/*! \page mexfiles How to write and use mex files for Matlab \section use Howto use predefined mexfiles A range of mexfiles is predefined in directory \c library/mex. Many of these mexfile process ui files (see \ref ui) examples of these files are in directory \c library/tutorial. Note that in order to run these files you need to let matlab know where to find them: \code >> addpath path_to_bdm/library/mex \endcode Then, you can go to \c library/tutorial and run e.g. \c arx_test_mex. \section write Howto write custom mex file Due to special nature of the mex files, the mex file can be split in three parts: \li input conversion, where input arguments are converted to IT++ structures, \li main body of algorithm, where any C++ bdm constructions can be used, \li output conversion, where resulting IT++ structures are converted to mxArrays. The first and the third part is achieved using prepared IT++ routines, see IT++ documentation. Script \c ./buildmex is prepared to compile and link the mexfile with bdm. \code $ ./buildmex.sh my_mex_file.cpp \endcode on Linux, or \code $ ./buildmex.bat my_mex_file.cpp \endcode on Windows. Example of a mexfile: \include arx1d.cpp */