mixpp: functions.h Source File


00001 //
00002 // C++ Interface: itpp_ext
00003 //
00004 // Description:
00005 //
00006 //
00007 // Author: smidl <smidl@utia.cas.cz>, (C) 2008
00008 //
00009 // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
00010 //
00011 //
00012 #ifndef FN_H
00013 #define FN_H
00015 #include "../bdmerror.h"
00016 #include "../base/bdmbase.h"
00018 namespace bdm {
00021 class constfn : public fnc {
00023     vec val;
00025 public:
00026     //vec eval() {return val;};
00028     vec eval ( const vec &cond ) {
00029         return val;
00030     };
00032     constfn ( const vec &val0 ) : fnc(), val ( val0 ) {
00033         dimy = val.length();
00034         dimc = 0;
00035     };
00036 };
00039 class linfn: public fnc {
00040   public:
00042     RV rv;
00044     mat A;
00046     vec B;
00047 public :
00048     vec eval ( const vec &cond ) {
00049         bdm_assert_debug ( cond.length() == A.cols(), "linfn::eval Wrong cond." );
00050         return A * cond + B;
00051     }
00053 //              linfn evalsome ( ivec &rvind );
00055     linfn ( ) : fnc(), A ( ), B () { };
00056     linfn ( const mat &A0, const vec &B0 ) : fnc(), A (A0 ), B (B0) { };
00058     void set_parameters ( const mat &A0 , const vec &B0 ) {
00059         A = A0;
00060         B = B0;
00061     };
00062     void from_setting(const Setting &set) {
00063         UI::get(A,set,"A",UI::compulsory);
00064         UI::get(B,set,"B",UI::compulsory);
00065     }
00066     void validate() {
00067         dimy = A.rows();
00068         dimc = A.cols();
00069     }
00071 };
00072 UIREGISTER(linfn);
00076 class quadraticfn: public fnc {
00077 public :
00079     RV rv;
00081     chmat Q;
00084     quadraticfn ( ) : fnc(), Q ( ) { };
00085     quadraticfn ( const mat &Q0) : fnc(), Q (Q0 ) { };
00087     vec eval ( const vec &cond ) {
00088         bdm_assert_debug ( cond.length() == Q.cols(), "quadraticfc::eval Wrong cond." );
00089         return vec_1( Q.qform(concat(cond,1.0)) );
00090     }
00092     void from_setting(const Setting &set) {
00093         //UI::get(Q,set,"Q",UI::compulsory);
00094     }
00095     void validate() {
00096         dimy = 1;
00097         dimc = Q.cols()-1;
00098     }
00100 };
00101 UIREGISTER(quadraticfn);
00112 class diffbifn: public fnc {
00113 protected:
00115     RV rvx;
00117     RV rvu;
00119     int dimx;
00121     int dimu;
00122 public:
00124     vec eval ( const vec &cond ) {
00125         bdm_assert_debug ( cond.length() == ( dimx + dimu ), "linfn::eval Wrong cond." );
00126         if ( dimu > 0 ) {
00127             return eval ( cond ( 0, dimx - 1 ), cond ( dimx, dimx + dimu - 1 ) );//-1 = end (in matlab)
00128         } else {
00129             return eval ( cond ( 0, dimx - 1 ), vec ( 0 ) );//-1 = end (in matlab)
00130         }
00132     }
00135     virtual vec eval ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0 ) {
00136         return zeros ( dimy );
00137     };
00139     virtual void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A , bool full = true ) {};
00141     virtual void dfdu_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full = true ) {};
00143     diffbifn () : fnc() {};
00145     int _dimx() const {
00146         return dimx;
00147     }
00149     int _dimu() const {
00150         return dimu;
00151     }
00152     void validate(){dimc=dimx+dimu;};
00153 };
00156 //TODO can be generalized into multilinear form!
00157 class bilinfn: public diffbifn {
00158     mat A;
00159     mat B;
00160 public :
00164     bilinfn () : diffbifn (), A(), B() { }
00166     bilinfn ( const mat &A0, const mat &B0 ) {
00167         set_parameters ( A0, B0 );
00168     }
00171     void set_parameters ( const mat &A0, const mat &B0 ) {
00172         bdm_assert ( A0.rows() == B0.rows(), "bilinfn matrices must have the same number of rows" );
00173         A = A0;
00174         B = B0;
00175         dimy = A.rows();
00176         dimx = A.cols();
00177         dimu = B.cols();
00178     }
00183     inline vec eval ( const  vec &x0, const vec &u0 ) {
00184         bdm_assert_debug ( x0.length() == dimx, "bilinfn::eval Wrong xcond." );
00185         bdm_assert_debug ( u0.length() == dimu, "bilinfn::eval Wrong ucond." );
00186         return dimu>0 ?  A*x0 + B*u0 : A*x0;
00187     }
00189     void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &F, bool full ) {
00190         bdm_assert_debug ( ( F.cols() == A.cols() ) && ( F.rows() == A.rows() ), "Allocated F is not compatible." );
00191         if ( full ) F = A;      //else : nothing has changed no need to regenerate
00192     }
00194     void dfdu_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &F,  bool full = true ) {
00195         bdm_assert_debug ( ( F.cols() == B.cols() ) && ( F.rows() == B.rows() ), "Allocated F is not compatible." );
00196         if ( full ) F = B;      //else : nothing has changed no need to regenerate
00197     }
00198     void from_setting(const Setting &set) {
00199                 diffbifn::from_setting(set);
00200                 UI::get(A,set,"A",UI::compulsory);
00201                 UI::get(B,set,"B",UI::compulsory);
00202         }
00203         void validate() {
00204                 dimy = A.rows();
00205                 dimx = A.cols();
00206                 dimu = B.cols();
00207                 dimc =dimx+dimu;
00208         }
00210 };
00211 UIREGISTER(bilinfn);
00213 } //namespace
00214 #endif // FN_H

Generated on 2 Dec 2013 for mixpp by  doxygen 1.4.7