bdm::egamma Class Reference

#include <libEF.h>

Inheritance diagram for bdm::egamma:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Detailed Description

Gamma posterior density.

Multivariate Gamma density as product of independent univariate densities.

\[ f(x|\alpha,\beta) = \prod f(x_i|\alpha_i,\beta_i) \]

Public Member Functions

 egamma ()
 Default constructor.
void set_parameters (const vec &a, const vec &b)
 Sets parameters.
vec sample () const
 Returns a sample, $ x $ from density $ f_x()$.
double evallog (const vec &val) const
 TODO: is it used anywhere?
double lognc () const
 logarithm of the normalizing constant, $\mathcal{I}$
vec & _alpha ()
 Returns poiter to alpha and beta. Potentially dengerous: use with care!
vec & _beta ()
vec mean () const
 return expected value
vec variance () const
 return expected variance (not covariance!)
virtual void dupdate (mat &v)
 TODO decide if it is really needed.
virtual double evallog_nn (const vec &val) const
 Evaluate normalized log-probability.
virtual vec evallog (const mat &Val) const
 Evaluate normalized log-probability for many samples.
virtual void pow (double p)
 Power of the density, used e.g. to flatten the density.
Matematical Operations
virtual mat sample_m (int N) const
 Returns N samples, $ [x_1 , x_2 , \ldots \ $ from density $ f_x(rv)$.
virtual vec evallog_m (const mat &Val) const
 Compute log-probability of multiple values argument val.
virtual mpdfcondition (const RV &rv) const
 Return conditional density on the given RV, the remaining rvs will be in conditioning.
virtual epdfmarginal (const RV &rv) const
 Return marginal density on the given RV, the remainig rvs are intergrated out.
Connection to other classes
Description of the random quantity via attribute rv is optional. For operations such as sampling rv does not need to be set. However, for marginalization and conditioning rv has to be set. NB:

void set_rv (const RV &rv0)
 Name its rv.
bool isnamed () const
 True if rv is assigned.
const RV_rv () const
 Return name (fails when isnamed is false).
Access to attributes
bool dimension () const
 Size of the random variable.

Protected Attributes

vec alpha
 Vector $\alpha$.
vec beta
 Vector $\beta$.
int dim
 dimension of the random variable
RV rv
 Description of the random variable.

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