@ARTICLE{DAF1, author={Filatov, N.M. and Unbehausen, H.}, journal={Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Adaptive predictive control policy for nonlinear stochastic systems}, year={1995}, month=nov, volume={40}, number={11}, pages={1943-1949}, keywords={adaptive predictive control policy;certainty equivalence;closed-loop feedback mode;control quality;extended state;linear systems;nonlinear stochastic systems;open feedback loop mode;performance index;probability measure;suboptimal approaches;adaptive control;closed loop systems;feedback;nonlinear control systems;optimal control;performance index;predictive control;probability;stochastic systems;suboptimal control;}, doi={10.1109/9.471221}, ISSN={0018-9286},} @INPROCEEDINGS{DAF2, author={Filatov, N.M. and Umbehauen, H.}, booktitle={Control '98. UKACC International Conference on (Conf. Publ. No. 455)}, title={Adaptive dual control for continuous-time systems: a simple example}, year={1998}, month=sep, volume={1}, number={}, pages={39-43 vol.1}, keywords={adaptive dual controller design; bicriterial synthesis method; bicriterion control problem; continuous-time systems; discrete-time system; adaptive systems;}, doi={10.1049/cp:19980198}, ISSN={0537-9989},} @ARTICLE{DDF1, author={Filatov, N.M. and Keuchel, U. and Unbehauen, H.}, journal={Control Systems Magazine, IEEE}, title={Dual control for an unstable mechanical plant}, year={1996}, month=aug, volume={16}, number={4}, pages={31-37}, keywords={adaptive control;direct dual control;linear single-input single-output plants;parameter estimation;positioning;roll angle control;unstable mechanical plant;vertical takeoff airplane;adaptive control;aircraft control;closed loop systems;discrete time systems;feedback;parameter estimation;}, doi={10.1109/37.526913}, ISSN={0272-1708},} @article{DDF2, title = "Dual pole-placement controller with direct adaptation", journal = "Automatica", volume = "33", number = "1", pages = "113-117", year = "1997", note = "", issn = "0005-1098", doi = "DOI: 10.1016/S0005-1098(96)00150-1", url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V21-3SMSM9P-D/2/425722a28fbcddc6177781aed9d9791b", author = "N. M. Filatov and H. Unbehauen and U. Keuchel", keywords = "Adaptive control", keywords = "control system synthesis", keywords = "dual control", keywords = "pole placement", keywords = "simulation", keywords = "stochastic systems" } @INPROCEEDINGS{DFS1, author={Silva, R.N. and Filatov, N. and Lemos, J.H. and Unbehauen, H.}, booktitle={Control Applications, 1998. Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on}, title={Feedback/feedforward dual adaptive control of a solar collector field}, year={1998}, month=sep, volume={1}, number={}, pages={309-313 vol.1}, keywords={MUSMAR;adaptive control;bicriterial optimization;dual control;feedback;feedforward;multipredictive controller;predictive control;solar collector;temperature control;transient response;adaptive control;feedback;feedforward;optimisation;predictive control;solar absorber-convertors;temperature control;transient response;}, doi={10.1109/CCA.1998.728431}, ISSN={},} @ARTICLE{DSF1, author={Filatov, N.M. and Unbehauen, H.}, journal={Control Theory and Applications, IEE Proceedings}, title={Survey of adaptive dual control methods}, year={2000}, month=jan, volume={147}, number={1}, pages={118-128}, keywords={adaptive control;certainty equivalence;discrete time systems;dual control;neutral control system;stochastic control;adaptive control;control system analysis;discrete time systems;stochastic systems;}, doi={10.1049/ip-cta:20000107}, ISSN={1350-2379},} @ARTICLE{PAB1, author={Bianchi, N. and Bolognani, S. and Ji-Hoon Jang and Seung-Ki Sul}, journal={Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Advantages of Inset PM Machines for Zero-Speed Sensorless Position Detection}, year={2008}, month=july-aug., volume={44}, number={4}, pages={1190-1198}, keywords={anisotropic rotor;cross-coupling;high-frequency signal injection;inset PM machines;inset permanent-magnet motor;rotor position;sensorless control system;stator voltage;zero-speed sensorless position detection;machine control;permanent magnet machines;rotors;stators;}, doi={10.1109/TIA.2008.926203}, ISSN={0093-9994},} @ARTICLE{PAH1, author={Harnefors, L. and Nee, H.-P.