16 years |
smidl |
tutorial for merging in bdmtoolbox
16 years |
smidl |
astyle preference - tabs + attach brackets
16 years |
smidl |
clean up of bdmdir mex - merger is now in one .cpp file
16 years |
smidl |
Build system restructuring
16 years |
smidl |
compilation warning shut up
16 years |
smidl |
Change in epdf: evallog returns -inf for points out of support. Merger is …
16 years |
smidl |
cleanup of matlab directory
16 years |
smidl |
delete old doc files
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
details in mergers
16 years |
smidl |
compilation + DFLT in merger
16 years |
smidl |
doc 2
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
mido |
UI documentation almost finished; UIException redesigned and used instead …
16 years |
smidl |
merging works for merger_mx
16 years |
mido |
1) UI_File renamed to UIFile
2) part UI's documentation
3) stat/mixtures.h …
16 years |
smidl |
merger_mx works!
16 years |
smidl |
compilation fixes - UI_build use exceptions now!!!!
16 years |
smidl |
compilation of bdmtoolbox - broken compilation of applications!
16 years |
mido |
class bdmroot renamed to root, ui matrix patched (possibility of a …
16 years |
smidl |
mixtures corrections
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
paths corrections
16 years |
mido |
possibly broken? 4th part
16 years |
mido |
possibly broken? 3rd part
16 years |
mido |
possibly broken?
16 years |
smidl |
mex for merging and fixes in UI
16 years |
smidl |
Barcelona fig changes
16 years |
smidl |
tests of new mergers
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
merger restructured
16 years |
smidl |
details and compositepdf changes
16 years |
mido |
1) globalni prejmenovani Setting &root na Setting &set
2) smazani par …
16 years |
smidl |
fn bug
16 years |
smidl |
doc - \ to /
16 years |
miro |
mexBM works. An example added (it ignores any underlying …
16 years |
smidl |
adaptation of mexes to new UI (compiles - does not work!!)
16 years |
smidl |
mexBM test files
16 years |
miro |
conversion from config to matlab structure
changed expected interpretation …
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
mido |
mazani vsech zastaralych XXX_ui.h
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
do not compile old stuff
16 years |
smidl |
pmsm fixes
16 years |
smidl |
new UI - conversion
16 years |
smidl |
compile fixes
16 years |
mido |
Link_Expander prejmenovan na SettingsResolver?
16 years |
smidl |
local paths in IT++
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
prevod cfg
16 years |
mido |
patch buildu ve windows, nyni je pod winxp/vs9.0 vse v cajku
16 years |
smidl |
compilation fixes for Linux
16 years |
mido |
mnoho zmen:
1) presun FindXXX modulu do \system
2) zalozeni dokumentace …
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
doc - oprava
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
mido |
par uprav v UI, nikoli finalni verze, presto je zahodno ji ulozit jako …
16 years |
smidl |
restore uibuilder.* for compatibility (CMake changes kept local)
16 years |
smidl |
Barcelona + mex for pmsm + results of pwm experiment for off-line use with …
16 years |
smidl |
compilation fixes
16 years |
smidl |
change in loggers! old experiments may stop working
16 years |
smidl |
Barcelona - zkalibrovana mereni
16 years |
mido |
dodelano user_info, castecne predelano podle stabni kultury, zbyva …
16 years |
mido |
funkcni verze noveho UI, zbyva jeste ucesat
16 years |
smidl |
fix for M_PI on win32
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
Compilation stuff
16 years |
mido |
drobny patch libBM.h
16 years |
mido |
pridani metod souvisejicich s UserInfo? problematikou do tridy bdmroot
16 years |
smidl |
Multiple Models + changes in loggers
16 years |
dedecius |
M: dimension of mat L in approximation = dimension of LS estimate + 1 !
16 years |
smidl |
testbed for #19
16 years |
smidl |
Remove old files
16 years |
miro |
getvec and getmat are compatible with mxstruct2config output
not yet …
16 years |
dedecius |
Implementation of GiW mixtures and their approximation by a single mixture
16 years |
smidl |
pmsm experiments for Barcelona
- improved model of voltage
- new Mz …
16 years |
miro |
conversion of matlab struct to config, usage: mxstruct2config(struct, …
16 years |
dedecius |
Added methods egiw::est_theta() for LS estimate of theta and …
16 years |
dedecius |
Original source file (digamma /psi/ function).
16 years |
dedecius |
Implementation of the digamma function.
16 years |
miro |
mexparse -- reading setting from a matlab structure
nicer buildmex.sh -- …
16 years |
smidl |
pmsm + UI for EKF
16 years |
smidl |
Barcelona work…
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
bury userinfo and XML
16 years |
smidl |
cleanup after cleanup ;-)
16 years |
smidl |
CMake compilation of mexes
16 years |
mido |
velke preskupeni adresare, zalozeny a naplneny adresare \applications a …
16 years |
smidl |
pmsm CRB model
16 years |
smidl |
logger cleanup
16 years |
mido |
v mych WIN XP bezi buildmex.bat! vyhledove to zobecnime na vsechny WIN …
16 years |
smidl |
one more mex builder
16 years |
smidl |
mexDS correction + new buildmex
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
16 years |
smidl |
Published example 2d