
Revision Log Mode:


Copied or renamed
Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @1116 [1116] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1115 [1115] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1114 [1114] 15 years smidl compilation fixes
(edit) @1113 [1113] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1112 [1112] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1111 [1111] 15 years ondrak One agent made passive - doesn't send offset_change_request
(edit) @1110 [1110] 15 years vahalam oprava gramatickych chyb
(edit) @1109 [1109] 15 years miro templated classes remain in filtered annotated.html file
(edit) @1108 [1108] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1107 [1107] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1106 [1106] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1105 [1105] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1104 [1104] 15 years vahalam oprava gramatickych chyb kapitoly 1-3
(edit) @1103 [1103] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1102 [1102] 15 years dedecius FIXED: ldmat constructor called with upper triangular matrix as argument; …
(edit) @1101 [1101] 15 years vahalam
(edit) @1100 [1100] 15 years smidl marg ARXpartialforg
(edit) @1099 [1099] 15 years smidl new mex
(edit) @1098 [1098] 15 years smidl mex example
(edit) @1097 [1097] 15 years smidl forgotten file
(edit) @1096 [1096] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1095 [1095] 15 years smidl dco
(edit) @1094 [1094] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1093 [1093] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1092 [1092] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1091 [1091] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1090 [1090] 15 years zimamiro
(edit) @1089 [1089] 15 years ondrak Added option to set simulation length in number of cycles
(edit) @1088 [1088] 15 years vahalam
(edit) @1087 [1087] 15 years smidl mex Mergers
(edit) @1086 [1086] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1085 [1085] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1084 [1084] 15 years smidl fix
(edit) @1083 [1083] 15 years smidl Mergers + fixes
(edit) @1082 [1082] 15 years suzdalev multinomial filter
(edit) @1081 [1081] 15 years ondrak changing offset only ever n-th cycle and some minor changes
(edit) @1080 [1080] 15 years smidl fix tests
(edit) @1079 [1079] 15 years smidl Changes in merger + change in loading ARX
(edit) @1078 [1078] 15 years smidl fixed rv_test
(edit) @1077 [1077] 15 years mido another update of doc - all bayesian models until bdm::MultiModel?
(edit) @1076 [1076] 15 years jabu Agent nastavujici delku cyklu
(edit) @1075 [1075] 15 years jabu pridane pomery zelenych
(edit) @1074 [1074] 15 years ondrak counted green_times
(edit) @1073 [1073] 15 years smidl doc fix
(edit) @1072 [1072] 15 years smidl new merger
(edit) @1071 [1071] 15 years ondrak compatibility with new config file, many other changes, but yet untested
(edit) @1070 [1070] 15 years ondrak new config parameters
(edit) @1069 [1069] 15 years mido documentation of loggers updated
(edit) @1068 [1068] 15 years mido patch of documentation - all conditional pdfs revised
(edit) @1067 [1067] 15 years ondrak updated config
(edit) @1066 [1066] 15 years mido another part - all conditional pdfs untill bdm::euni
(edit) @1065 [1065] 15 years miro removed top navigation
(edit) @1064 [1064] 15 years mido astyle applied all over the library
(edit) @1063 [1063] 15 years mido a small patch of documentation, to be contiuned..
(edit) @1062 [1062] 15 years miro table with contents detached
(edit) @1061 [1061] 15 years miro uncommented and adapted some debug lines
(edit) @1060 [1060] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1059 [1059] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1058 [1058] 15 years smidl doc + DS cleanup
(edit) @1057 [1057] 15 years smidl datasources
(edit) @1056 [1056] 15 years smidl Cleanup in datasources
(edit) @1055 [1055] 15 years smidl DS now owns its data record dt -- getdata() will become obsolete soon
(edit) @1054 [1054] 15 years smidl doc
(edit) @1053 [1053] 15 years smidl copy *.png files
(edit) @1052 [1052] 15 years smidl correct bug
(edit) @1051 [1051] 15 years smidl Hack for different names of annotated
(edit) @1050 [1050] 15 years smidl doc toolbox
(edit) @1049 [1049] 15 years smidl build doc
(edit) @1048 [1048] 15 years smidl doxy
(edit) @1047 [1047] 15 years smidl doxy
(edit) @1046 [1046] 15 years smidl doxy
(edit) @1045 [1045] 15 years smidl Doxy for toolbox
(edit) @1044 [1044] 15 years smidl Tutorial moved to bdmtoolbox
(edit) @1043 [1043] 15 years smidl Filter of BDM movet to bdmtoolbox
(edit) @1042 [1042] 15 years smidl cleanup of old files
(edit) @1041 [1041] 15 years smidl Doxygen documentation of bdmtoolbox
(edit) @1040 [1040] 15 years smidl Doxygen documentation of bdmtoolbox
(edit) @1039 [1039] 15 years miro fix
(edit) @1038 [1038] 15 years smidl small steps in partforg…
(edit) @1037 [1037] 15 years suzdalev MultiNom? pdf in matlab
(edit) @1036 [1036] 15 years dedecius slightly improved documentation of ARXpartialforg
(edit) @1035 [1035] 15 years dedecius accepted jp patches
(edit) @1034 [1034] 15 years smidl examples: partial forgetting + prodbm
(edit) @1033 [1033] 15 years smidl New ebeta distribution + tests
(edit) @1032 [1032] 15 years ondrak bugfix in Urv definition
(edit) @1031 [1031] 15 years prikryl Corrected queue tables for 5.601
(edit) @1030 [1030] 15 years prikryl Corrected win32-specific error: pow(2,n) calls on these systems are …
(edit) @1029 [1029] 15 years prikryl Removed fake queues 495_Q1, 495_Q2, 601_Q1, and 601_Q2.
(edit) @1028 [1028] 15 years prikryl New global variables NumLanes, LaneQueuesSectIds, …
(edit) @1027 [1027] 15 years prikryl New private variable sections_stats.
(edit) @1026 [1026] 15 years ondrak zlicin.cfg now compatible with BaseTrafficAgent?. main_loop shows warning, …
(edit) @1025 [1025] 15 years dedecius Class implementing partial forgetting in ARX in a way similar to ARXfrg. …
(edit) @1024 [1024] 15 years smidl win32
(edit) @1023 [1023] 15 years smidl bug in RV corrected
(edit) @1022 [1022] 15 years smidl Ndebug
(edit) @1021 [1021] 15 years smidl SEVERE bug in RV found and corrected.
(edit) @1020 [1020] 15 years smidl DEBUG macro for conditional output + new class
(edit) @1019 [1019] 15 years smidl mexy
(edit) @1018 [1018] 15 years smidl mexw32
(edit) @1017 [1017] 15 years smidl doc
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