uicompound Member List

This is the complete list of members for uicompound, including all inherited members.

askuser()uibase [inline, virtual]
comment (defined in uibase)uibase [protected]
elems (defined in uicompound)uicompound [protected]
getsummary(std::string &S)uibase [inline, virtual]
help (defined in uibase)uibase [protected]
isvalid()uibase [inline, virtual]
parent (defined in uibase)uibase [protected]
uibase(std::string com="Abstract class, please ignore!")uibase [inline]
uibase(std::string com, uibase *par)uibase [inline]
uicompound(const int n0)uicompound [inline]
~uibase()uibase [inline, virtual]
~uicompound() (defined in uicompound)uicompound [inline]

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