, Cmake configuration is hard-coded for one testing machine. Look for the paths in SetBDMEnv.cmake and correct them. Open CMake GUI, click Configure followed by Create. Configuration files for your favourite build environment should be created in the BDM directory.
Generated on 2 Dec 2013 for mixpp by