File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
airy.cppImplementation of Airy function
array.h [code]Definition of Array class (container)
arx.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for generalized autoregressive (ARX) model
arx_test.cppTest of basic elements of the ARX class
arx_ui.h [code]UI for ARX estimators
audiofile.cppImplementation of audio Audio classes and functions
audiofile.h [code]Definitions of audio Audio classes and functions
bch.cppImplementation of a BCH encoder/decoder class
bch.h [code]Definition of a BCH encoder/decoder class
bessel.cppImplementation of Bessel functions
bessel.h [code]Definitions of Bessel functions
bessel_internal.h [code]Bessel help functions header. For internal use only
binary.cppBinary class implemenations
binary.h [code]Binary class definition
binfile.cppBinary file formats implementations
binfile.h [code]Binary file formats definitions
blas.h [code]BLAS header functions. For internal use only
cfix.cppImplementation of a complex fixed-point data type CFix
cfix.h [code]Definitions of a complex fixed-point data type CFix
cfixed.cppImplementation of a complex fixed-point data type CFixed
cfixed.h [code]Definitions of a complex fixed-point data type CFixed
channel.cppCommunication Channels' classes - source file
channel.h [code]Communication channels' classes - header file
channel_code.h [code]Channel Code class virtual interface
chbevl.cppImplementation of Chebyshev series evaluation function
chmat.h [code]Matrices in decomposed forms (LDL', LU, UDU', etc)
cholesky.cppImplementation of Cholesky factorisation functions
cholesky.h [code]Definitions of Cholesky factorisation functions
circular_buffer.h [code]Circular_Buffer class (container)
commfunc.cppImplementation of some specific functions useful in communications
commfunc.h [code]Definitions of some specific functions useful in communications
config.h [code]
config_msvc.h [code]
convcode.cppImplementation of a binary convolutional encoder class
convcode.h [code]Definition of a binary convolutional encoder class
converters.cppImplementation of converters between different vector and matrix types
converters.h [code]Definitions of converters between different vector and matrix types
copy_vector.h [code]Vector copy functions for internal use
crc.cppImplementation of a CRC code class
crc.h [code]Definition of a CRC code class
det.cppImplementation of determinant calculations
det.h [code]Definitions of determinant calculations
egolay.cppImplementation of the Extended Golay Code (24, 12, 8)
egolay.h [code]Definition of the Extended Golay Code (24, 12, 8)
eigen.cppEigenvalue decomposition functions
eigen.h [code]Definitions of eigenvalue decomposition functions
ekf.h [code]
ekf_obj.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions
ekf_templ.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions
elem_math.cppElementary mathematical functions - source file
elem_math.h [code]Elementary mathematical functions - header file
emix.h [code]Probability distributions for Mixtures of pdfs
error.cppError functions - source file
error.h [code]Error functions - header file
error_counters.cppImplementation of Bit Error Rate Counter (BERC) and BLock Error Rate Counter (BLERC) classes
error_counters.h [code]Definitions of Bit Error Rate Counter (BERC) and BLock Error Rate Counter (BLERC) classes
estimator.cppApplication Estimator
events.cppImplementation of an event-based simulation class
events.h [code]Definitions of an event-based simulation class
factory.h [code]Base class for class factories and memory allocation functions
fastica.cppImplementation of FastICA (Independent Component Analysis) for IT++
fastica.h [code]Definition of FastICA (Independent Component Analysis) for IT++
fastmath.cppImplementation of special operations on vectors and matricies optimized for speed
fastmath.h [code]Definitions of special operations on vectors and matricies optimized for speed
filter.cppImplementation of Filter classes and functions
filter.h [code]Definitions of Filter classes and functions
filter_design.cppFilter design functions
filter_design.h [code]Filter design functions
fix.cppImplementation of a fixed-point data type Fix
fix.h [code]Definitions of a fixed-point data type Fix
