00013 #ifndef DISCR_H
00014 #define DISCR_H
00017 #include "../shared_ptr.h"
00018 #include "../base/bdmbase.h"
00019 #include "../math/chmat.h"
00021 namespace bdm
00022 {
00027 class rectangular_support: public root {
00028 protected:
00030 Array<vec> ranges;
00032 ivec gridsizes;
00034 int dim;
00036 int Npoints;
00038 vec actvec;
00040 vec actvec_ind;
00042 vec steps;
00043 public:
00045 rectangular_support() : dim(0), Npoints(0) {
00046 }
00049 void set_parameters(const Array<vec> &ranges0, const ivec &gridsize0){
00050 ranges=ranges0;
00051 gridsizes=gridsize0;
00052 initialize();
00053 }
00055 void initialize() {
00056 dim = ranges.length();
00057 bdm_assert(gridsizes.length() == dim, "Incompatible dimensions of input");
00058 Npoints = prod(gridsizes);
00059 bdm_assert(Npoints > 0, "Wrong input parameters");
00062 steps.set_size(dim);
00063 for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) {
00064 steps ( j ) = ( ranges ( j ) ( 1 ) - ranges(j)(0) ) / gridsizes ( j );
00065 }
00066 actvec.set_size(dim);
00067 actvec_ind.set_size(dim);
00068 }
00070 vec get_vec(const ivec &inds){
00071 vec v ( dim );
00072 for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) {
00073 bdm_assert_debug(inds(j) < gridsizes(j), "Index out of bounds");
00074 v ( j ) = ranges(j)(0) + (0.5+inds(j))*steps(j);
00075 }
00076 return v;
00077 }
00080 long linear_index (const ivec inds){
00081 long ind=0;
00082 bdm_assert_debug(inds.length() == dim, "Improper indices inds");
00083 int dim_skips=1;
00085 for (int j=0; j<dim; j++){
00086 ind += dim_skips*(inds(j));
00087 dim_skips*=gridsizes(j);
00088 }
00089 return ind;
00090 }
00092 const vec& first_vec(){
00093 for ( int j = 0; j < dim; j++ ) {
00094 actvec ( j ) = ranges(j)(0) + 0.5*steps(j);
00095 actvec_ind(j) = 0;
00096 }
00097 return actvec;
00098 }
00100 const vec& next_vec() {
00102 int j=0;
00103 while (j<dim) {
00104 if ( actvec_ind ( j ) == gridsizes ( j ) - 1 ) {
00105 actvec_ind ( j ) = 0;
00106 actvec ( j ) = ranges ( j ) ( 0 ) + 0.5*steps(j);
00107 j++;
00108 } else {
00109 actvec_ind ( j ) ++;
00110 actvec ( j ) += steps ( j );
00111 break;
00112 }
00113 }
00114 return actvec;
00115 }
00117 ivec nearest_point(const vec &val){
00118 ivec inds;
00119 inds.set_size(dim);
00120 for(int j=0; j<dim; j++){
00121 if (val(j)<ranges(j)(0))
00122 inds(j) = 0;
00123 else {
00124 if (val(j)>ranges(j)(1))
00125 inds(j) = gridsizes(j)-1;
00126 else {
00127 inds(j) = ::round(val(j) - ranges(j)(0)/ steps(j));
00128 }
00129 }
00130 }
00131 return inds;
00132 }
00135 int points() const {return Npoints;}
00138 const vec& _steps() const {return steps;}
00140 void from_setting (const Setting &set) {
00141 UI::get (ranges , set, "ranges", UI::compulsory);
00142 UI::get (gridsizes, set, "gridsizes", UI::compulsory);
00143 initialize();
00144 }
00145 };
00146 UIREGISTER(rectangular_support);
00149 class discrete_support: public root{
00150 protected:
00152 Array<vec> Spoints;
00154 int idx;
00155 public:
00157 discrete_support() : Spoints(0), idx(0){}
00159 int points() const {return Spoints.length();}
00161 const vec& first_vec(){bdm_assert_debug(Spoints.length()>0,"Empty support");idx=0; return Spoints(idx);}
00163 const vec& next_vec(){bdm_assert_debug(Spoints.length()>idx-1,"Out of support points"); return Spoints(++idx);}
00174 void from_setting (const Setting &set) {
00175 UI::get (Spoints, set, "points", UI::compulsory);
00176 if (points()<1){
00177 int npoints;
00178 shared_ptr<epdf> ep= UI::build<epdf>(set, "epdf", UI::compulsory);
00179 if (!UI::get(npoints,set,"npoints",UI::optional)){npoints=100;}
00182 Spoints.set_size(npoints);
00183 for(int i=0; i<points(); i++){Spoints(i)=ep->sample();}
00184 }
00185 }
00187 Array<vec> & _Spoints() {return Spoints;}
00188 };
00189 UIREGISTER(discrete_support);
00191 class grid_fnc: public fnc{
00192 protected:
00193 rectangular_support sup;
00194 vec values;
00195 public:
00197 void set_support(rectangular_support &sup0){sup=sup0; values=zeros(sup.points());}
00199 void set_values(double (*evalptr)(const vec&)){
00200 if (sup.points()>0){
00201 values(0) = (*evalptr)(sup.first_vec());
00202 for (int j=1; j<sup.points(); j++){
00203 values(j)=(*evalptr)(sup.next_vec());
00204 }
00205 }
00206 }
00208 double nearest_val(const vec &val){return values( sup.linear_index(sup.nearest_point(val)));}
00210 vec eval(const vec &val){return vec_1(nearest_val(val));}
00211 };
00212 UIREGISTER(grid_fnc);
00217 class egrid: public epdf{
00218 protected:
00219 rectangular_support sup;
00220 vec values;
00221 public:
00223 double evallog(const vec &val){return log(values( sup.linear_index(sup.nearest_point(val))));}
00225 };
00226 }
00227 #endif //DISCR_H