Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
itpp::AR1_Normal_RNGFiltered normal distribution
itpp::AR_Filter< T1, T2, T3 >Autoregressive (AR) Filter Base Class.

This class implements a autoregressive (AR) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = x(n) - a(1)*y(n-1) - ... - a(N)*y(n-N) \]

where a is the filter coefficients, x is the input and y is the output

itpp::ARMA_Filter< T1, T2, T3 >Autoregressive Moving Average (ARMA) Filter Base Class.

This class implements a autoregressive moving average (ARMA) filter according to

\[ a(0)*y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + \ldots + b(N_b)*x(n-N_b) - a(1)*y(n-1) - \ldots - a(N_a)*y(n-N_a) \]

itpp::Array< T >General array class
bdm::ARXLinear Autoregressive model with Gaussian noise
bdm::ArxDSGenerator of ARX data
itpp::Audio_FileBase class - do not use this one!


itpp::AWGN_ChannelOrdinary AWGN Channel for cvec or vec inputs and outputs
itpp::Base_EventBase Event Class
itpp::Base_Slot< DataType >Base Slot class
itpp::BCHClass for binary, narrow-sense BCH codes
bdm::bdmrootRoot class of BDM objects
itpp::BERCBit Error Rate Counter (BERC) Class
itpp::Bernoulli_RNGBernoulli distribution
itpp::bfstreamBinary in/out-file Class
itpp::bfstream_baseBase class for binary file classes

This class serves as a base class for the classes bofstream, bifstream, and bfstream. It controls the endianity (i.e. the byte order of multibyte numbers on the disk) of the inhereted classes

itpp::bifstreamBinary Infile Class
bdm::bilinfnClass representing function $f(x,u) = Ax+Bu$
itpp::binBinary arithmetic (boolean) class
itpp::BLDPC_GeneratorBlock LDPC Generator class
itpp::BLDPC_ParityBlock LDPC code parity-check matrix
itpp::BLERCClass for counting block error rates
itpp::Block_Interleaver< T >Block Interleaver Class
bdm::BMBayesian Model of a system, i.e. all uncertainty is modeled by probabilities
bdm::BMEFEstimator for Exponential family
itpp::bofstreamBinary Outfile Class
itpp::BPSKBPSK modulator with real symbols
itpp::BPSK_cBPSK modulator with complex symbols
itpp::BSCA Binary Symetric Channel with crossover probability p
itpp::CFixComplex fixed-point data type
itpp::CFixed< w, e, o, q >Templated complex fixed-point data type
itpp::Channel_CodeGeneric Channel Code class
itpp::Channel_SpecificationGeneral specification of a time-domain multipath channel
chmatSymmetric matrix stored in square root decomposition using upper cholesky
itpp::Circular_Buffer< T >General circular buffer class
itpp::Compare_Base_Event_TimesCompare to events, Returns true if expire time of event1 is larger than the expire time of event2
itpp::Complex_Normal_RNGA Complex Normal Source
bdm::compositepdfAbstract composition of pdfs, will be used for specific classes this abstract class is common to epdf and mpdf
bdm::constfnClass representing function $f(x) = a$, here rv is empty
itpp::Convolutional_CodeBinary Convolutional rate 1/n class
itpp::Correlated_Fading_GeneratorCorrelated (random) fading generator class
itpp::CPU_TimerA CPU time timer class

