File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
arx.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for generalized autoregressive (ARX) model
arx_test.cppTest of basic elements of the ARX class
arx_ui.h [code]UI for ARX estimators
chmat.h [code]Matrices in decomposed forms (LDL', LU, UDU', etc)
ekf.h [code]
ekf_obj.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions
ekf_templ.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions
emix.h [code]Probability distributions for Mixtures of pdfs
estimator.cppApplication Estimator
fixed.h [code]
itpp_ext.h [code]
KF_ui.h [code]UserInfo for Kalman filters and extensions
libBM.h [code]Bayesian Models (bm) that use Bayes rule to learn from observations
libDC.h [code]Matrices in decomposed forms (LDL', LU, UDU', etc)
libDS.h [code]Common DataSources
libDS_ui.h [code]UI for Common DataSources
libEF.h [code]Probability distributions for Exponential Family models
libEF_ui.h [code]UI for Common probability density functions
libFN.h [code]
libKF.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions
libPF.h [code]Bayesian Filtering using stochastic sampling (Particle Filters)
loggers.h [code]Loggers for storing results of experiments
loggers_ui.h [code]UI builders for Loggers
matrix.h [code]
merger.h [code]Mergers for combination of pdfs
mexlog.h [code]
mixef.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for mixtures of exponential family (EF) members
mpf_load.cppSimulation of disturbances in PMSM model, EKF runs with simulated covariances
mpf_u_delta.cppTR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation
mpf_u_delta_real.cppTR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation
mpf_u_weight.cppVoltage U is multiplied by an unknown weight w which is estimated by MPF
demo_example/nastaveni_regulatoru_float.h [code]
ekf_example/nastaveni_regulatoru_float.h [code]
nastaveni_regulatoru_float.h [code]
osutils.h [code]
parametry_motoru.h [code]
PF_ui.h [code]UserInfo for Kalman filters and extensions
pmsm.h [code]
pmsm_estim.cppMulti-Estimator (developped for PMSM)
pmsm_mix.cppModels for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM
pmsm_mod.h [code]
pmsm_ui.h [code]UserInfo for pmsm related objects
pmsm_unkQpf.cppA test for Kalman with unknown Q
pmsm_wishart.cppTR 2525 file for testing Wishart random walk on PMSM simulator
pmsmDS.h [code]DataSource for experiments with realistic simulator of the PMSM model
pwm.h [code]
reference.h [code]
demo_example/regulace.h [code]
ekf_example/regulace.h [code]
regulace.h [code]
old/sim.cppSimulation of disturbances in PMSM model, PWM and integration disturbances are distinguished
sim.cppSimulation of disturbances in PMSM model, PWM and integration disturbances are distinguished
sim_profiles.h [code]
sim_var.cppSimulation of disturbances in PMSM model, EKF runs with simulated covariances
demo_example/simulator.h [code]
simulator.h [code]
uibuilder.h [code]
unitsteps.cppTR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation
wishart.cppTR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation

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