00029 #ifndef GALOIS_H
00030 #define GALOIS_H
00032 #include <itpp/base/vec.h>
00033 #include <itpp/base/array.h>
00034 #include <itpp/base/binary.h>
00035 #include <itpp/base/converters.h>
00038 namespace itpp
00039 {
00073 class GF
00074 {
00075 public:
00077 GF() { m = 0; }
00079 GF(int qvalue) {
00080 m = 0;
00081 if (qvalue == 0)
00082 value = -1;
00083 else set_size(qvalue);
00084 }
00086 GF(int qvalue, int inexp) { m = 0; set(qvalue, inexp); }
00088 GF(const GF &ingf) { m = ingf.m; value = ingf.value; }
00091 void set(int qvalue, int inexp) {
00092 set_size(qvalue);
00093 it_assert_debug(inexp >= -1 && inexp < qvalue - 1, "GF::set, out of range");
00094 value = inexp;
00095 }
00101 void set(int qvalue, const bvec &vectorspace);
00103 void set_size(int qvalue);
00105 int get_size() const { return ((m != 0) ? q[m] : 0); }
00111 bvec get_vectorspace() const;
00113 int get_value() const;
00115 int operator==(const GF &ingf) const;
00117 int operator!=(const GF &ingf) const;
00120 void operator=(const GF &ingf);
00122 void operator=(const int inexp);
00124 void operator+=(const GF &ingf);
00126 GF operator+(const GF &ingf) const;
00128 void operator-=(const GF &ingf);
00130 GF operator-(const GF &ingf) const;
00132 void operator*=(const GF &ingf);
00134 GF operator*(const GF &ingf) const;
00136 void operator/=(const GF &ingf);
00138 GF operator/(const GF &ingf) const;
00140 friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GF &ingf);
00141 protected:
00142 private:
00143 char m;
00144 int value;
00145 static Array<Array<int> > alphapow, logalpha;
00146 static ivec q;
00147 };
00149 class GFX;
00152 GFX operator*(const GF &ingf, const GFX &ingfx);
00154 GFX operator*(const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf);
00156 GFX operator/(const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf);
00161 class GFX
00162 {
00163 public:
00165 GFX();
00167 GFX(int qvalue);
00169 GFX(int qvalue, int indegree);
00171 GFX(int qvalue, const ivec &invalues);
00173 GFX(int qvalue, char *invalues);
00175 GFX(int qvalue, std::string invalues);
00177 GFX(const GFX &ingfx);
00179 int get_size() const;
00181 int get_degree() const;
00185 void set_degree(int indegree);
00187 int get_true_degree() const;
00189 void set(int qvalue, const char *invalues);
00191 void set(int qvalue, const std::string invalues);
00193 void set(int qvalue, const ivec &invalues);
00195 void clear();
00197 GF operator[](int index) const {
00198 it_assert_debug(index<=degree, "GFX::op[], out of range");
00199 return coeffs(index);
00200 }
00202 GF &operator[](int index) {
00203 it_assert_debug(index<=degree, "GFX::op[], out of range");
00204 return coeffs(index);
00205 }
00207 void operator=(const GFX &ingfx);
00209 void operator+=(const GFX &ingfx);
00211 GFX operator+(const GFX &ingfx) const;
00213 void operator-=(const GFX &ingfx);
00215 GFX operator-(const GFX &ingfx) const;
00217 void operator*=(const GFX &ingfx);
00219 GFX operator*(const GFX &ingfx) const;
00221 GF operator()(const GF &ingf);
00223 friend GFX operator*(const GF &ingf, const GFX &ingfx);
00225 friend GFX operator*(const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf);
00227 friend GFX operator/(const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf);
00230 friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const GFX &ingfx);
00231 protected:
00232 private:
00233 int degree, q;
00234 Array<GF> coeffs;
00235 };
00244 GFX divgfx(const GFX &c, const GFX &g);
00250 GFX modgfx(const GFX &a, const GFX &b);
00256 inline void GF::set(int qvalue, const bvec &vectorspace)
00257 {
00258 set_size(qvalue);
