14 years |
smidl |
updated sim.cfg
14 years |
smidl |
it fixes
14 years |
smidl |
explicit rounding in pmsm model
14 years |
smidl |
stresssuite fixes
14 years |
smidl |
Kalman with UD (bierman, thorton) and tests
14 years |
vahalam |
quadratic_test temporaty disabled
created new lqguniversal_test
14 years |
vahalam |
quadraticfn default constructor added
14 years |
vahalam |
first test version of LQG_universal class
using own linfnEx - extension …
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
up-to date pmsm
15 years |
smidl |
test for itpp way
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
ondrak |
bugfix - average speed conversion
bugfix - negot_offset now correctly …
15 years |
ondrak |
zelena_vlna - odevzdana verze
15 years |
ondrak |
texty - poslední úpravy
15 years |
ondrak |
texty/Zelena_vlna: upraven začátek třetí kapitoly, čtvrtá kapitola a …
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
ondrak |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
jabu |
Funkce pro TrafficAgentCycleTime?
15 years |
ondrak |
bugfix again…
15 years |
ondrak |
optional loading of some parameteres from cfg file
15 years |
prikryl |
Remember the process handle of the Aimsun process.
Use the class …
15 years |
ondrak |
new count_rating() and related functions
15 years |
prikryl |
New binaries for GetramELS3 interface. Global stats will work again.
15 years |
smidl |
egiw LS
15 years |
smidl |
Basic outline of universal LQG controller
15 years |
jabu |
15 years |
ondrak |
ještě aktuální pdf
15 years |
ondrak |
very small code cleaning
15 years |
ondrak |
15 years |
ondrak |
15 years |
prikryl |
Provide queues by lanes rather than by signal groups.
15 years |
prikryl |
Provide queues by lanes rather than by signal groups.
15 years |
smidl |
updated fake aimsun ds
15 years |
smidl |
Preparation for ARX with linear forgetting
15 years |
ondrak |
bugfix in count_rating
v textech rozpracován popis výpočtu hodnocení
15 years |
vahalam |
15 years |
ondrak |
fixed passive behavior
attempt to log offset
directory texty added
15 years |
smidl |
python bindings work again... functions _L _D and _M must be removed…
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
smidl |
compilation fixes
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
ondrak |
One agent made passive - doesn't send offset_change_request
15 years |
vahalam |
oprava gramatickych chyb
15 years |
miro |
templated classes remain in filtered annotated.html file
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
vahalam |
oprava gramatickych chyb kapitoly 1-3
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
dedecius |
FIXED: ldmat constructor called with upper triangular matrix as argument; …
15 years |
vahalam |
15 years |
smidl |
marg ARXpartialforg
15 years |
smidl |
new mex
15 years |
smidl |
mex example
15 years |
smidl |
forgotten file
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
zimamiro |
15 years |
ondrak |
Added option to set simulation length in number of cycles
15 years |
vahalam |
15 years |
smidl |
mex Mergers
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
15 years |
smidl |
Mergers + fixes
15 years |
suzdalev |
multinomial filter
15 years |
ondrak |
changing offset only ever n-th cycle and some minor changes
15 years |
smidl |
fix tests
15 years |
smidl |
Changes in merger + change in loading ARX
15 years |
smidl |
fixed rv_test
15 years |
mido |
another update of doc - all bayesian models until bdm::MultiModel? …
15 years |
jabu |
Agent nastavujici delku cyklu
15 years |
jabu |
pridane pomery zelenych
15 years |
ondrak |
counted green_times
15 years |
smidl |
doc fix
15 years |
smidl |
new merger
15 years |
ondrak |
compatibility with new config file, many other changes, but yet untested
15 years |
ondrak |
new config parameters
15 years |
mido |
documentation of loggers updated
15 years |
mido |
patch of documentation - all conditional pdfs revised
15 years |
ondrak |
updated config
15 years |
mido |
another part - all conditional pdfs untill bdm::euni
15 years |
miro |
removed top navigation
15 years |
mido |
astyle applied all over the library
15 years |
mido |
a small patch of documentation, to be contiuned..