Measures the time spent by the CPU on the current process. If two processes are running concurrently, one real seconds equal 5 CPU seconds per process. The resolution is not very good (in the order of 0.01 seconds)

itpp::CRC_CodeCyclic Redundancy Check Codes
itpp::Cross_Interleaver< T >Cross Interleaver Class
bdm::CsvFileDSCSV file data storage The constructor creates Data matrix from the records in a CSV file fname. The orientation can be of two types: 1. BY_COL which is default - the data are stored in columns; one column per time $t$, one row per data item. 2. BY_ROW if the data are stored the classical CSV style. Then each column stores the values for data item, for ex. $[y_{t} y_{t-1} ...]$, one row for each discrete time instant
itpp::Data_Event< ObjectType, DataType >An Event class that executes a function with some data as input when the event expires
bdm::datalinkDataLink is a connection between two data vectors Up and Down
bdm::datalink_m2eData link between
bdm::diffbifnClass representing a differentiable function of two variables $f(x,u)$
bdm::dirfilelogLogging into dirfile with buffer in memory
bdm::DSAbstract class for discrete-time sources of data
itpp::DSFMT< MEXP, POS1, SL1, MSK1, MSK2, MSK32_1, MSK32_2, MSK32_3, MSK32_4, FIX1, FIX2, PCV1, PCV2 >C++ implementation of dSFMT random number generator

The DSFMT class implements parts of the Double precision SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (dSFM) random number generator. DSFMT directly generates double precision floating point random numbers, which have the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic (ANSI/IEEE Std 754-1985) format. DSFMT does not support integer outputs

itpp::Dummy_CodeDummy Channel Code class
bdm::eDirichDirichlet posterior density
bdm::eEFGeneral conjugate exponential family posterior density
bdm::eEmpWeighted empirical density
bdm::egammaGamma posterior density
bdm::egiwGauss-inverse-Wishart density stored in LD form
bdm::egiwmixMixture of egiws
bdm::eigammaInverse-Gamma posterior density
bdm::EKF< sq_T >Extended Kalman Filter
bdm::EKFChExtended Kalman Filter in Square root
bdm::EKFCh_chQExtended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown Q
bdm::EKFCh_condExtended Kalman filter with unknown parameters in IM
bdm::EKFCh_dQExtended Kalman filter in Choleski form with unknown diagonal Q
EKFfixedExtended Kalman Filter with full matrices in fixed point arithmetic
bdm::EKFful_unQRExtended Kalman filter with unknown Q and R
bdm::EKFfullExtended Kalman Filter in full matrices
bdm::emixMixture of epdfs
bdm::enorm< sq_T >Gaussian density with positive definite (decomposed) covariance matrix
bdm::epdfProbability density function with numerical statistics, e.g. posterior density
bdm::eprodProduct of independent epdfs. For dependent pdfs, use mprod
bdm::euniUniform distributed density on a rectangular support
itpp::Event< ObjectType >An Event class that executes a function when the event expires
itpp::Event_QueueEvent Queue class
itpp::Exponential_RNGExponential distribution
itpp::Extended_GolayExtended Golay code (24,12,8)
itpp::FactoryBase class for class factories
itpp::Fading_GeneratorFading generator class
itpp::Fast_ICAFast_ICA Fast Independent Component Analysis (Fast ICA)

The software is based upon original FastICA for Matlab from A. Hyvarinen. Fast and Robust Fixed-Point Algorithms for Independent Component Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, 10(3), pp. 626-634, 1999

itpp::Filter< T1, T2, T3 >Virtual Filter Base Class.

The class is templated as follows:

itpp::FIR_Fading_GeneratorFIR type Fading generator class
itpp::FixFixed-point data type
itpp::Fix_BaseBase class for fixed-point data types
itpp::Fix_FactoryClass factory for fixed-point data types Fix and CFix
itpp::Fixed< w, e, o, q >Templated fixed-point data type
bdm::fncClass representing function $f(x)$ of variable $x$ represented by rv
itpp::Freq_Filt< Num_T >Freq_Filt Frequency domain filtering using the overlap-add technique

The Freq_Filt class implements an FFT based filter using the overlap-add technique. The data is filtered by first transforming the input sequence into the frequency domain with an efficient FFT implementation (i.e. FFTW) and then multiplied with a Fourier transformed version of the impulse response. The resulting data is then inversed Fourier transformed to return a filtered time domain signal

fsqmatFake sqmat. This class maps sqmat operations to operations on full matrix
itpp::Gamma_RNGGamma distribution