00259 it_assert_debug(vectorspace.length() == m, "GF::set, out of range");
00260 value = logalpha(m)(bin2dec(vectorspace));
00261 }
00263 inline bvec GF::get_vectorspace() const
00264 {
00265 bvec temp(m);
00266 if (value == -1)
00267 temp = dec2bin(m, 0);
00268 else
00269 temp = dec2bin(m, alphapow(m)(value));
00270 return temp;
00271 }
00273 inline int GF::get_value() const
00274 {
00275 return value;
00276 }
00278 inline int GF::operator==(const GF &ingf) const
00279 {
00280 if (value == -1 && ingf.value == -1)
00281 return true;
00282 if (m == ingf.m && value == ingf.value)
00283 return true;
00284 else
00285 return false;
00286 }
00288 inline int GF::operator!=(const GF &ingf) const
00289 {
00290 GF tmp(*this);
00291 return !(tmp == ingf);
00292 }
00294 inline void GF::operator=(const GF &ingf)
00295 {
00296 m = ingf.m;
00297 value = ingf.value;
00298 }
00300 inline void GF::operator=(const int inexp)
00301 {
00302 it_assert_debug(m > 0 && inexp >= -1 && inexp < (q[m] - 1), "GF::op=, out of range");
00303 value = inexp;
00304 }
00306 inline void GF::operator+=(const GF &ingf)
00307 {
00308 if (value == -1) {
00309 value = ingf.value;
00310 m = ingf.m;
00311 }
00312 else if (ingf.value != -1) {
00313 it_assert_debug(ingf.m == m, "GF::op+=, not same field");
00314 value = logalpha(m)(alphapow(m)(value) ^ alphapow(m)(ingf.value));
00315 }
00316 }
00318 inline GF GF::operator+(const GF &ingf) const
00319 {
00320 GF tmp(*this);
00321 tmp += ingf;
00322 return tmp;
00323 }
00325 inline void GF::operator-=(const GF &ingf)
00326 {
00327 (*this) += ingf;
00328 }
00330 inline GF GF::operator-(const GF &ingf) const
00331 {
00332 GF tmp(*this);
00333 tmp -= ingf;
00334 return tmp;
00335 }
00337 inline void GF::operator*=(const GF &ingf)
00338 {
00339 if (value == -1 || ingf.value == -1)
00340 value = -1;
00341 else {
00342 it_assert_debug(ingf.m == m, "GF::op+=, not same field");
00343 value = (value + ingf.value) % (q[m] - 1);
00344 }
00345 }
00347 inline GF GF::operator*(const GF &ingf) const
00348 {
00349 GF tmp(*this);
00350 tmp *= ingf;
00351 return tmp;
00352 }
00354 inline void GF::operator/=(const GF &ingf)
00355 {
00356 it_assert(ingf.value != -1, "GF::operator/: division by zero element");
00357 if (value == -1)
00358 value = -1;
00359 else {
00360 it_assert_debug(ingf.m == m, "GF::op+=, not same field");
00361 value = (value - ingf.value + q[m] - 1) % (q[m] - 1);
00362 }
00363 }
00365 inline GF GF::operator/(const GF &ingf) const
00366 {
00367 GF tmp(*this);
00368 tmp /= ingf;
00369 return tmp;
00370 }
00373 inline GFX::GFX()
00374 {
00375 degree = -1;
00376 q = 0;
00377 }
00379 inline GFX::GFX(int qvalue)
00380 {
00381 it_assert_debug(qvalue >= 0, "GFX::GFX, out of range");
00382 q = qvalue;
00383 }
00385 inline void GFX::set(int qvalue, const ivec &invalues)
00386 {
00387 it_assert_debug(qvalue > 0, "GFX::set, out of range");
00388 degree = invalues.size() - 1;
00389 coeffs.set_size(degree + 1, false);
00390 for (int i = 0;i < degree + 1;i++)
00391 coeffs(i).set(qvalue, invalues(i));
00392 q = qvalue;
00393 }
00395 inline void GFX::set(int qvalue, const char *invalues)
00396 {
00397 set(qvalue, ivec(invalues));
00398 }
00400 inline void GFX::set(int qvalue, const std::string invalues)
00401 {
00402 set(qvalue, invalues.c_str());
00403 }
00405 inline GFX::GFX(int qvalue, int indegree)
00406 {
00407 it_assert_debug(qvalue > 0 && indegree >= 0, "GFX::GFX, out of range");
00408 q = qvalue;
00409 coeffs.set_size(indegree + 1, false);
00410 degree = indegree;
00411 for (int i = 0;i < degree + 1;i++)
00412 coeffs(i).set(q, -1);
00413 }
00414 inline GFX::GFX(int qvalue, const ivec &invalues)
00415 {
