specmat.h File Reference

Definitions of special vectors and matrices. More...

#include <itpp/base/vec.h>
#include <itpp/base/mat.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


ivec itpp::find (const bvec &invector)
 Return a integer vector with indicies where bvec == 1.
vec itpp::ones (int size)
 A float vector of ones.
bvec itpp::ones_b (int size)
 A Binary vector of ones.
ivec itpp::ones_i (int size)
 A Int vector of ones.
cvec itpp::ones_c (int size)
 A float Complex vector of ones.
mat itpp::ones (int rows, int cols)
 A float (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
bmat itpp::ones_b (int rows, int cols)
 A Binary (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
imat itpp::ones_i (int rows, int cols)
 A Int (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
cmat itpp::ones_c (int rows, int cols)
 A Double Complex (rows,cols)-matrix of ones.
vec itpp::zeros (int size)
 A Double vector of zeros.
bvec itpp::zeros_b (int size)
 A Binary vector of zeros.
ivec itpp::zeros_i (int size)
 A Int vector of zeros.
cvec itpp::zeros_c (int size)
 A Double Complex vector of zeros.
mat itpp::zeros (int rows, int cols)
 A Double (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
bmat itpp::zeros_b (int rows, int cols)
 A Binary (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
imat itpp::zeros_i (int rows, int cols)
 A Int (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
cmat itpp::zeros_c (int rows, int cols)
 A Double Complex (rows,cols)-matrix of zeros.
mat itpp::eye (int size)
 A Double (size,size) unit matrix.
bmat itpp::eye_b (int size)
 A Binary (size,size) unit matrix.
imat itpp::eye_i (int size)
 A Int (size,size) unit matrix.
cmat itpp::eye_c (int size)
 A Double Complex (size,size) unit matrix.
template<class T >
void itpp::eye (int size, Mat< T > &m)
 A non-copying version of the eye function.
vec itpp::impulse (int size)
 Impulse vector.
vec itpp::linspace (double from, double to, int length=100)
 Linspace (works in the same way as the matlab version).
vec itpp::zigzag_space (double t0, double t1, int K=5)
 Zig-zag space function (variation on linspace).
imat itpp::hadamard (int size)
 Hadamard matrix.
imat itpp::jacobsthal (int p)
 Jacobsthal matrix.
imat itpp::conference (int n)
 Conference matrix.
template<typename Num_T >
const Mat< Num_T > itpp::toeplitz (const Vec< Num_T > &c, const Vec< Num_T > &r)
 Generate Toeplitz matrix from two vectors c and r.
template<typename Num_T >
const Mat< Num_T > itpp::toeplitz (const Vec< Num_T > &c)
 Generate symmetric Toeplitz matrix from vector c.
const cmat itpp::toeplitz (const cvec &c)
 Generate symmetric Toeplitz matrix from vector c (complex valued).
mat itpp::rotation_matrix (int dim, int plane1, int plane2, double angle)
 Create a rotation matrix that rotates the given plane angle radians. Note that the order of the planes are important!
void itpp::house (const vec &x, vec &v, double &beta)
 Calcualte the Householder vector.
void itpp::givens (double a, double b, double &c, double &s)
 Calculate the Givens rotation values.
void itpp::givens (double a, double b, mat &m)
 Calculate the Givens rotation matrix.
mat itpp::givens (double a, double b)
 Calculate the Givens rotation matrix.
void itpp::givens_t (double a, double b, mat &m)
 Calculate the transposed Givens rotation matrix.
mat itpp::givens_t (double a, double b)
 Calculate the transposed Givens rotation matrix.

Detailed Description

Definitions of special vectors and matrices.

Tony Ottosson, Tobias Ringstrom, Pal Frenger, Adam Piatyszek and Erik G. Larsson

Copyright (C) 1995-2008 (see AUTHORS file for a list of contributors)

This file is part of IT++ - a C++ library of mathematical, signal processing, speech processing, and communications classes and functions.

IT++ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

IT++ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with IT++. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


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