
00001 //
00002 // C++ Interface: itpp_ext
00003 //
00004 // Description:
00005 //
00006 //
00007 // Author: smidl <>, (C) 2008
00008 //
00009 // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution
00010 //
00011 //
00012 #ifndef FN_H
00013 #define FN_H
00015 #include <itpp/itbase.h>
00016 #include "libBM.h"
00018 using namespace itpp;
00021 class constfn : public fnc
00022 {
00024                 vec val;
00026         public:
00027                 //vec eval() {return val;};
00029                 vec eval ( const vec &cond ) {return val;};
00031                 constfn ( const vec &val0 ) :val ( val0 ) {};
00032 };
00035 class linfn: public fnc
00036 {
00038                 RV rv;
00040                 mat A;
00042                 vec B;
00043         public :
00044                 vec eval (const vec &cond ) {it_assert_debug ( cond.length() ==rv.count(), "linfn::eval Wrong cond." );return A*cond+B;};
00046 //              linfn evalsome ( ivec &rvind );
00048                 linfn ( const RV &rv0 ) :rv ( rv0 ),A ( eye ( rv0.count() ) ),B ( zeros ( rv0.count() ) ) { };
00050                 void set_parameters ( const mat &A0 , const vec &B0 ) {A=A0; B=B0;};
00051 };
00063 class diffbifn: public fnc
00064 {
00065         protected:
00067                 RV rvx;
00069                 RV rvu;
00071                 int dimx;
00073                 int dimu;
00074         public:
00076                 vec eval ( const vec &cond )
00077                 {
00078                         it_assert_debug ( cond.length() == ( dimx+dimu ), "linfn::eval Wrong cond." );
00079                         return eval ( cond ( 0,dimx-1 ),cond ( dimx,dimx+dimu ) );//-1 = end (in matlab)
00080                 };
00083                 virtual vec eval ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0 ) {return zeros ( dimy );};
00085                 virtual void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A , bool full=true ) {};
00087                 virtual void dfdu_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &A, bool full=true ) {};
00089                 diffbifn ( const RV rvx0, const RV rvu0 ) : rvx ( rvx0 ),rvu ( rvu0 ) {dimx=rvx.count();dimu=rvu.count();};
00091                 int _dimx() const{return dimx;}
00093                 int _dimu() const{return dimu;}
00094 };
00097 //TODO can be generalized into multilinear form!
00098 class bilinfn: public diffbifn
00099 {
00100                 mat A;
00101                 mat B;
00102         public :
00103                 vec eval ( const  vec &x0, const vec &u0 );
00106                 bilinfn ( const RV &rvx0, const RV &rvu0 ) : diffbifn ( rvx0,rvu0 ) ,A ( eye ( dimx ) ),B ( zeros ( dimx,dimu ) )       {};
00108                 bilinfn ( const RV &rvx0, const RV &rvu0, const mat &A0, const mat &B0 );
00110                 void dfdx_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &F, bool full )
00111                 {
00112                         it_assert_debug ( ( F.cols() ==A.cols() ) & ( F.rows() ==A.rows() ),"Allocated F is not compatible." );
00113                         if ( full ) F=A;        //else : nothing has changed no need to regenerate
00114                 }
00116                 void dfdu_cond ( const vec &x0, const vec &u0, mat &F,  bool full=true )
00117                 {
00118                         it_assert_debug ( ( F.cols() ==B.cols() ) & ( F.rows() ==B.rows() ),"Allocated F is not compatible." );
00119                         if ( full ) F=B;        //else : nothing has changed no need to regenerate
00120                 }
00121 };
00123 #endif // FN_H

Generated on Wed Mar 5 15:40:01 2008 for mixpp by  doxygen 1.5.3