00029 #ifndef RANDOM_H
00030 #define RANDOM_H
00032 #include <itpp/base/random_dsfmt.h>
00033 #include <itpp/base/operators.h>
00036 namespace itpp
00037 {
00050 typedef DSFMT_19937_RNG Random_Generator;
00056 void RNG_reset(unsigned int seed);
00058 void RNG_reset();
00060 void RNG_randomize();
00062 void RNG_get_state(ivec &state);
00064 void RNG_set_state(const ivec &state);
00071 class Bernoulli_RNG
00072 {
00073 public:
00075 Bernoulli_RNG(double prob) { setup(prob); }
00077 Bernoulli_RNG() { p = 0.5; }
00079 void setup(double prob) {
00080 it_assert(prob >= 0.0 && prob <= 1.0, "The Bernoulli source probability "
00081 "must be between 0 and 1");
00082 p = prob;
00083 }
00085 double get_setup() const { return p; }
00087 bin operator()() { return sample(); }
00089 bvec operator()(int n) { bvec temp(n); sample_vector(n, temp); return temp; }
00091 bmat operator()(int h, int w) { bmat temp(h, w); sample_matrix(h, w, temp); return temp; }
00093 bin sample() { return RNG.genrand_close_open() < p ? bin(1) : bin(0); }
00095 void sample_vector(int size, bvec &out) {
00096 out.set_size(size, false);
00097 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) out(i) = sample();
00098 }
00100 void sample_matrix(int rows, int cols, bmat &out) {
00101 out.set_size(rows, cols, false);
00102 for (int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++) out(i) = sample();
00103 }
00104 protected:
00105 private:
00107 double p;
00109 Random_Generator RNG;
00110 };
00129 class I_Uniform_RNG
00130 {
00131 public:
00133 I_Uniform_RNG(int min = 0, int max = 1);
00135 void setup(int min, int max);
00137 void get_setup(int &min, int &max) const;
00139 int operator()() { return sample(); }
00141 ivec operator()(int n);
00143 imat operator()(int h, int w);
00145 int sample() {
00146 return floor_i(RNG.genrand_close_open() * (hi - lo + 1)) + lo;
00147 }
00148 private:
00150 int lo;
00152 int hi;
00154 Random_Generator RNG;
00155 };
00161 class Uniform_RNG
00162 {
00163 public:
00165 Uniform_RNG(double min = 0, double max = 1.0);
00167 void setup(double min, double max);
00169 void get_setup(double &min, double &max) const;
00171 double operator()() { return (sample() * (hi_bound - lo_bound) + lo_bound); }
00173 vec operator()(int n) {
00174 vec temp(n);
00175 sample_vector(n, temp);
00176 temp *= hi_bound - lo_bound;
00177 temp += lo_bound;
00178 return temp;
00179 }
00181 mat operator()(int h, int w) {
00182 mat temp(h, w);
00183 sample_matrix(h, w, temp);
00184 temp *= hi_bound - lo_bound;
00185 temp += lo_bound;
00186 return temp;
00187 }
00189 double sample() { return RNG.genrand_close_open(); }
00191 void sample_vector(int size, vec &out) {
00192 out.set_size(size, false);
00193 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) out(i) = sample();
00194 }
00196 void sample_matrix(int rows, int cols, mat &out) {
00197 out.set_size(rows, cols, false);
00198 for (int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++) out(i) = sample();
00199 }
00200 protected:
00201 private:
00203 double lo_bound, hi_bound;
00205 Random_Generator RNG;
00206 };
00212 class Exponential_RNG
00213 {
00214 public:
00216 Exponential_RNG(double lambda = 1.0);
00218 void setup(double lambda) { l = lambda; }
00220 double get_setup() const;
00222 double operator()() { return sample(); }
00224 vec operator()(int n);
00226 mat operator()(int h, int w);
00227 private:
00228 double sample() { return (-std::log(RNG.genrand_open_close()) / l); }
00229 double l;
00230 Random_Generator RNG;
00231 };
00247 class Normal_RNG
00248 {
00249 public:
00251 Normal_RNG(double meanval, double variance):
00252 mean(meanval), sigma(std::sqrt(variance)) {}
00254 Normal_RNG(): mean(0.0), sigma(1.0) {}
00256 void setup(double meanval, double variance)
00257 { mean = meanval; sigma = std::sqrt(variance); }
00259 void get_setup(double &meanval, double &variance) const;
00261 double operator()() { return (sigma*sample() + mean); }
00263 vec operator()(int n) {
00264 vec temp(n);
00265 sample_vector(n, temp);
00266 temp *= sigma;
00267 temp += mean;
00268 return temp;
00269 }
00271 mat operator()(int h, int w) {
00272 mat temp(h, w);
00273 sample_matrix(h, w, temp);
00274 temp *= sigma;
00275 temp += mean;
00276 return temp;
