# - Find XERCES # Find the native XERCES includes and library # This module defines # XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find acml.h, etc. # XERCES_LIBRARIES, the libraries needed to use XERCES. # XERCES_FOUND, If false, do not try to use XERCES. # also defined, but not for general use are # XERCES_LIBRARY, where to find the XERCES library. FIND_PATH(XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR /xercesc/util/XercesVersion.hpp "${XERCES_DIR}\\include" ) FIND_LIBRARY(XERCES_LIBRARY NAMES xerces-c_2 xerces-c_2D xerces-c_static_2 xerces-c_static_2D xerces-depdom_2 xerces-depdom_2D xerces-depdom_static_2 xerces-depdom_static_2D # TODO - jsou vazne vsecky potreba?? PATHS "${XERCES_DIR}\\lib" /usr/local/lib /usr/lib ) IF (XERCES_LIBRARY AND XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR) SET(XERCES_LIBRARIES ${XERCES_LIBRARY}) SET(XERCES_FOUND "YES") ELSE (XERCES_LIBRARY AND XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR) SET(XERCES_FOUND "NO") ENDIF (XERCES_LIBRARY AND XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR) IF (XERCES_FOUND) IF (NOT XERCES_FIND_QUIETLY) MESSAGE(STATUS "Found XERCES: ${XERCES_LIBRARIES}") ENDIF (NOT XERCES_FIND_QUIETLY) ELSE (XERCES_FOUND) IF (XERCES_FIND_REQUIRED) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find XERCES library") ENDIF (XERCES_FIND_REQUIRED) ENDIF (XERCES_FOUND) # Deprecated declarations. GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT (NATIVE_XERCES_LIB_PATH ${XERCES_LIBRARY} PATH) MARK_AS_ADVANCED( XERCES_LIBRARY XERCES_INCLUDE_DIR )