[Communications Module]


class  itpp::LFSR
 Binary Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR)

  • The LFSR is on Fibonacci form (see p. 104 in Peterson, Ziemer and Borth, "Introduction to Spread Spctrum communications", Prentice-Hall, 1995)
  • If the connect_polynomial=1+g1*D+g2*D^2+...+gr*D^r is a primitive polynomial, a Maximum Length Sequence (m-sequence) of length N=2^r-1 is constructed. Use an arbitrary state not equal to zero, to get a phase of the m-sequence
  • For a table of primtive polynomials see p. 117 in the reference above or a suitable book on coding.
class  itpp::Gold
 Gold Sequences. More...


smat itpp::wcdma_spreading_codes (int SF)
 Generates the OVSF (orthogonal variable spreading factor) spreading codes used in WCDMA.

The codes are written row-wise in the return matrix.

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