00416 set(qvalue, invalues);
00417 }
00419 inline GFX::GFX(int qvalue, char *invalues)
00420 {
00421 set(qvalue, invalues);
00422 }
00424 inline GFX::GFX(int qvalue, std::string invalues)
00425 {
00426 set(qvalue, invalues.c_str());
00427 }
00429 inline GFX::GFX(const GFX &ingfx)
00430 {
00431 degree = ingfx.degree;
00432 coeffs = ingfx.coeffs;
00433 q = ingfx.q;
00434 }
00436 inline int GFX::get_size() const
00437 {
00438 return q;
00439 }
00441 inline int GFX::get_degree() const
00442 {
00443 return degree;
00444 }
00446 inline void GFX::set_degree(int indegree)
00447 {
00448 it_assert_debug(indegree >= -1, "GFX::set_degree, out of range");
00449 coeffs.set_size(indegree + 1);
00450 degree = indegree;
00451 }
00453 inline int GFX::get_true_degree() const
00454 {
00455 int i = degree;
00456 while (coeffs(i).get_value() == -1) {
00457 i--;
00458 if (i == -1)
00459 break;
00460 }
00461 return i;
00462 }
00464 inline void GFX::clear()
00465 {
00466 it_assert_debug(degree >= 0 && q > 0, "GFX::clear, not set");
00467 for (int i = 0;i < degree + 1;i++)
00468 coeffs(i).set(q, -1);
00469 }
00471 inline void GFX::operator=(const GFX &ingfx)
00472 {
00473 degree = ingfx.degree;
00474 coeffs = ingfx.coeffs;
00475 q = ingfx.q;
00476 }
00478 inline void GFX::operator+=(const GFX &ingfx)
00479 {
00480 it_assert_debug(q == ingfx.q, "GFX::op+=, not same field");
00481 if (ingfx.degree > degree) {
00482 coeffs.set_size(ingfx.degree + 1, true);
00484 for (int j = degree + 1; j < coeffs.size(); j++) { coeffs(j).set(q, -1); }
00485 degree = ingfx.degree;
00486 }
00487 for (int i = 0;i < ingfx.degree + 1;i++) { coeffs(i) += ingfx.coeffs(i); }
00488 }
00490 inline GFX GFX::operator+(const GFX &ingfx) const
00491 {
00492 GFX tmp(*this);
00493 tmp += ingfx;
00494 return tmp;
00495 }
00497 inline void GFX::operator-=(const GFX &ingfx)
00498 {
00499 (*this) += ingfx;
00500 }
00502 inline GFX GFX::operator-(const GFX &ingfx) const
00503 {
00504 GFX tmp(*this);
00505 tmp -= ingfx;
00506 return tmp;
00507 }
00509 inline void GFX::operator*=(const GFX &ingfx)
00510 {
00511 it_assert_debug(q == ingfx.q, "GFX::op*=, Not same field");
00512 int i, j;
00513 Array<GF> tempcoeffs = coeffs;
00514 coeffs.set_size(degree + ingfx.degree + 1, false);
00515 for (j = 0; j < coeffs.size(); j++)
00516 coeffs(j).set(q, -1);
00517 for (i = 0;i < degree + 1;i++)
00518 for (j = 0;j < ingfx.degree + 1;j++)
00519 coeffs(i + j) += tempcoeffs(i) * ingfx.coeffs(j);
00520 degree = coeffs.size() - 1;
00521 }
00523 inline GFX GFX::operator*(const GFX &ingfx) const
00524 {
00525 GFX tmp(*this);
00526 tmp *= ingfx;
00527 return tmp;
00528 }
00530 inline GFX operator*(const GF &ingf, const GFX &ingfx)
00531 {
00532 it_assert_debug(ingf.get_size() == ingfx.q, "GFX::op*, Not same field");
00533 GFX temp(ingfx);
00534 for (int i = 0;i < ingfx.degree + 1;i++)
00535 temp.coeffs(i) *= ingf;
00536 return temp;
00537 }
00539 inline GFX operator*(const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf)
00540 {
00541 return ingf*ingfx;
00542 }
00544 inline GFX operator/(const GFX &ingfx, const GF &ingf)
00545 {
00546 it_assert_debug(ingf.get_size() == ingfx.q, "GFX::op/, Not same field");
00547 GFX temp(ingfx);
00548 for (int i = 0;i < ingfx.degree + 1;i++)
00549 temp.coeffs(i) /= ingf;
00550 return temp;
00551 }
00553 inline GF GFX::operator()(const GF &ingf)
00554 {
00555 it_assert_debug(q == ingf.get_size(), "GFX::op(), Not same field");
00556 GF temp(coeffs(0)), ingfpower(ingf);
00557 for (int i = 1; i < degree + 1; i++) {
00558 temp += coeffs(i) * ingfpower;
00559 ingfpower *= ingf;
00560 }
00561 return temp;
00562 }
00564 }
00566 #endif // #ifndef GALOIS_H