In order to achieve these principal goals in full generality, we need to implement full range of probabilistic operations such as: marginalization, conditioning, Bayes rule, combination of probability densities. Furthermore, many supportive operations are also required, such as data handling and logging of results. Here, we explain the basic classes for each task and point to advanced topics on the issue.
This philosophy results in a tree structure of inheritance, where the root is an abstract class. Different approaches to Bayesian calculus are implemented as specialization of this class. Interoperability of these classes is achieved by data classes, representing mathematical objects arising in the Bayesian calculus.
The task of Bayesian estimation decribed in the next Section is a good illustration of the philosophy.
where, is an unknown parameter, denotes the observed data, is the likelihood function, is the prior density, and is "evidence" of the data.
This simple rule has, however, many incarnations for various types of the likelihood, prior and evidence. For example, the Bayes rule can be evaluated exactly for likelihood function from the Exponential Family and conjugate prior, where the whole functional operation reduces to algebraic operation on sufficient statistics. For other likelihood functions and priors, various approximate schemes (such as Monte Carlo sampling, or maximum-likelihood optimizations) were proposed. To capture all of these options, we abstract the core functionality in the class BM:
void bayes(vec dt)
void bayesB(mat D)
epdf& _epdf().
Hence, the class represent an "estimator" that is capable of returning a posterior density (via method _epdf
) and application of the Bayes rule vis method bayes
Functions bayes
and bayesB
denotes on-line and off-line scenario, respectively. Function bayes
assumes that
dt | is an incremental data record and applies the Bayes rule using posterior density for the previous step as a prior. On the other hand, bayesB assumes that | |
D | is the full data record, and uses the original prior created during construction of the object. |
. When we are interested only in part of the posterior density we can apply probability calculus via methods of this class.The principal distinction between these types is that operations defined on these classes have different results. For example, the first moment of the former is a numeric value, while for the latter it is a functional form.
The most important operations on pdfs are:
double evallog(vec dt)
and double evallogcond()
. marginalization: implemented by method for epdf, conditioning: implemented by method for epdf.
Note that a new data class, RV
, is introduced. This class represents description of a multivariate random variable.
The main purpose of this class is to mediate composition and decomposition of pdfs. See,...