}, journal={Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={A general algorithm for speed and position estimation of AC motors}, year={2000}, month=feb, volume={47}, number={1}, pages={77-83}, keywords={AC motor drives;dynamic properties;estimation error;fundamental excitation;parameter estimation algorithm;parameter sensitivity;position estimation;reluctance synchronous motor drives;resolvers;saliency;sensorless drives;sensorless permanent-magnet motor drives;signal injection;speed estimation;speed range;AC motor drives;control system analysis;control system synthesis;machine control;machine theory;parameter estimation;position control;velocity control;}, doi={10.1109/41.824128}, ISSN={0278-0046},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PAP1, author={Persson, J. and Markovic, M. and Perriard, Y.}, booktitle={Industry Applications Conference, 2005. Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2005}, title={A new standstill position detection technique for non-salient PMSM's using the magnetic anisotropy method (MAM)}, year={2005}, month=oct., volume={1}, number={}, pages={238-244 Vol. 1}, keywords={anisotropic property; magnetic anisotropy method; non-salient PMSM; permanent magnet synchronous motors; saturation effects; sensorless control; standstill position detection; machine control; magnetic anisotropy; permanent magnet motors; position control; synchronous motors;}, doi={10.1109/IAS.2005.1518316}, ISSN={0197-2618},} @ARTICLE{PAP2, author={Piippo, A. and Hinkkanen, M. and Luomi, J.}, journal={Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Analysis of an Adaptive Observer for Sensorless Control of Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors}, year={2008}, month=feb. , volume={55}, number={2}, pages={570-576}, keywords={adaptive observer analysis;improved damping;interior permanent magnet synchronous motors;matrix algebra;motor model;noise suppression;observer gain;position estimation;power 2.2 kW;sensorless control;signal injection technique;speed estimation;speed-adaptive observer;control system analysis;machine control;matrix algebra;observers;parameter estimation;permanent magnet motors;self-adjusting systems;synchronous motors;}, doi={10.1109/TIE.2007.911949}, ISSN={0278-0046},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PAP2x, author={Piippo, A. and Hinkkanen, M. and Luomi, J.}, booktitle={Industrial Electronics Society, 2005. IECON 2005. 31st Annual Conference of IEEE}, title={Analysis of an adaptive observer for sensorless control of PMSM drives}, year={2005}, month=nov., volume={}, number={}, pages={6 pp.}, keywords={PMSM drive; damping; high-frequency signal injection method; linearization; noise suppression; permanent magnet synchronous motor; position estimation; sensorless control; speed estimation; speed-adaptive flux observer; adaptive control; angular velocity control; damping; interference suppression; linearisation techniques; machine control; observers; permanent magnet motors; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/IECON.2005.1569122}, ISSN={},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PAR1, author={Raute, R. and Caruana, C. and Cilia, J. and Staines, C.S. and Sumner, M.}, booktitle={Power Electronics and Applications, 2007 European Conference on}, title={A zero speed operation sensorless PMSM drive without additional test signal injection}, year={2007}, month=sept., volume={}, number={}, pages={1-10}, keywords={AC machines;current transducers;flux position;inherent back EMF;position estimator;rotor;sensorless PMSM drive;speed estimator;zero voltage vectors;permanent magnet motors;rotors;synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/EPE.2007.4417632}, ISSN={},} @ARTICLE{PCA1, author={Andreescu, G.-D. and Pitic, C.I. and Blaabjerg, F. and Boldea, I.}, journal={Energy Conversion, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Combined Flux Observer With Signal Injection Enhancement for Wide Speed Range Sensorless Direct Torque Control of IPMSM Drives}, year={2008}, month=june , volume={23}, number={2}, pages={393-402}, keywords={IPMSM drives;bandpass vector filter;combined flux observer;high-frequency rotating-voltage injection;interior permanent magnet synchronous motor drives;phase-locked loop state observer;rotor speed estimator;signal injection enhancement;space vector modulation;stator flux observer;wide speed range sensorless direct torque control;permanent magnet motors;rotors;synchronous motor drives;torque control;}, doi={10.1109/TEC.2007.914386}, ISSN={0885-8969},} @ARTICLE{PCB1, author={Bianchi, N. and Bolognani, S. and Ji-Hoon Jang and Seung-Ki Sul}, journal={Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Comparison of PM Motor Structures and Sensorless Control Techniques for Zero-Speed Rotor Position Detection}, year={2007}, month=nov. , volume={22}, number={6}, pages={2466-2475}, keywords={PM motor structures;high frequency stator voltage;position detection;rotor anisotropy;sensorless control technique;synchronous permanent magnet motor;zero speed rotor;permanent magnet motors;rotors;stators;synchronous motors;}, doi={10.1109/TPEL.2007.904238}, ISSN={0885-8993},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PCK1, author={Hyunbae Kim and Lorenz, R.D.