00277 }
00279 double sample();
00282 void sample_vector(int size, vec &out) {
00283 out.set_size(size, false);
00284 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) out(i) = sample();
00285 }
00288 void sample_matrix(int rows, int cols, mat &out) {
00289 out.set_size(rows, cols, false);
00290 for (int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++) out(i) = sample();
00291 }
00292 private:
00293 double mean, sigma;
00294 static const double ytab[128];
00295 static const unsigned int ktab[128];
00296 static const double wtab[128];
00297 static const double PARAM_R;
00298 Random_Generator RNG;
00299 };
00317 class Gamma_RNG
00318 {
00319 public:
00321 Gamma_RNG(double a = 1.0, double b = 1.0): alpha(a), beta(b) {}
00323 void setup(double a, double b) { alpha = a; beta = b; }
00325 double operator()() { return sample(); }
00327 vec operator()(int n);
00329 mat operator()(int r, int c);
00331 double sample();
00332 private:
00333 double alpha;
00334 double beta;
00335 Random_Generator RNG;
00336 Normal_RNG NRNG;
00337 };
00343 class Laplace_RNG
00344 {
00345 public:
00347 Laplace_RNG(double meanval = 0.0, double variance = 1.0);
00349 void setup(double meanval, double variance);
00351 void get_setup(double &meanval, double &variance) const;
00353 double operator()() { return sample(); }
00355 vec operator()(int n);
00357 mat operator()(int h, int w);
00359 double sample() {
00360 double u = RNG.genrand_open_open();
00361 double l = sqrt_12var;
00362 if (u < 0.5)
00363 l *= std::log(2.0 * u);
00364 else
00365 l *= -std::log(2.0 * (1 - u));
00366 return (l + mean);
00367 }
00368 private:
00369 double mean, var, sqrt_12var;
00370 Random_Generator RNG;
00371 };
00377 class Complex_Normal_RNG
00378 {
00379 public:
00381 Complex_Normal_RNG(std::complex<double> mean, double variance):
00382 norm_factor(1.0 / std::sqrt(2.0)) {
00383 setup(mean, variance);
00384 }
00386 Complex_Normal_RNG(): m(0.0), sigma(1.0), norm_factor(1.0 / std::sqrt(2.0)) {}
00388 void setup(std::complex<double> mean, double variance) {
00389 m = mean;
00390 sigma = std::sqrt(variance);
00391 }
00393 void get_setup(std::complex<double> &mean, double &variance) {
00394 mean = m;
00395 variance = sigma * sigma;
00396 }
00398 std::complex<double> operator()() { return sigma*sample() + m; }
00400 cvec operator()(int n) {
00401 cvec temp(n);
00402 sample_vector(n, temp);
00403 temp *= sigma;
00404 temp += m;
00405 return temp;
00406 }
00408 cmat operator()(int h, int w) {
00409 cmat temp(h, w);
00410 sample_matrix(h, w, temp);
00411 temp *= sigma;
00412 temp += m;
00413 return temp;
00414 }
00416 std::complex<double> sample() {
00417 double a = nRNG.sample() * norm_factor;
00418 double b = nRNG.sample() * norm_factor;
00419 return std::complex<double>(a, b);
00420 }
00423 void sample_vector(int size, cvec &out) {
00424 out.set_size(size, false);
00425 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) out(i) = sample();
00426 }
00429 void sample_matrix(int rows, int cols, cmat &out) {
00430 out.set_size(rows, cols, false);
00431 for (int i = 0; i < rows*cols; i++) out(i) = sample();
00432 }
00435 Complex_Normal_RNG & operator=(const Complex_Normal_RNG&) { return *this; }
00437 private:
00438 std::complex<double> m;
00439 double sigma;
00440 const double norm_factor;
00441 Normal_RNG nRNG;
00442 };
00448 class AR1_Normal_RNG
00449 {
00450 public:
00452 AR1_Normal_RNG(double meanval = 0.0, double variance = 1.0,
00453 double rho = 0.0);
00455 void setup(double meanval, double variance, double rho);
00457 void get_setup(double &meanval, double &variance, double &rho) const;
00459 void reset();
00461 double operator()() { return sample(); }
00463 vec operator()(int n);
00465 mat operator()(int h, int w);
00466 private:
00467 double sample() {
00468 mem *= r;
00469 if (odd) {
00470 r1 = m_2pi * RNG.genrand_open_close();
00471 r2 = std::sqrt(factr * std::log(RNG.genrand_open_close()));
00472 mem += r2 * std::cos(r1);
00473 }
00474 else {
00475 mem += r2 * std::sin(r1);
00476 }
00477 odd = !odd;
00478 return (mem + mean);
00479 }
00480 double mem, r, factr, mean, var, r1, r2;
00481 bool odd;
00482 Random_Generator RNG;
00483 };
00489 typedef Normal_RNG Gauss_RNG;
00495 typedef AR1_Normal_RNG AR1_Gauss_RNG;
