Kalman< sq_T > Class Template Reference

Kalman filter with covariance matrices in square root form. More...

#include <libKF.h>

Inheritance diagram for Kalman< sq_T >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Kalman< sq_T >:

Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Kalman (int dimx, int dimu, int dimy)
 Default constructor.
 Kalman (mat A0, mat B0, mat C0, mat D0, sq_T R0, sq_T Q0, sq_T P0, vec mu0)
 Full constructor.
void bayes (const vec &dt, bool evalll=true)
 Here dt = [yt;ut] of appropriate dimensions.

Public Attributes

vec mu
 Mean value of the posterior density.
sq_T P
 Mean value of the posterior density.

Protected Attributes

int dimx
int dimy
int dimu
mat A
mat B
mat C
mat D
sq_T R
sq_T Q
mat _K
vec _yp
sq_T _Ry
sq_T _iRy


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const KalmanFull &kf)

Detailed Description

template<class sq_T>
class Kalman< sq_T >

Kalman filter with covariance matrices in square root form.
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