# This file defines handy gdb macros for printing out ITPP types # To use it, add this line to your ~/.gdbinit : # source gdb_bdm define dm set $i=0 set $M = $arg0 set $rs = $M.no_rows set $col = $M.no_cols while $i < $rs set $j=0 printf "[" while $j< $col output $M.data[$j*$rs+$i] printf " " set $j++ end printf "]" printf "\n" set $i++ end end define dm2 set $i=0 set $M = $arg0 set $rs = $M.no_rows set $col = $M.no_cols while $i < $rs set $j=0 printf "[" while $j< $col printf "%2.2f,",$M.data[$j*$rs+$i] printf " " set $j++ end printf "]" printf "\n" set $i++ end end define dav set $i=0 printf "{" while $i < $arg0.ndata dv $arg0.data[$i] set $i++ end printf "}" end define dam set $i=0 printf "{" while $i < $arg0.ndata dm $arg0.data[$i] set $i++ end printf "}" end define das set $i=0 printf "{" while $i < $arg0.ndata p $arg0.data[$i] set $i++ end printf "}" end define dv if $arg0.datasize >0 output $arg0.data[0]@($arg0.datasize) else printf "{}" end end define dl dm $arg0.L dv $arg0.D end define drv dv $arg0.ids dv $arg0.times end