converters.h File Reference

Definitions of converters between different vector and matrix types. More...

#include <itpp/base/itcompat.h>
#include <itpp/base/help_functions.h>
#include <itpp/base/math/misc.h>

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template<class T >
bvec itpp::to_bvec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to bvec.
template<class T >
svec itpp::to_svec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to svec.
template<class T >
ivec itpp::to_ivec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to ivec.
template<class T >
vec itpp::to_vec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to vec.
template<class T >
cvec itpp::to_cvec (const Vec< T > &v)
 Converts a Vec<T> to cvec.
template<class T >
cvec itpp::to_cvec (const Vec< T > &real, const Vec< T > &imag)
 Converts real and imaginary Vec<T> to cvec.
ivec itpp::to_ivec (int s)
 Converts an int to ivec.
vec itpp::to_vec (double s)
 Converts an double to vec.
cvec itpp::to_cvec (double real, double imag)
 Converts real and imaginary double to cvec.
template<class T >
bmat itpp::to_bmat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to bmat.
template<class T >
smat itpp::to_smat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to smat.
template<class T >
imat itpp::to_imat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to imat.
template<class T >
mat itpp::to_mat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to mat.
template<class T >
cmat itpp::to_cmat (const Mat< T > &m)
 Converts a Mat<T> to cmat.
template<class T >
cmat itpp::to_cmat (const Mat< T > &real, const Mat< T > &imag)
 Converts real and imaginary Mat<T> to cmat.
bvec itpp::dec2bin (int length, int index)
 Convert a decimal int index to bvec using length bits in the representation.
void itpp::dec2bin (int index, bvec &v)
 Convert a decimal int index to bvec. Value returned in v.
bvec itpp::dec2bin (int index, bool msb_first=true)
 Convert a decimal int index to bvec with the first bit as MSB if msb_first == true.
int itpp::bin2dec (const bvec &inbvec, bool msb_first=true)
 Convert a bvec to decimal int with the first bit as MSB if msb_first == true.
bvec itpp::oct2bin (const ivec &octalindex, short keepzeros=0)
 Convert ivec of octal form to bvec.
ivec itpp::bin2oct (const bvec &inbits)
 Convert bvec to octal ivec.
ivec itpp::bin2pol (const bvec &inbvec)
 Convert bvec to polar binary representation as ivec.
bvec itpp::pol2bin (const ivec &inpol)
 Convert binary polar ivec to bvec.
double itpp::rad_to_deg (double x)
 Convert radians to degrees.
double itpp::deg_to_rad (double x)
 Convert degrees to radians.
double itpp::round (double x)
 Round to nearest integer, return result in double.
vec itpp::round (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest integer.
mat itpp::round (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest integer.
int itpp::round_i (double x)
 Round to nearest integer.
ivec itpp::round_i (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest integer and return ivec.
imat itpp::round_i (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest integer and return imat.
vec itpp::ceil (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
mat itpp::ceil (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
int itpp::ceil_i (double x)
 The nearest larger integer.
ivec itpp::ceil_i (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
imat itpp::ceil_i (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest upper integer.
vec itpp::floor (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
mat itpp::floor (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
int itpp::floor_i (double x)
 The nearest smaller integer.
ivec itpp::floor_i (const vec &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
imat itpp::floor_i (const mat &x)
 Round to nearest lower integer.
double itpp::round_to_zero (double x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round x to zero if abs(x) is smaller than threshold.
std::complex< double > itpp::round_to_zero (const std::complex< double > &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each part of x smaller than threshold to zero.
vec itpp::round_to_zero (const vec &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
mat itpp::round_to_zero (const mat &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
cvec itpp::round_to_zero (const cvec &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
cmat itpp::round_to_zero (const cmat &x, double threshold=1e-14)
 Round each element to zero if element < threshold.
int itpp::gray_code (int x)
 Convert to Gray Code.
template<typename T >
std::string itpp::to_str (const T &i)
 Convert anything to string.
std::string itpp::to_str (const double &i, const int precision)
 Convert double to string.

Detailed Description

Definitions of converters between different vector and matrix types.

Tony Ottosson, Tobias Ringstrom, Pal Frenger and Adam Piatyszek

Copyright (C) 1995-2008 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)

This file is part of IT++ - a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing, speech processing, and communications classes and functions.

IT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

IT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with IT++. If not, see <>.


Generated on Tue Jun 2 10:02:13 2009 for mixpp by  doxygen 1.5.8