// file : xsd/cxx/tree/exceptions.ixx // author : Boris Kolpackov // copyright : Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Code Synthesis Tools CC // license : GNU GPL v2 + exceptions; see accompanying LICENSE file #if defined(XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_CHAR) || !defined(XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_WCHAR) #ifndef XSD_CXX_TREE_EXCEPTIONS_IXX_CHAR #define XSD_CXX_TREE_EXCEPTIONS_IXX_CHAR namespace xsd { namespace cxx { namespace tree { // error // inline std::basic_ostream& operator<< (std::basic_ostream& os, const error& e) { return os << e.id () << ':' << e.line () << ':' << e.column () << (e.severity () == severity::error ? " error: " : " warning: ") << e.message (); } // diagnostics // inline std::basic_ostream& operator<< (std::basic_ostream& os, const diagnostics& d) { for (diagnostics::const_iterator b (d.begin ()), i (b); i != d.end (); ++i) { if (i != b) os << "\n"; os << *i; } return os; } // parsing // template<> inline void parsing:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { if (diagnostics_.empty ()) os << "instance document parsing failed"; else os << diagnostics_; } // expected_element // template<> inline void expected_element:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "expected element '" << namespace_ () << (namespace_ ().empty () ? "" : "#") << name () << "'"; } // unexpected_element // template<> inline void unexpected_element:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { if (!expected_name ().empty ()) { os << "expected element '" << expected_namespace () << (expected_namespace ().empty () ? "" : "#") << expected_name () << "' instead of '" << encountered_namespace () << (encountered_namespace ().empty () ? "" : "#") << encountered_name () << "'"; } else { os << "unexpected element '" << encountered_namespace () << (encountered_namespace ().empty () ? "" : "#") << encountered_name () << "'"; } } // expected_attribute // template<> inline void expected_attribute:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "expected attribute '" << namespace_ () << (namespace_ ().empty () ? "" : "#") << name () << "'"; } // unexpected_enumerator // template<> inline void unexpected_enumerator:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "unexpected enumerator '" << enumerator () << "'"; } // expected_text_content // template<> inline void expected_text_content:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "expected text content"; } // no_type_info // template<> inline void no_type_info:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "no type information available for type '" << type_namespace () << (type_namespace ().empty () ? "" : "#") << type_name () << "'"; } // not_derived // template<> inline void not_derived:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "type '" << derived_type_namespace () << (derived_type_namespace ().empty () ? "" : "#") << derived_type_name () << "' is not derived from '" << base_type_namespace () << (base_type_namespace ().empty () ? "" : "#") << base_type_name () << "'"; } // duplicate_id // template<> inline void duplicate_id:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "ID '" << id () << "' already exist"; } // serialization // template<> inline void serialization:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { if (diagnostics_.empty ()) os << "serialization failed"; else os << diagnostics_; } // no_namespace_mapping // template<> inline void no_namespace_mapping:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "no mapping provided for namespace '" << namespace_ () << "'"; } // no_prefix_mapping // template<> inline void no_prefix_mapping:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "no mapping provided for namespace prefix '" << prefix () << "'"; } // xsi_already_in_use // template<> inline void xsi_already_in_use:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "namespace prefix 'xsi' is already in use and no " << "user-defined mapping has been provided for namespace " << "'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'"; } // bounds // template<> inline void bounds:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << "buffer boundary rules have been violated"; } } } } #endif // XSD_CXX_TREE_EXCEPTIONS_IXX_CHAR #endif // XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_CHAR #if defined(XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_WCHAR) || !defined(XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_CHAR) #ifndef XSD_CXX_TREE_EXCEPTIONS_IXX_WCHAR #define XSD_CXX_TREE_EXCEPTIONS_IXX_WCHAR namespace xsd { namespace cxx { namespace tree { // error // inline std::basic_ostream& operator<< (std::basic_ostream& os, const error& e) { return os << e.id () << L':' << e.line () << L':' << e.column () << (e.severity () == severity::error ? L" error: " : L" warning: ") << e.message (); } // diagnostics // inline std::basic_ostream& operator<< (std::basic_ostream& os, const diagnostics& d) { for (diagnostics::const_iterator b (d.begin ()), i (b); i != d.end (); ++i) { if (i != b) os << L"\n"; os << *i; } return os; } // parsing // template<> inline void parsing:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { if (diagnostics_.empty ()) os << L"instance document parsing failed"; else os << diagnostics_; } // expected_element // template<> inline void expected_element:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"expected element '" << namespace_ () << (namespace_ ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << name () << L"'"; } // unexpected_element // template<> inline void unexpected_element:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { if (!expected_name ().empty ()) { os << L"expected element '" << expected_namespace () << (expected_namespace ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << expected_name () << L"' instead of '" << encountered_namespace () << (encountered_namespace ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << encountered_name () << L"'"; } else { os << L"unexpected element '" << encountered_namespace () << (encountered_namespace ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << encountered_name () << L"'"; } } // expected_attribute // template<> inline void expected_attribute:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"expected attribute '" << namespace_ () << (namespace_ ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << name () << L"'"; } // unexpected_enumerator // template<> inline void unexpected_enumerator:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"unexpected enumerator '" << enumerator () << L"'"; } // expected_text_content // template<> inline void expected_text_content:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"expected text content"; } // no_type_info // template<> inline void no_type_info:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"no type information available for type '" << type_namespace () << (type_namespace ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << type_name () << L"'"; } // not_derived // template<> inline void not_derived:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"type '" << derived_type_namespace () << (derived_type_namespace ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << derived_type_name () << L"' is not derived from '" << base_type_namespace () << (base_type_namespace ().empty () ? L"" : L"#") << base_type_name () << L"'"; } // duplicate_id // template<> inline void duplicate_id:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"ID '" << id () << L"' already exist"; } // serialization // template<> inline void serialization:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { if (diagnostics_.empty ()) os << L"serialization failed"; else os << diagnostics_; } // no_namespace_mapping // template<> inline void no_namespace_mapping:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"no mapping provided for namespace '" << namespace_ () << L"'"; } // no_prefix_mapping // template<> inline void no_prefix_mapping:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"no mapping provided for namespace prefix '" << prefix () << L"'"; } // xsi_already_in_use // template<> inline void xsi_already_in_use:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"namespace prefix 'xsi' is already in use and no " << L"user-defined mapping has been provided for namespace " << L"'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'"; } // bounds // template<> inline void bounds:: print (std::basic_ostream& os) const { os << L"buffer boundary rules have been violated"; } } } } #endif // XSD_CXX_TREE_EXCEPTIONS_IXX_WCHAR #endif // XSD_CXX_TREE_USE_WCHAR