Generate samples from Gamma(alpha,beta) density, according to the following equation:

\[ x \sim \Gamma(\alpha,\beta) = \frac{\beta^\alpha}{\Gamma(\alpha)}x^{\alpha-1} \exp(-\beta x) \]

itpp::GFGalois Field GF(q)
itpp::GF2matClass for dense GF(2) matrices
itpp::GF2mat_sparse_alistParameterized "alist" representation of sparse GF(2) matrix
itpp::GFXPolynomials over GF(q)[x], where q=2^m, m=1,...,16
itpp::GoldGold Sequences
itpp::Hamming_CodeBinary Hamming codes
itpp::Histogram< Num_T >Histogram computation class
itpp::I_Uniform_RNGInteger uniform distribution

Example: Generation of random uniformly distributed integers in the interval [0,10]

itpp::IFFT_Fading_GeneratorIFFT type Fading generator class
IMk1Model stredni hodnoty vyvoje stavu pro k1
IMpmsmState evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to $x$
IMpmsm2oState evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to $x$
IMpmsmMzState for PMSM with unknown Mz
IMpmsmStatState evolution model for a PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to $x$, equation for $\omega$ is omitted.$
IMpmsmStatMzState for PMSM with unknown Mz
itpp::Impulse_SourceImpulse source
itpp::Independent_Fading_GeneratorIndependent (random) fading generator class
itpp::it_fileThe IT++ file format reading and writing class
itpp::it_file_baseBase class for it_ifile and it_file
itpp::it_file_base::it_file_base::data_headerData header structure
itpp::it_file_base::it_file_base::file_headerFile header structure
itpp::it_file_base_oldBase class for it_ifile_old and it_file_old
itpp::it_file_base_old::it_file_base_old::data_headerData header structure
itpp::it_file_base_old::it_file_base_old::file_headerFile header structure
itpp::it_file_oldThe old (version 2) IT++ file format reading and writing class
itpp::it_ifileThe IT++ file format reading class
itpp::it_ifile_oldThe old (version 2) IT++ file format reading class
bdm::ITppFileDSRead Data Matrix from an IT file
bdm::Kalman< sq_T >Kalman filter with covariance matrices in square root form
bdm::KalmanChKalman filter in square root form
bdm::KalmanFullBasic Kalman filter with full matrices (education purpose only)! Will be deleted soon!
bdm::KFcondQRKalman Filter with conditional diagonal matrices R and Q
bdm::KFcondRKalman Filter with conditional diagonal matrices R and Q
itpp::Laplace_RNGLaplacian distribution
ldmatMatrix stored in LD form, (commonly known as UD)
itpp::LDPC_CodeLow-density parity check (LDPC) codec
itpp::LDPC_GeneratorLDPC Generator pure virtual base class
itpp::LDPC_Generator_SystematicSystematic LDPC Generator class
itpp::LDPC_ParityLDPC parity check matrix generic class
itpp::LDPC_Parity_IrregularIrregular LDPC code generator class
itpp::LDPC_Parity_RegularRegular LDPC code generator class
itpp::LDPC_Parity_UnstructuredPure abstract class for unstructured LDPC matrices
itpp::LFSRBinary Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)

  • The LFSR is on Fibonacci form (see p. 104 in Peterson, Ziemer and Borth, "Introduction to Spread Spctrum communications", Prentice-Hall, 1995)
  • If the connect_polynomial=1+g1*D+g2*D^2+...+gr*D^r is a primitive polynomial, a Maximum Length Sequence (m-sequence) of length N=2^r-1 is constructed. Use an arbitrary state not equal to zero, to get a phase of the m-sequence
  • For a table of primtive polynomials see p. 117 in the reference above or a suitable book on coding
itpp::Line_SearchLine Search
bdm::linfnClass representing function $f(x) = Ax+B$
itpp::LLR_calc_unitLog-likelihood algebra calculation unit
bdm::loggerClass for storing results (and semi-results) of an experiment
itpp::MA_Filter< T1, T2, T3 >Moving Average Filter Base Class.