00501 class Weibull_RNG
00502 {
00503 public:
00505 Weibull_RNG(double lambda = 1.0, double beta = 1.0);
00507 void setup(double lambda, double beta);
00509 void get_setup(double &lambda, double &beta) { lambda = l; beta = b; }
00511 double operator()() { return sample(); }
00513 vec operator()(int n);
00515 mat operator()(int h, int w);
00516 private:
00517 double sample() {
00518 return (std::pow(-std::log(RNG.genrand_open_close()), 1.0 / b) / l);
00519 }
00520 double l, b;
00521 double mean, var;
00522 Random_Generator RNG;
00523 };
00529 class Rayleigh_RNG
00530 {
00531 public:
00533 Rayleigh_RNG(double sigma = 1.0);
00535 void setup(double sigma) { sig = sigma; }
00537 double get_setup() { return sig; }
00539 double operator()() { return sample(); }
00541 vec operator()(int n);
00543 mat operator()(int h, int w);
00544 private:
00545 double sample() {
00546 double s1 = nRNG.sample();
00547 double s2 = nRNG.sample();
00549 return (sig * std::sqrt(s1*s1 + s2*s2));
00550 }
00551 double sig;
00552 Normal_RNG nRNG;
00553 };
00559 class Rice_RNG
00560 {
00561 public:
00563 Rice_RNG(double sigma = 1.0, double v = 1.0);
00565 void setup(double sigma, double v) { sig = sigma; s = v; }
00567 void get_setup(double &sigma, double &v) { sigma = sig; v = s; }
00569 double operator()() { return sample(); }
00571 vec operator()(int n);
00573 mat operator()(int h, int w);
00574 private:
00575 double sample() {
00576 double s1 = nRNG.sample() + s;
00577 double s2 = nRNG.sample();
00579 return (sig * std::sqrt(s1*s1 + s2*s2));
00580 }
00581 double sig, s;
00582 Normal_RNG nRNG;
00583 };
00589 inline bin randb(void) { Bernoulli_RNG src; return src.sample(); }
00591 inline void randb(int size, bvec &out) { Bernoulli_RNG src; src.sample_vector(size, out); }
00593 inline bvec randb(int size) { bvec temp; randb(size, temp); return temp; }
00595 inline void randb(int rows, int cols, bmat &out) { Bernoulli_RNG src; src.sample_matrix(rows, cols, out); }
00597 inline bmat randb(int rows, int cols) { bmat temp; randb(rows, cols, temp); return temp; }
00600 inline double randu(void) { Uniform_RNG src; return src.sample(); }
00602 inline void randu(int size, vec &out) { Uniform_RNG src; src.sample_vector(size, out); }
00604 inline vec randu(int size) { vec temp; randu(size, temp); return temp; }
00606 inline void randu(int rows, int cols, mat &out) { Uniform_RNG src; src.sample_matrix(rows, cols, out); }
00608 inline mat randu(int rows, int cols) { mat temp; randu(rows, cols, temp); return temp; }
00611 inline int randi(int low, int high) { I_Uniform_RNG src; src.setup(low, high); return src(); }
00613 inline ivec randi(int size, int low, int high) { I_Uniform_RNG src; src.setup(low, high); return src(size); }
00615 inline imat randi(int rows, int cols, int low, int high) { I_Uniform_RNG src; src.setup(low, high); return src(rows, cols); }
00618 inline vec randray(int size, double sigma = 1.0) { Rayleigh_RNG src; src.setup(sigma); return src(size); }
00621 inline vec randrice(int size, double sigma = 1.0, double s = 1.0) { Rice_RNG src; src.setup(sigma, s); return src(size); }
00624 inline vec randexp(int size, double lambda = 1.0) { Exponential_RNG src; src.setup(lambda); return src(size); }
00627 inline double randn(void) { Normal_RNG src; return src.sample(); }
00629 inline void randn(int size, vec &out) { Normal_RNG src; src.sample_vector(size, out); }
00631 inline vec randn(int size) { vec temp; randn(size, temp); return temp; }
00633 inline void randn(int rows, int cols, mat &out) { Normal_RNG src; src.sample_matrix(rows, cols, out); }
00635 inline mat randn(int rows, int cols) { mat temp; randn(rows, cols, temp); return temp; }
00641 inline std::complex<double> randn_c(void) { Complex_Normal_RNG src; return src.sample(); }
00643 inline void randn_c(int size, cvec &out) { Complex_Normal_RNG src; src.sample_vector(size, out); }
00645 inline cvec randn_c(int size) { cvec temp; randn_c(size, temp); return temp; }
00647 inline void randn_c(int rows, int cols, cmat &out) { Complex_Normal_RNG src; src.sample_matrix(rows, cols, out); }
00649 inline cmat randn_c(int rows, int cols) { cmat temp; randn_c(rows, cols, temp); return temp; }
00653 }
00655 #endif // #ifndef RANDOM_H