}, booktitle={Industry Applications Conference, 2004. 39th IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE}, title={Carrier signal injection based sensorless control methods for IPM synchronous machine drives}, year={2004}, month=oct., volume={2}, number={}, pages={977-984 vol.2}, keywords={IPM synchronous machine drives; carrier currents; carrier signal injection method; interior permanent magnet synchronous machine drives; motion control; pulsating vector; robust sensorless control; sensorless control methods; sensorless torque control; signal extraction; spatial saliency; spatial saliency tracking scheme; machine control; motion control; permanent magnet machines; robust control; rotors; synchronous motor drives; torque control;}, doi={10.1109/IAS.2004.1348532}, ISSN={0197-2618 },} @ARTICLE{PCW1, author={Wallmark, O. and Harnefors, L. and Carlson, O.}, journal={Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Control Algorithms for a Fault-Tolerant PMSM Drive}, year={2007}, month=aug., volume={54}, number={4}, pages={1973 -1980}, keywords={control algorithms;electric drive;fault tolerance;fault-tolerant PMSM drive;permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive;position estimation;sensorless control;speed estimation;fault tolerance;permanent magnet motors;synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/TIE.2007.895076}, ISSN={0278-0046},} @ARTICLE{PEB1, author={Bolognani, S. and Zigliotto, M. and Zordan, M.}, journal={Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Extended-range PMSM sensorless speed drive based on stochastic filtering}, year={2001}, month=jan, volume={16}, number={1}, pages={110-117}, keywords={extended-range PMSM sensorless speed drive;full torque starting;hardware circuitry;sensorless permanent magnet synchronous motor drive;software control algorithms;software implementation;stochastic filtering;Kalman filters;control system synthesis;electric current control;machine testing;machine vector control;permanent magnet motors;starting;stochastic processes;synchronous motor drives;velocity control;}, doi={10.1109/63.903995}, ISSN={0885-8993},} @ARTICLE{PEB2, author={Bolognani, S. and Tubiana, L. and Zigliotto, M.}, journal={Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on}, title={EKF-based sensorless IPM synchronous motor drive for flux-weakening applications}, year={2003}, month=may-june, volume={39}, number={3}, pages={768-775}, keywords={ EKF-based sensorless IPM synchronous motor drive; control algorithms; current control; drive power rating minimisation; extended Kalman filter; flux-weakening applications; initial rotor position; mechanical parameters; motor anisotropy; rotor angular speed; rotor position; sensorless interior permanent-magnet synchronous motor drive; wide flux-weakening region; Kalman filters; electric current control; machine control; magnetic anisotropy; magnetic flux; parameter estimation; permanent magnet motors; rotors; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/TIA.2003.810666}, ISSN={0093-9994},} @ARTICLE{PHS1, author={Silva, C. and Asher, G.M. and Sumner, M.}, journal={Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Hybrid rotor position observer for wide speed-range sensorless PM motor drives including zero speed}, year={2006}, month=april, volume={53}, number={2}, pages={373-378}, keywords={PM; flux observer; geometric saliency; hybrid rotor position observer; magnetic field measurement; permanent-magnet motors; position control; saturation-induced saliency; sensorless motor drives; sensorless speed control; signal-injection technique; stator flux; surface-mount permanent-magnet machine; zero-speed operation; angular velocity control; machine control; magnetic field measurement; motor drives; observers; permanent magnet motors; position control; rotors; stators; surface mount technology;}, doi={10.1109/TIE.2006.870867}, ISSN={0278-0046},} @ARTICLE{PIC1, author={Consoli, A. and Scarcella, G. and Testa, A.