fix_base.cppImplementation of a base class for fixed-point data types
fix_base.h [code]Definitions of a base class for fixed-point data types
fix_factory.cppImplementation of a class factory for fixed-point data types Fix and CFix
fix_factory.h [code]Definitions of a class factory for fixed-point data types Fix and CFix
fix_functions.cppImplementation of a set of functions for Fix, Fixed, CFix and CFixed classes
fix_functions.h [code]Definitions of a set of functions for Fix, Fixed, CFix and CFixed classes
fix_operators.cppImplementation of a set of operators for Fix, Fixed, CFix and CFixed classes
fix_operators.h [code]Definitions of a set of operators for Fix, Fixed, CFix and CFixed classes
itpp/itpp/fixed/fixed.cppImplementation of a fixed-point data type Fixed
mixpp/applications/pmsm/simulator_zdenek/ekf_example/fixed.h [code]
itpp/itpp/fixed/fixed.h [code]Definitions of a fixed-point data type Fixed
freq_filt.cppImplementation of Freq_Filt Class
freq_filt.h [code]Definition of frequency domain filter class
front_drop_queue.cppImplementation of a Front Drop Queue class
front_drop_queue.h [code]Definitions of a Front Drop Queue class
galois.cppImplementation of Galois Field algebra classes and functions
galois.h [code]Definitions of Galois Field algebra classes and functions
gamma.cppImplementation of gamma functions
gf2mat.cppImplementation of a class for algebra on GF(2) (binary) matrices
gf2mat.h [code]Definition of a class for algebra on GF(2) (binary) matrices
gmm.cppImplementation of a Gaussian Mixture Model Class
gmm.h [code]Definition of a Gaussian Mixture Model Class
hammcode.cppImplementation of a Hamming code class
hammcode.h [code]Definitions of a Hamming code class
help_functions.cppHelp functions to make functions with vec and mat as arguments
help_functions.h [code]Help functions to make functions with vec and mat as arguments
histogram.h [code]Histogram class - header file
hyperg.cppImplementation of confluent hypergeometric function
i0.cppImplementation of modified Bessel functions of order zero
i1.cppImplementation of modified Bessel functions of order one
integration.cppImplementation of numerical integration
integration.h [code]Definition of numerical integration
interleave.cppImplementation of interleaver classes
interleave.h [code]Definitions of interleaver classes
inv.cppImplementation of matrix inversion routines
inv.h [code]Definitions of matrix inversion routines
itassert.cppError handling functions - source file
itassert.h [code]Error handling functions - header file
itbase.h [code]Include file for the IT++ base module
itcomm.h [code]Include file for the IT++ communications module
itcompat.cppIT++ compatibility types and functions
itcompat.h [code]IT++ compatibility types and functions
itfile.cppImplementation of classes for the IT++ file format
itfile.h [code]Definition of classes for the IT++ file format
itfixed.h [code]Include file for the IT++ fixed-point module
itmex.h [code]Conversion routines between IT++ and Matlab
itoptim.h [code]Include file for the IT++ optimization module
itpp_ext.h [code]
itprotocol.h [code]Include file for the IT++ protocols module
itsignal.h [code]Include file for the IT++ signal-processing module
itsrccode.h [code]Include file for the IT++ source coding module
itstat.h [code]Include file for the IT++ statistics module
iv.cppImplementation of modified Bessel functions of noninteager order
jv.cppImplementation of Bessel functions of noninteager order
k0.cppImplementation of modified Bessel functions of third kind
mixpp/applications/doprava/k1.cppModels for synchronous electric drive using IT++ and BDM
itpp/itpp/base/bessel/k1.cppImplementation of modified Bessel functions of third kind
KF_ui.h [code]UserInfo for Kalman filters and extensions
kn.cppImplementation of modified Bessel functions of third kind
lapack.h [code]Lapack header functions. For internal use only
ldpc.cppImplementation of Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes
ldpc.h [code]Implementation of Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) codes
libBM.h [code]Bayesian Models (bm) that use Bayes rule to learn from observations
libDC.h [code]Matrices in decomposed forms (LDL', LU, UDU', etc)
libDS.h [code]Common DataSources
libDS_ui.h [code]UI for Common DataSources
