16 years |
smidl |
UIArxDS test
16 years |
smidl |
cleanup of include files
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
working UI example
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
UI for datasource
16 years |
smidl |
All objects have a virtual predecessor. This allows type checking in UI, …
16 years |
smidl |
uibuilder works (again)
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
create namespace bdm
16 years |
smidl |
finalizing removal of config
16 years |
prikryl |
16 years |
prikryl |
Repository for Aimsun-BDM interface.
The interface consists of a BDM …
16 years |
smidl |
useing ui in sim.cpp
16 years |
smidl |
libconfig refactorization
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
cmake fixes for opensuse
16 years |
smidl |
[PATCH] UIfile class
16 years |
smidl |
[PATCH] our own copy of libconfig... :(
16 years |
smidl |
ui library based approach
16 years |
smidl |
ui funguje…
16 years |
smidl |
test of new UI style using libconfig
16 years |
smidl |
SanJose? submission
16 years |
smidl |
mpf_u_delta with Q proportional to x2o2
16 years |
peroutka |
16 years |
peroutka |
16 years |
peroutka |
16 years |
peroutka |
16 years |
smidl |
compilation fixes for multicore
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
Test loadu
16 years |
smidl |
test 2 order Taylor
16 years |
smidl |
clean up
16 years |
smidl |
mpf_delta - estimation of covariance weight
16 years |
smidl |
epdf has a new function: variance()
16 years |
smidl |
chybejici soubory
16 years |
smidl |
novy test
16 years |
smidl |
korekce pro Theta
16 years |
smidl |
prestavba mpf_test do inv-gamma
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
new experiment in pmsm
16 years |
smidl |
Changes in CMake build system
16 years |
smidl |
matlab directory cleanup
16 years |
smidl |
novy experiment
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
navrat simulatoru + zmeny v pmsm
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
zmeny v sim - po telefonu
16 years |
smidl |
PMSM new sim.cpp
16 years |
smidl |
debug asserts for infinite likelihoods
16 years |
smidl |
Merging - new experiment
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
prejmenovani evalpdflog a evalcond
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
nemcova |
oprava CMakeu pro rozliseni debug-release (VS)
16 years |
smidl |
odstaneni chybneho commitu
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
merger posledni verze
16 years |
smidl |
merger is now in logarithms + new merge_test
16 years |
smidl |
zmena syntaxe mepdf
16 years |
smidl |
matlab tests
16 years |
smidl |
oprava ARX a prejmenovani sampleN na sample_m
16 years |
smidl |
BM has now function _e() returning posterior of correct type
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
opravy + zavedeni studenta + zakomentovani debug v mergeru
16 years |
smidl |
opravy v bdm
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
prvni nastrel dopravy
16 years |
smidl |
display details
16 years |
smidl |
oprava merger_iter a jeho casti
16 years |
smidl |
modification of datalinks and switch mprod and merger to use them
16 years |
smidl |
matlab code for test of mixef_test
16 years |
smidl |
adaptation of merger for changes and creation of datalink class
16 years |
smidl |
extend MixEF to allow for EM algorithm and alow estimation of weighted …
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
correction in merger
16 years |
smidl |
correction in merger
16 years |
smidl |
Matlab files for testing
16 years |
smidl |
Universal merging tool is (almost) finished
16 years |
smidl |
compilation error!
16 years |
smidl |
Regenerated doc
16 years |
smidl |
Modifications of BDM to reflect changes in basics
16 years |
smidl |
Tests of the new methods for emorm and mlnorm
16 years |
smidl |
Changes in basic structures! new methods
16 years |
smidl |
Simple merger test
16 years |
smidl |
Corrections to mixtures & merger
16 years |
smidl |
mprod is now based on compositepdf
16 years |
smidl |
Change of _copy_ synax
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
Latex doc
16 years |
smidl |
New documentation
16 years |
smidl |
Mixtures of EF and related changes to libEF and BM
16 years |
smidl |
Changes to CMake for debugging on Debian
16 years |
smidl |
Work on mixtures of EF, small changes
16 years |
smidl |
added documentation
16 years |
smidl |
Macro for building tests
16 years |
smidl |
Switch from eprod to mprod, merger devel
16 years |
smidl |
test gitu