}, journal={Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Industry application of zero-speed sensorless control techniques for PM synchronous motors}, year={2001}, month=mar/apr, volume={37}, number={2}, pages={513-521}, keywords={PM synchronous motors;high-frequency injection techniques;high-frequency signal injection;industry application;nonsalient PM machines;permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives;salient PM machines;state of the art;zero-speed sensorless control techniques;control system analysis;control system synthesis;machine testing;machine theory;machine vector control;permanent magnet motors;synchronous motors;velocity control;}, doi={10.1109/28.913716}, ISSN={0093-9994},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PIC1x, author={Consoli, A. and Scarcella, G. and Testa, A.}, booktitle={Industry Applications Conference, 1999. Thirty-Fourth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 1999 IEEE}, title={Sensorless control of PM synchronous motors at zero speed}, year={1999}, month=, volume={2}, number={}, pages={1033-1040 vol.2}, keywords={PM synchronous motors;control design;control performance;initial rotor position detection;machine anisotropy;nonsalient machines;permanent magnet synchronous motor drives;salient machines;zero speed sensorless control;control system synthesis;machine testing;machine theory;machine vector control;permanent magnet motors;rotors;synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/IAS.1999.801632}, ISSN={},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PIE1, author={ Eskola, M. and Jussila, M. and Tuusa, H.}, booktitle={Power Electronics Specialists Conference, 2004. PESC 04. 2004 IEEE 35th Annual}, title={Indirect matrix converter fed PMSM-sensorless control using carrier injection}, year={2004}, month=june, volume={5}, number={}, pages={4010-4016 Vol.5}, keywords={5 kVA; IMC; PMSM drive; VSI; carrier injection; costs minimization; direct frequency conversion; estimator algorithm; feedback information; indirect matrix converter; magnetic anisotropy; motor parameter; permanent magnet synchronous motor drive; rotor position angle; rotor speed; sensorless control; voltage source inverter; cost reduction; electric current measurement; invertors; machine vector control; magnetic anisotropy; matrix convertors; permanent magnet motors; position control; rotors; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/PESC.2004.1355185}, ISSN={0275-9306},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PIS1, author={Schmidt, P.B. and Gasperi, M.L. and Ray, G. and Wijenayake, A.H.}, booktitle={Industry Applications Conference, 1997. Thirty-Second IAS Annual Meeting, IAS '97., Conference Record of the 1997 IEEE}, title={Initial rotor angle detection of a nonsalient pole permanent magnet synchronous machine}, year={1997}, month=oct, volume={1}, number={}, pages={459-463 vol.1}, keywords={PWM;absolute angular position;initial rotor angle detection;nonsalient pole motors;nonsalient pole permanent magnet synchronous machine;phase winding;rotor flux;standstill;stator currents;stator inductance;stator iron saturation;voltage pulse width;angular measurement;inductance;machine theory;magnetic flux;permanent magnet motors;pulse width modulation;rotors;stators;synchronous motors;}, doi={10.1109/IAS.1997.643063}, ISSN={},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PLU1, author={Urlep, Evgen and Jezernik, Karel}, booktitle={Industrial Electronics, 2007. ISIE 2007. IEEE International Symposium on}, title={Low and Zero Speed Sensorless Control of nonsalient PMSM}, year={2007}, month=june, volume={}, number={}, pages={2238-2243}, keywords={}, doi={10.1109/ISIE.2007.4374956}, ISSN={},} @ARTICLE{PSB1, author={Bolognani, S. and Oboe, R. and Zigliotto, M.}, journal={Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Sensorless full-digital PMSM drive with EKF estimation of speed and rotor position}, year={1999}, month=feb, volume={46}, number={1}, pages={184-191}, keywords={EKF estimation; PWM inverter; digital d-q current control; extended Kalman filter; floating-point digital-signal-processor-based control; locked rotor; permanent magnet synchronous motor drive; pulsewidth modulation voltage-source inverter; rotor position estimation; rotor speed estimation; sensorless full-digital PMSM drive; Kalman filters; PWM invertors; digital control; digital signal processing chips; electric current control; floating point arithmetic; machine control; parameter estimation; permanent magnet motors; rotors; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/41.744410}, ISSN={0278-0046},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PSK1, author={Kye-Lyong Kang and Jang-Mok Kim and Keun-Bae Hwang and Kyung-Hoon Kim}, booktitle={Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2004. APEC '04. Nineteenth Annual IEEE}, title={Sensorless control of PMSM in high speed range with iterative sliding mode observer}, year={2004}, month=, volume={2}, number={}, pages={1111-1116 