/*! \mainpage Matlab toolbox using BDM library (BDMToolbox) \version 0.1 \author Vaclav Smidl BDMToolbox is a high-level frontend to low level C++ routines of BDM. It has three main categories of usecases: -# Easy access to ready solutions of typical decision-making scenarios: For example simulation, estimation, feedback control. These objects are described by matlab structures. See \ref bdt_scenarios -# Wrappers for selected C++ functions Taking matlab structures as inputs and retunring matlab structures as outputs, see \ref bdt_wrappers -# Native Matlab classes that reflect the basic classes of BDM. These classes are pure Matlab classes and can be used without BDM. However, their main advantage is that BDM attach to these calsses and use them via C++ classes (e.g. mexEpdf and mexBM). Hence, these calsses can be used as building blocks in advances algorithms implemnetyed in BDM, see \ref bdt_mex_classes For tutorial on the above scenarios see \ref pages.html */