libEF.h [code]Probability distributions for Exponential Family models
libEF_ui.h [code]UI for Common probability density functions
libFN.h [code]
libKF.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for linear Gaussian models (Kalman Filter) and extensions
libPF.h [code]Bayesian Filtering using stochastic sampling (Particle Filters)
llr.cppClass for numerically efficient log-likelihood algebra
llr.h [code]Class for numerically efficient log-likelihood algebra
log_exp.h [code]Logarithmic and exponenential functions - header file
loggers.h [code]Loggers for storing results of experiments
loggers_ui.h [code]UI builders for Loggers
lpcfunc.cppImplementations of linear prediction functions, and conversion between common representations of linear predictive parameters
lpcfunc.h [code]Implementation of linear prediction functions, and conversion between common representations of linear predictive parameters
ls_solve.cppImplementation of functions for solving linear equation systems
ls_solve.h [code]Definitions of functions for solving linear equation systems
lu.cppImplementation of LU factorisation functions
lu.h [code]Definitions of LU factorisation functions
mat.cppMatrix Class Implementation
mat.h [code]Matrix Class Definitions
matfunc.cppVarious functions on vectors and matrices - source file
matfunc.h [code]Various functions on vectors and matrices - header file
matrix.h [code]
merger.h [code]Mergers for combination of pdfs
mexds.h [code]
mexlog.h [code]
mexparse.h [code]
min_max.h [code]Minimum and maximum functions on vectors and matrices
misc.cppMiscellaneous functions - source file
misc.h [code]Miscellaneous functions - header file
misc_stat.cppMiscellaneous statistics functions and classes - source file
misc_stat.h [code]Miscellaneous statistics functions and classes - header file
mixef.h [code]Bayesian Filtering for mixtures of exponential family (EF) members
model.h [code]
modulator.cppOne- and two-dimensional modulators - source file
modulator.h [code]One- and two-dimensional modulators - header file
modulator_nd.cppImplementation of vector (MIMO) modulator classes
modulator_nd.h [code]Definition of vector (MIMO) modulator classes
mog_diag.cppDiagonal Mixture of Gaussians class - source file
mog_diag.h [code]Diagonal Mixture of Gaussians class - header file
mog_diag_em.cppExpectation Maximisation based optimisers for Mixture of Gaussians - source file
mog_diag_em.h [code]Expectation Maximisation (EM) based optimisers for MOG - header file
mog_diag_kmeans.cppKmeans based optimiser for Mixture of Gaussians - source file
mog_diag_kmeans.h [code]K-means based optimiser for Mixture of Gaussians - header file
mog_generic.cppGeneric Mixture of Gaussians (MOG) class - source file
mog_generic.h [code]Generic Mixture of Gaussians (MOG) class - header file
mpf_load.cppSimulation of disturbances in PMSM model, EKF runs with simulated covariances
demo_example/nastaveni_regulatoru_float.h [code]
ekf_example/nastaveni_regulatoru_float.h [code]
nastaveni_regulatoru_float.h [code]
newton_search.cppNewton Search optimization algorithms - source file
newton_search.h [code]Newton Search optimization algorithms - header file
ofdm.cppImplementation of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) class
ofdm.h [code]Interface of an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM) class
operators.cppImplementation of operators for vectors and matricies of different types
operators.h [code]Definitions of operators for vectors and matricies of different types
osutils.h [code]
packet.h [code]Definition of a Packet class
packet_channel.cppImplementation of a Packet channel class
packet_channel.h [code]Definition of a Packet channel class
packet_generator.cppImplementation of a Packet generator class
packet_generator.h [code]Definition of a Packet generator class
parametry_motoru.h [code]
parser.cppImplementation of an argument parser class
parser.h [code]Definition of an argument parser class
PF_ui.h [code]UserInfo for Kalman filters and extensions
pmsm.h [code]
pmsm_estim.cppMulti-Estimator (developped for PMSM)
pmsm_estim_mex.cppMulti-Estimator (developped for PMSM)
pmsm_mod.h [code]
pmsm_ui.h [code]UserInfo for pmsm related objects
pmsm_wishart.cppTR 2525 file for testing Wishart random walk on PMSM simulator