vol.2}, keywords={A/D converter; DSP converters; EMF; PMSM control; chattering components; field weakening region; flux weakening region; high speed range; iterative sliding mode observer; low pass filter; permanent magnet synchronous motors; phase delay angle; ripple components; robustness; rotor speed; sensorless drive system; sensorless speed control; variable cutoff frequency; electric current; electric potential; low-pass filters; machine control; permanent magnet motors; robust control; rotors; synchronous motors; variable structure systems; velocity control;}, doi={10.1109/APEC.2004.1295961}, ISSN={},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PSL1, author={Linke, M. and Kennel, R. and Holtz, J.}, booktitle={IECON 02 [Industrial Electronics Society, IEEE 2002 28th Annual Conference of the]}, title={Sensorless position control of permanent magnet synchronous machines without limitation at zero speed}, year={2002}, month=nov., volume={1}, number={}, pages={674-679 vol.1}, keywords={anisotropic effects; demodulation; field oriented control; high frequency current; high-frequency current signal; high-frequency injection method; high-frequency voltage signal; low speed; position estimation; rotor d-axis; rotor position estimation; sensorless position control; small signal to noise ratio; surface mounted permanent magnet synchronous machines; torque producing q-current; zero speed; machine vector control; parameter estimation; permanent magnet motors; position control; rotors; synchronous motors;}, doi={10.1109/IECON.2002.1187588}, ISSN={ },} @ARTICLE{PSL2, author={Jul-Ki Seok and Jong-Kun Lee and Dong-Choon Lee}, journal={Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Sensorless speed control of nonsalient permanent-magnet synchronous motor using rotor-position-tracking PI controller}, year={2006}, month=april, volume={53}, number={2}, pages={399-405}, keywords={ PI controller; PMSM drive; PWM; current regulator; flux linkage; high-frequency signal injection; loop recovery technique; nonsalient permanent-magnet synchronous motor; parameter estimation error; pulse width modulation; rotor position error; rotor-position-tracking; sensorless algorithm; sensorless speed control; vector control; velocity estimation strategy; PI control; angular velocity control; machine vector control; parameter estimation; permanent magnet motors; position control; pulse width modulation; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/TIE.2006.870728}, ISSN={0278-0046},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PSM1, author={Morimoto, S. and Kawamoto, K. and Sanada, M. and Takeda, Y.}, booktitle={Industry Applications Conference, 2001. Thirty-Sixth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2001 IEEE}, title={Sensorless control strategy for salient-pole PMSM based on extended EMF in rotating reference frame}, year={2001}, month=sep.-oct., volume={4}, number={}, pages={2637-2644 vol.4}, keywords={control design;control performance;extended EMF;extended electromotive force;least-order observer;position error;position estimation;rotating reference frame;salient-pole permanent magnet synchronous motor;sensorless control strategy;speed estimation;control system synthesis;machine testing;machine theory;machine vector control;observers;parameter estimation;permanent magnet motors;position control;synchronous motors;velocity control;}, doi={10.1109/IAS.2001.955991}, ISSN={},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PSP1, author={Piippo, A. and Hinkkanen, M. and Luomi, J.}, booktitle={Industry Applications Conference, 2004. 39th IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2004 IEEE}, title={Sensorless control of PMSM drives using a combination of voltage model and HF signal injection}, year={2004}, month=oct., volume={2}, number={}, pages={964-970 vol.2}, keywords={PMSM drives; dynamic response; high-frequency signal injection technique; permanent magnet synchronous motors; position estimation; rotor speed; sensorless control; voltage model; dynamic response; machine control; observers; permanent magnet motors; phase locked loops; robust control; rotors; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/IAS.2004.1348530}, ISSN={0197-2618 },} @ARTICLE{PSP2, author={Piippo, A. and Salomaki, J. and Luomi, J.}, journal={Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Signal Injection in Sensorless PMSM Drives Equipped With Inverter Output Filter}, year={2008}, month=sept.