BDM Development - your first bdm application in C++
In principle, BDM is just another library which you can use in a standard way. To ease the learning curve for newcommers, we provide the following starting application:The application itself is in directory applications/example_application Where the following files are provided:
- example_lib.[h,cpp] files in which your extensions of BDM classes are defined.
- example_main.cpp the main application which calls routines from library example_lib
- CMakeList.txt which contains information for cmake how to build the example_lib library and link it with tha main application
To build the application, you need to use Cmake: In Linux:
$ cd path_to_example_application/ $ cmake . $ make
- Open CMake GUI and fill the path_to_example_application in both fields for paths
- click Configure, pick your development environment (e.g. VisualStudio 2010)
- click Generate, which will create project file for your environment (e.g. example_application.sln for VS10)
- open the created file and press build
Where to go next:
- see trivial examples in library/tests/tutorial/arx_simple.cpp and kalman_simple.cpp.
- in directory applications/bdmtoolbox/mex are examples of more advanced applications using the root classes of BDM.
Generated on 2 Dec 2013 for mixpp by 1.4.7