pmsmDS.h [code]DataSource for experiments with realistic simulator of the PMSM model
pnm.cppImplementation of PNM graphics format I/O function
pnm.h [code]Definitions of PNM graphics format I/O function
polevl.cppImplementation of polynomial evaluation function
poly.cppPolynomial functions
poly.h [code]Polynomial functions
pulse_shape.cppPulse shaping classes - source file
pulse_shape.h [code]Pulse shaping classes - header file
punct_convcode.cppImplementation of a Binary Punctured Convolutional Encoder class
punct_convcode.h [code]Definitions of a Binary Punctured Convolutional Encoder class
pwm.h [code]
qr.cppImplementation of QR factorisation functions
qr.h [code]Definitions of QR factorisation functions
random.cppImplementation of classes for random number generators
random.h [code]Definition of classes for random number generators
random_dsfmt.h [code]C++ implementation of dSFMT random number generator
rec_syst_conv_code.cppImplementation of a Recursive Systematic Convolutional codec class
rec_syst_conv_code.h [code]Definitions of a Recursive Systematic Convolutional codec class
reedsolomon.cppImplementation of a Reed-Solomon codec class
reedsolomon.h [code]Definitions of a Reed-Solomon codec class
reference.h [code]
demo_example/regulace.h [code]
ekf_example/regulace.h [code]
regulace.h [code]
resampling.cppResampling functions - source file
resampling.h [code]Resampling functions - header file
schur.cppSchur decomposition functions
schur.h [code]Definitions of Schur decomposition functions
selective_repeat.cppImplementation of Selective Repeat ARQ classes
selective_repeat.h [code]Definitions of Selective Repeat ARQ classes
sequence.cppImplementation of binary sequence classes and functions
sequence.h [code]Definitions of binary sequence classes and functions
sigfun.cppImplementation of signal processing functions
sigfun.h [code]Definitions of signal processing functions
signals_slots.h [code]Definitions of Signals and Slots classes
sim.cppSimulation of disturbances in PMSM model, PWM and integration disturbances are distinguished
sim_profiles.h [code]
demo_example/simulator.h [code]
simulator.h [code]
smat.cppSparse Matrix Class implementation
smat.h [code]Sparse Matrix Class Definitions
sort.h [code]Sorting functions
source.cppDeterministic sources - source file
source.h [code]Deterministic sources - header file
specmat.cppImplementation of special vectors and matrices
specmat.h [code]Definitions of special vectors and matrices
spread.cppImplementation of spread spectrum classes and functions
spread.h [code]Definition of spread spectrum classes and functions
stack.h [code]Stack class (container)
struve.cppImplementation of struve function
svd.cppImplementation of Singular Value Decompositions
svd.h [code]Definitions of Singular Value Decompositions
svec.cppSparse Vector Class implementation
svec.h [code]Sparse Vector Class definitions
tcp.cppImplementation of Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
tcp.h [code]Definition of Transport Control Protocol (TCP)
tcp_client_server.h [code]Definitions of TCP Client and Server Applications
timing.cppImplementation of Timing classes
timing.h [code]Definitions of Timing classes
transforms.cppFourier, Cosine, Hadamard, Walsh-Hadamard, and 2D Hadamard transforms - source file
transforms.h [code]Fourier, Hadamard, Walsh-Hadamard, and 2D Hadamard transforms - header file
trig_hyp.h [code]Trigonometric and hyperbolic functions - header file
turbo.cppImplementation of a turbo encoder/decoder class
turbo.h [code]Definition of a turbo encoder/decoder class
uibuilder.h [code]
unitsteps.cppTR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation
user_info.h [code]
vec.cppTemplated Vector Class Implementation
vec.h [code]Templated Vector Class Definitions
vq.cppImplementation of a vector quantizer class (unconstrained)
vq.h [code]Definition of a vector quantizer class (unconstrained)
vqtrain.cppImplementation of a vector quantizer training functions
vqtrain.h [code]Definitions of a vector quantizer training functions
window.cppImplementation of window functions
window.h [code]Definitions of window functions
wishart.cppTR 2525 file for testing Toy Problem of mpf for Covariance Estimation

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