-oct. , volume={44}, number={5}, pages={1614-1620}, keywords={DC-link voltage;LC filter;adaptive full-order observer;high-frequency signal injection method;hybrid observer;inverter output filter;inverter phase currents;permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives;sensorless PMSM drives;invertors;matrix algebra;observers;permanent magnet motors;power filters;synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/TIA.2008.2002274}, ISSN={0093-9994},} @INPROCEEDINGS{DAU1, author={Unbehauen, H.}, booktitle={Adaptive Systems for Signal Processing, Communications, and Control Symposium 2000. AS-SPCC. The IEEE 2000}, title={Adaptive dual control systems: a survey}, year={2000}, month=, volume={}, number={}, pages={171-180}, keywords={adaptive dual control systems;cautious control action;control strategy;optimal excitation;stochastic adaptive control methods;uncertainty;adaptive control;control system synthesis;optimal control;stochastic systems;uncertain systems;}, doi={10.1109/ASSPCC.2000.882466}, ISSN={},} @ARTICLE{PSJ1, author={Ji-Hoon Jang and Seung-Ki Sul and Jung-Ik Ha and Ide, K. and Sawamura, M.}, journal={Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on}, title={Sensorless drive of surface-mounted permanent-magnet motor by high-frequency signal injection based on magnetic saliency}, year={2003}, month=july-aug., volume={39}, number={4}, pages={1031-1039}, keywords={heavy load conditions; high-frequency currents; high-frequency impedance; high-frequency impedance difference; high-frequency signal injection; high-frequency voltage signal; high-frequency voltages; magnetic saliency; permanent magnet flux; q-axis winding; rotor position; sensorless control scheme; sensorless drive; stator core; surface-mounted permanent-magnet motor; voltage equations; electric impedance; machine control; permanent magnet motors; rotors; stators; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/TIA.2003.813734}, ISSN={0093-9994},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PUK1, author={Hyunbae Kim and Sungmo Yi and Namsu Kim and Lorenz, R.D.}, booktitle={Industry Applications Conference, 2005. Fourtieth IAS Annual Meeting. Conference Record of the 2005}, title={Using low resolution position sensors in bumpless position/speed estimation methods for low cost PMSM drives}, year={2005}, month=oct., volume={4}, number={}, pages={2518-2525 Vol. 4}, keywords={Hall sensor; PMSM drives; back-EMF; bumpless transitions; cost reduction; field oriented control; observer-based control; permanent magnet synchronous machine; position sensors; rotor; self-sensing control; sensorless control; speed estimation; angular velocity control; cost reduction; electric sensing devices; machine vector control; observers; permanent magnet machines; position control; rotors; synchronous motor drives;}, doi={10.1109/IAS.2005.1518814}, ISSN={0197-2618},} @INPROCEEDINGS{PSL3, author={Linke, M. and Kennel, R. and Holtz, J.}, booktitle={Electric Machines and Drives Conference, 2003. IEMDC'03. IEEE International}, title={Sensorless speed and position control of synchronous machines using alternating carrier injection}, year={2003}, month=june, volume={2}, number={}, pages={1211-1217 vol.2}, keywords={alternating carrier injection; anisotropic effects; dead-time effect; high frequency current; high-frequency models; inverter distortion voltages; nonlinear inverter properties; open loop carrier signal injection; position estimation; predefined injection angle; sensorless motor drive; sensorless position control; sensorless speed control; synchronous machines; DC-AC power convertors; control system analysis; control system synthesis; invertors; machine testing; machine theory; machine vector control; parameter estimation; position control; synchronous motor drives; velocity control;}, doi={10.1109/IEMDC.2003.1210394}, ISSN={},} @INPROCEEDINGS{DDY2, author={Yung, K.L. and Mak, S.T. and Cheng, D.K.W.}, booktitle={Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 1999. PEDS '99. Proceedings of the IEEE 1999 International Conference on}, title={Dual control of closed-loop stepping motor precision servo}, year={1999}, month=, volume={2}, number={}, pages={803-808 vol.2}, keywords={X-Y table;closed-loop stepping motor precision servo;commutation;control parameters;controllable ripple characteristics;driving voltage waveform;dual control;feedback;high precision motion control applications;lead angle;magnitude;position tracking accuracy;positioning;positioning servo;profile tracking;rotor position;stepping motors resolution;torque ripple minimisation;closed loop systems;commutation;feedback;machine control;motion control;position control;rotors;servomotors;stepping motors;}, doi={10.1109/PEDS.1999.792809}, ISSN={},}