. Many of these mexfile process ui files (see User Infos and their use) examples of these files are in directory library/tutorial
. Note that in order to run these files you need to let matlab know where to find them: >> addpath path_to_bdm/library/mex
Then, you can go to library/tutorial
and run e.g. arx_test_mex
Script ./buildmex is prepared to compile and link the mexfile with bdm.
$ ./ my_mex_file.cpp
$ ./buildmex.bat my_mex_file.cpp
Example of a mexfile:
#include <itpp/itmex.h> #include <estim/arx.h> using namespace bdm; void mexFunction(int n_output, mxArray *output[], int n_input, const mxArray *input[]) { // Check the number of inputs and output arguments if(n_output!=1) mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong number of output variables!"); if(n_input!=2) mexErrMsgTxt("Usage: arx1d(ysize, Data)!"); // Convert input variables to IT++ format int ysize = mxArray2int(input[0]); mat Data = mxArray2mat(input[1]); // ------------------ Start of routine --------------------------- ARX Ar; Ar.set_statistics(ysize, 1e-5*eye(Data.rows()) ); Ar.bayesB(Data); // ------------------ End of routine ----------------------------- // Create output vectors output[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,Data.rows(), mxREAL); // Convert the IT++ format to Matlab format for output vec2mxArray(Ar.posterior().mean(), output[0]); }