\page itfile Writing and reading data from files
Here we will use the \c it_file class to store some data. The program \c
write_it_file.cpp looks as follows:
\include write_it_file.cpp
When you run this program you will obtain a file called \c it_file_test.it
in your current directory. You can read the file into Matlab/Octave to view
the data by using the following commands:
figure(1); clf;
Note: Make sure that $PREFIX/share/itpp is in your Matlab/Octave
path and that you run the code above from the directory where \c
it_file_test.it is located (\c $PREFIX is the IT++ installation prefix;
/usr/local by default).
The IT++ program \c read_it_file.cpp that reads the file and prints its
content can look like this:
\include read_it_file.cpp
Here is the output of the program:
a = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20]