This class implements a moving average (MA) filter according to

\[ y(n) = b(0)*x(n) + b(1)*x(n-1) + ... + b(N)*x(n-N) \]

where b is the filter coefficients, x is the input and y is the output

itpp::Mat< Num_T >Matrix Class (Templated)
bdm::mEFExponential family model
bdm::MemDSMemory storage of off-line data column-wise
bdm::memlogLogging into matrices in data format in memory
bdm::mepdfUnconditional mpdf, allows using epdf in the role of mpdf
bdm::mergerFunction for general combination of pdfs
bdm::mgammaGamma random walk
bdm::mgamma_fixGamma random walk around a fixed point
bdm::mgnorm< sq_T >Mpdf with general function for mean value
bdm::migammaInverse-Gamma random walk
bdm::migamma_refInverse-Gamma random walk around a fixed point
bdm::MixEFMixture of Exponential Family Densities
bdm::mlnorm< sq_T >Normal distributed linear function with linear function of mean value;
bdm::mlognormLog-Normal random walk
bdm::mmixMixture of mpdfs with constant weights, all mpdfs are of equal type
itpp::Modulator< T >General modulator for 1D or 2D signal constellations
itpp::Modulator_NCDBase class for vector (MIMO) channel modulator/demodulators with complex valued components
itpp::Modulator_NDBase class for an N-dimensional (ND) vector (MIMO) modulator
itpp::Modulator_NRDBase class for N-dimensional vector (MIMO) channel modulators/demodulators with real-valued components
itpp::MOG_diagDiagonal Mixture of Gaussians (MOG) class
itpp::MOG_diag_EM_supSupport class for MOG_diag_ML() and MOG_diag_MAP()
itpp::MOG_diag_kmeans_supSupport class for MOG_diag_kmeans()
itpp::MOG_genericGeneric Mixture of Gaussians (MOG) class. Used as a base for other MOG classes
bdm::mpdfConditional probability density, e.g. modeling some dependencies
bdm::MPF< BM_T >Marginalized Particle filter
bdm::mprodChain rule decomposition of epdf
bdm::mratioClass representing ratio of two densities which arise e.g. by applying the Bayes rule. It represents density in the form:

\[ f(rv|rvc) = \frac{f(rv,rvc)}{f(rvc)} \]

where $ f(rvc) = \int f(rv,rvc) d\ rv $

bdm::multiBMEstimator for Multinomial density
itpp::Multicode_Spread_1dMulticode spreading of float symbols
itpp::Multicode_Spread_2dMulticode spreading of complex symbols to complex output
bdm::MultiModel(Switching) Multiple Model The model runs several models in parallel and evaluates thier weights (fittness)
itpp::NameAutomatic naming when saving

An easy way to give a variable a name and optionally description when saving. Usage:

itpp::ND_UPAMReal-valued MIMO channel with uniform PAM along each dimension
itpp::ND_UQAMComplex MIMO channel with uniform QAM per dimension
itpp::Newton_SearchNewton Search
itpp::Normal_RNGNormal distribution

