
Revision Log Mode:


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Rev Chgset Date Author Log Message
(edit) @208 [208] 16 years nemcova oprava CMakeu pro rozliseni debug-release (VS)
(edit) @207 [207] 16 years smidl odstaneni chybneho commitu
(edit) @206 [206] 16 years smidl mistake
(edit) @205 [205] 16 years smidl merger posledni verze
(edit) @204 [204] 16 years smidl merger is now in logarithms + new merge_test
(edit) @203 [203] 16 years smidl zmena syntaxe mepdf
(edit) @202 [202] 16 years smidl matlab tests
(edit) @201 [201] 16 years smidl oprava ARX a prejmenovani sampleN na sample_m
(edit) @200 [200] 16 years smidl BM has now function _e() returning posterior of correct type
(edit) @199 [199] 16 years smidl native
(edit) @198 [198] 16 years smidl opravy + zavedeni studenta + zakomentovani debug v mergeru
(edit) @197 [197] 16 years smidl opravy v bdm
(edit) @196 [196] 16 years smidl
(edit) @195 [195] 16 years smidl prvni nastrel dopravy
(edit) @194 [194] 16 years smidl display details
(edit) @193 [193] 16 years smidl oprava merger_iter a jeho casti
(edit) @192 [192] 16 years smidl modification of datalinks and switch mprod and merger to use them
(edit) @191 [191] 16 years smidl matlab code for test of mixef_test
(edit) @190 [190] 16 years smidl adaptation of merger for changes and creation of datalink class
(edit) @189 [189] 16 years smidl extend MixEF to allow for EM algorithm and alow estimation of weighted …
(edit) @188 [188] 16 years smidl testy
(edit) @187 [187] 16 years smidl doc
(edit) @186 [186] 16 years smidl correction in merger
(edit) @185 [185] 16 years smidl correction in merger
(edit) @184 [184] 16 years smidl Matlab files for testing
(edit) @183 [183] 16 years smidl Universal merging tool is (almost) finished
(edit) @182 [182] 16 years smidl compilation error!
(edit) @181 [181] 16 years smidl Regenerated doc
(edit) @180 [180] 16 years smidl Modifications of BDM to reflect changes in basics
(edit) @179 [179] 16 years smidl Tests of the new methods for emorm and mlnorm
(edit) @178 [178] 16 years smidl Changes in basic structures! new methods
(edit) @177 [177] 16 years smidl Simple merger test
(edit) @176 [176] 16 years smidl Corrections to mixtures & merger
(edit) @175 [175] 16 years smidl mprod is now based on compositepdf
(edit) @174 [174] 16 years smidl Change of _copy_ synax
(edit) @173 [173] 16 years smidl drobnosti
(edit) @172 [172] 16 years smidl Latex doc
(edit) @171 [171] 16 years smidl New documentation
(edit) @170 [170] 16 years smidl Mixtures of EF and related changes to libEF and BM
(edit) @169 [169] 16 years smidl Changes to CMake for debugging on Debian
(edit) @168 [168] 16 years smidl Work on mixtures of EF, small changes
(edit) @167 [167] 16 years smidl added documentation
(edit) @166 [166] 16 years smidl Macro for building tests
(edit) @165 [165] 16 years smidl Switch from eprod to mprod, merger devel
(edit) @164 [164] 16 years smidl test gitu
(edit) @163 [163] 17 years smidl merger implementation
(edit) @162 [162] 17 years smidl opravy a dokumentace
(edit) @161 [161] 17 years smidl initial version of experiment with merging
(edit) @160 [160] 17 years smidl Compile userinfo on Linux without warnings
(edit) @159 [159] 17 years mido patch odbouravajici warning 4355 na WINDOWS
(edit) @158 [158] 17 years smidl presun instanci do .cpp
(edit) @157 [157] 17 years mido drobny patch UI, posledni??
(edit) @156 [156] 17 years mido okomentovani UI
(edit) @155 [155] 17 years smidl odstraneny zbytky xsd
(edit) @154 [154] 17 years smidl oprava prekladu
(edit) @153 [153] 17 years mido dalsi patch:)
(edit) @152 [152] 17 years mido patch UI
(edit) @151 [151] 17 years mido UserInfo?, finalni verze, cas vznaset pripominky ( krom komentaru, ty zatim …
(edit) @150 [150] 17 years mido
(edit) @149 [149] 17 years mido patch UI
(edit) @148 [148] 17 years mido drobny patch
(edit) @147 [147] 17 years smidl zapomenuty soubor
(edit) @146 [146] 17 years mido na win32 fungujici verze UI, zbyva jeste ucesat, commit kvuli testum na …
(edit) @145 [145] 17 years smidl Oprava dokumentace
(edit) @144 [144] 17 years smidl oprava linkovani test_blas na win32
(edit) @143 [143] 17 years mido odmazani par zbytku po XSD, znovuzapojeni Xercese, stale nelze zbuildovat …
(edit) @142 [142] 17 years mido UI - jen jako zaloha, jeste nehotove, nicmene build by mel projit
(edit) @141 [141] 17 years smidl Opraveny warningy
(edit) @140 [140] 17 years smidl Latex doc
(edit) @139 [139] 17 years smidl Documentation update
(edit) @138 [138] 17 years smidl
(edit) @137 [137] 17 years smidl Odstraneni win32, nahrazeno stazenim z webu, viz INSTALL.txt
(edit) @136 [136] 17 years smidl XSD removed
(edit) @135 [135] 17 years smidl oprava simulatoru
(edit) @134 [134] 17 years smidl zmeny v ARX
(edit) @133 [133] 17 years smidl linefit pro Martina
(edit) @132 [132] 17 years smidl opravy
(edit) @131 [131] 17 years smidl Odhad Q s opravenym modelem synchronizace
(edit) @130 [130] 17 years smidl saturace na zadanem napeti v PWM + ukaldani "skutecnych" napeti do …
(edit) @129 [129] 17 years smidl preklad na aligatoru
(edit) @128 [128] 17 years smidl
(edit) @127 [127] 17 years mido patch XML stringu
(edit) @126 [126] 17 years smidl
(edit) @125 [125] 17 years smidl drobnosti…
(edit) @124 [124] 17 years smidl zmeny v mmix
(edit) @123 [123] 17 years smidl blas
(edit) @122 [122] 17 years mido prvni verze UserInfa?<T>
(edit) @121 [121] 17 years smidl dikuse k userinfum
(edit) @120 [120] 17 years smidl oprava
(edit) @119 [119] 17 years smidl oprava
(edit) @118 [118] 17 years smidl preklad…
(edit) @117 [117] 17 years smidl uklid: vse prevedeno na loggery, a sim3 se nepreklada
(edit) @116 [116] 17 years smidl MEX linking with bdm
(edit) @115 [115] 17 years smidl zmena mmix_triv na mepdf
(edit) @114 [114] 17 years smidl oprava
(edit) @113 [113] 17 years smidl compilace na linuxu
(edit) @112 [112] 17 years mido pridani header souboru do VS projectu, zatim jen v ramci knihovny bdm
(edit) @111 [111] 17 years mido pridana knihovna XSD (a jeji chlebodarkyne XERCES), v ramci Win32 …
(edit) @110 [110] 17 years smidl
(edit) @109 [109] 17 years smidl moving dlls
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