Normal (Gaussian) random variables, using a simplified Ziggurat method

itpp::OFDMClass for modulating and demodulation of OFDM signals using the FFT
OMk1Model stredni hodnoty pozorovani pro k1
OMpmsmObservation model for PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to $x$
OMpmsm4Observation model for PMSM drive and its derivative with respect to $x$ for full vector of observations
itpp::PAMM-ary PAM modulator with real symbols
itpp::PAM_cM-ary PAM modulator with complex symbols
itpp::ParserArgument Parser Class
bdm::Particular_UI< T >The main userinfo template class. You should derive this class whenever you need a new userinfo of a class which is compound from smaller elements (all having its own userinfo class prepared)
itpp::Pattern_SourcePattern source
bdm::PFTrivial particle filter with proposal density equal to parameter evolution model
pmsmCRBThis class behaves like BM but it is evaluating EKF
pmsmCRBMzThis class behaves like BM but it is evaluating EKF
pmsmDSSimulator of PMSM machine with predefined profile on omega
itpp::PSKM-ary PSK modulator
itpp::Pulse_Shape< T1, T2, T3 >General FIR Pulse Shape
itpp::Punctured_Convolutional_CodeBinary Punctured Convolutional Code Class
itpp::QAMM-ary QAM modulator with square lattice
itpp::QPSKQPSK modulator
itpp::Raised_Cosine< T1 >Raised Cosine (RC) Pulse Shaper
itpp::Rayleigh_RNGRayleigh distribution
itpp::Real_TimerA real time timer class

Measures real time

itpp::Rec_Syst_Conv_CodeA Recursive Systematic Convolutional Encoder/Decoder class
itpp::Reed_SolomonReed-Solomon Codes
itpp::Rice_Fading_GeneratorRice type fading generator class
itpp::Rice_RNGRice distribution
itpp::Root_Raised_Cosine< T1 >(Square) Root Raised Cosine (RRC) Pulse Shaper
bdm::RVClass representing variables, most often random variables
itpp::Sawtooth_SourceSawtooth-wave source
itpp::Scalar_QuantizerClass for vector quantization
itpp::Sequence_Interleaver< T >Sequence Interleaver Class
itpp::Signal< DataType >Signals and slots
itpp::Sine_SourceSine-wave source
itpp::Slot< ObjectType, DataType >Slot Class
itpp::SND_FormatBase class for SND reading classes (the .au format)


itpp::SND_In_FileA class to read SND-files (the .au format)


itpp::SND_IO_FileThis class is capable of doing both input and output.


itpp::SND_Out_FileA class to write SND-files (the .au format)


itpp::Sort< T >Class for sorting of vectors
itpp::Sparse_Mat< T >Templated Sparse Matrix Class
itpp::Sparse_Vec< T >Templated sparse vector class
itpp::Spread_1dSpreading of float symbols to float output
itpp::Spread_2dSpreading of complex symbols to complex output
sqmatVirtual class for representation of double symmetric matrices in square-root form
itpp::Square_SourceSquare-wave source
itpp::Stack< T >General stack class
itpp::StatA class for sampling a signal and calculating statistics
itpp::Static_Fading_GeneratorStatic fading generator class
bdm::strStructure of RV (used internally), i.e. expanded RVs
itpp::TCP_Packet::TCP_Packet::TDebugInfoADD DOCUMENTATION HERE
itpp::TDL_ChannelTapped Delay Line (TDL) channel model
itpp::TimerA virtual base class for timers
itpp::Triangle_SourceTriangle-wave source
itpp::TTimer< THandler >
itpp::Turbo_CodecTurbo encoder/decoder Class

To set up the turbo encoder used in e.g. WCDMA the following code can be used (assuming a code block size of 320 bits):

bdm::UIUserInfo is an abstract is for internal purposes only. Use CompoundUserInfo<T> or Particular_UI<T> instead. The raison d'etre of this class is to allow pointers to its templated descendants
bdm::UI_FileThis class serves to load and/or save DOMElements into/from files stored on a hard-disk
bdm::UIbuilderBuilds computational object from a UserInfo structure
UIdirfilelogUI for dirfilelog (Kst file format)
UIITppFileDSUI for reading data from files
UIitpplogUI for memlog
UImexDSCreate memory data source from mxArray
UIpmsmDSUI for pmsmDS,
UIpmsmOMUI for pmsm observation model
UIrvUI for class RV (description of data vectors)
itpp::Uniform_RNGUniform distribution
itpp::Vec< Num_T >Vector Class (Templated)
itpp::Vector_QuantizerClass for vector quantization
itpp::Weibull_RNGWeibull distribution

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